Jul 12, 2024
Lin Han didn’t have the guts to wake Ye Liang up, thinking happily that I’ll wait for you to wake up naturally.

As a result, Lin Han persistently looked at Ye Liang’s side face and waited for him to wake up. She had never stared at a man’s side face so carefully, even when she was young.
The profile of this man’s side face is divided, but it does not appear cold and hard, but reveals limited tenderness as his gentle and quiet personality.
His plain cheeks are smooth and white, and Lin Han tossed and turned a lot of words from his heart. Blowing a bullet can break, skin is better than snow, and ice muscles are jade bone … Such words seem to be more suitable for women.
Lin Han couldn’t help laughing. He chose the comparable people from his mind for a long time and finally came to a conclusion that his skin beat the entertainment circle. 99% people couldn’t help feeling a little jealous, but it’s normal that he will be liked by men. He should have a lot of experience in this field.
Lin Han stared at the black butterfly where he lived, thinking that his eyelashes were really long and beautiful, longer than his own. What the hell was he thinking? Why didn’t anyone brush them away for him all the time?
His color is pure black and soft, and the oblique bangs hang quietly on his forehead. Now he stays neatly in a corner along the slight failure. His face is quietly worried, which makes his frowning brows more conspicuous. Lin Han sighed in his heart.
It seems to stand still here, and it seems to be out of the world quietly.
I don’t know how long it took for a cold wind to blow into the room, and the noise outside the door was mixed with footsteps. This quiet moment was broken. Lin Han saw Ye Liangkai’s eyelashes tremble and slowly opened his eyes, revealing some confusion and staying cute.
"It’s my turn to act." He yawned lazily
Lin Han got up in the crowd, stretched himself, blinked and nodded his head when he heard his question.
Leaves cool to open your eyes, but it took three seconds to regain consciousness and enter the working hours. Lin Han remembered that he had not exported the problem all the time, and he felt a burst of depression.
Ye Liang finished the play. Lin Hangang went over and wanted to say a few words to him. When he was three steps away.
On the set, there appeared a man with five facial features, resolute, handsome, well-dressed, low-key, vigorous, calm and charming.
He simply nodded to everyone and openly took the leaves away.
Lin Han heard the workers privately speculate that this is Ye Liangkai’s new husband, a man with a fortune of millions, and there are many words that reveal jealousy and contempt. It is not uncommon for a woman or a man to associate with two or three men at the same time.
Lin Han turned around and looked at them in the snow-white world, slowly drifting away, with beautiful eyes and silent words.
Is there a doubt in Lin Han’s heart that Ye Liangkai has forgotten the handsome actor named "Bai Jingchen"? She remembers that they were close to each other all day and all night before filming, and asked Ye Liangkai to talk to others more alone. The young man named Xiaobai would be inexplicably hostile.
Two people walked out of a good distance Ye Liangkai took a sniff and turned to JiZhen and said, "How did you come to the set?"
JiZhen smiled and said, "I think we have nothing to hide."
Leaves cool open smell speech footsteps a lag in the eyes with a kind of anger, "didn’t I tell you we don’t reveal"
"I didn’t disclose that I said I was your friend, but would they really believe it?" Jizhen explained that Ye Liangkai’s anger dropped a few minutes, and his heart was also somewhat nai.
"You don’t appear in front of them much later." Ye Liangkai lost this sentence and walked faster and faster. Qi Zhen grabbed his arm and said, "What are you worried about with me?"
Leaves cool open stupefied looking at him a gust of cold wind blowing couldn’t help but sneeze JiZhen decisively take off your coat wrapped in his body to persuade "small open what are you afraid of in your heart? What will they say if we make it public in this era? "
Leaves cool, eyes droop, eyes don’t speak, and long eyelashes block the color in eyes, which is hard to explore.
JiZhen saw his fingers clenched palm just want to untie for him.
Ye Liangkai suddenly raised his dark eyes to suppress some unspeakable emotions and said, "Qi Zhen, you are not white. We are not simply coming out, but I was married. I hooked up with you during my wife’s funeral for less than half a year. This is immoral. The world will say that I am a fickle and forgetful person, and my parents are friends and relatives, and I will be embarrassed by rumors."
JiZhen loomed at Ye Liangkai, who had always been sensible, and hugged him and apologized, saying, "Xiaokai, I’m sorry I didn’t think from the angle. I really want to make us public. I’ve been waiting for this day for too long and I’ve lost my mind."
Ye Liangkai has been suffering from too many swords alone on the moral platform, but who understands his sufferings until now?
Now that he is back, he has to point his finger at the Taiwanese again. The pressure has never disappeared. He deliberately forgot that he was willing to bear it alone and didn’t want to involve others.
Ye Liangkai sighed deeply and pushed Qi Zhen away to admit his mistake. He walked forward alone. He was a little thin and looked particularly bleak in the snow. Qi Zhen opened his heart and felt sad and distressed. A few tears slipped unconsciously in his eyes.
He seems to touch the edge of the lonely and sad world, and he feels a few chills coming. How does he pose alone? He is talking and laughing.
Jizhen suddenly became afraid that Ye Liang, who turned his back on him, would not resent him for bringing him darkness and pain.
JiZhen shook his head to get rid of those horrible thoughts and quickly chased the lone lover in front of him, thinking, please don’t be angry with me.
The chill of heaven and earth is getting thicker at night because of the coming arrival, and the snow is getting heavier and heavier, and beautiful snowflakes are flying all over the sky.
Innocent children happily greet their youth and white snowflakes in the snow. They want to put them in their mouths and taste them. The young mother stopped him and said, "You can’t eat snowflakes. When they fall from the sky, they absorb a lot of dust and pollutants. They are too dirty to eat, and they will make your stomach upset."
The child looked at it gloomily and said, "But it looks so clean."
Mother took the little boy by the hand, patted his palm and turned it into snow. The education said, "Never look at the surface when doing things."
The little boy nodded inexplicably, forgot what his mother said in a flash and was happy to pick up the beautiful snowflake.
Chapter two hundred and forty-three Progress
At night, its black feather wings block people’s eyes, people can’t see the light, and when they realize that this is darkness, they obey the will of heaven, work hard at sunrise and rest at night.
Every night, the Chinese lanterns in rows of rectangular boxes bloom in warm splendor layer by layer. The neon lights in many-hued, a big city, depict the colorful world. At this moment, the snowflakes in this remote suburb are floating in a messy trajectory and land on the hair of a man looking up at the snowflakes.
JiZhen walked to the window and hugged Ye Liang from behind, and put the pillow on his shoulder and asked, "What are you looking at?"

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Jul 12, 2024
It wasn’t long before Xia Huang set up two rosters, one for policy evaluation and the other for course selection.

Just before the course was selected, Xia Huang had been observing the white marble steps in front of the temple, and he had a clear idea of the advantages and disadvantages of each lesson. He turned to look at two evaluations, nodded slightly, and then picked up the roster and personally called the roll.
The top ten courses were selected in the primary election, but the chief was directly elected.
Xia Huang immediately went to the front of the stage to greet each roll call.
One hundred people were finally named by the roll-call, and among the seventeen people, Xiao Pang not only entered the top ten in strategy, but also won the first place in martial arts.
Among the ten elective courses, martial arts is quite special. The winner of palace examination is not called the chief, but the champion of martial arts.
As a result, the Nangong Feiyang took the lead in winning the first place in palace examination, although it was the champion of Wu.
Baiyun Tower naturally entered the top ten of the strategy, and it was with a painting that it won the double unique name and attracted a piece in front of the temple.
What makes Baiyun Tower happy is that two of the three brothers and sisters that palace examination met before were sung.
A senior brother Chen Lan entered the top ten of the strategy questions, and another senior sister won the pipa wonderful voice of the chief of the music theory class, which also attracted Baiyun Tower to attend the meeting.
After the roll call, Xia Huang gave a little speech, "All the others were given a bachelor’s robe in front of the temple."
"Those who are called into the temple"
With a wave of his hand, Xia Huang turned to the main hall of the palace.
Immediately, the square in front of the temple became lively, and a row of ladies-in-waiting filed in with wooden plates. Several old gentlemen from the State Prison personally awarded the bachelor’s symbol in front of the temple.
The two imperial guards will be introduced into the main hall by roll-call learning to accept the advice and reward of the Xia emperor
I heard the name of the big brother twice in a row, and Xia Chaoyang was so happy that he secretly sent a message to the big brother, saying that I had told the good news to my mother. This time, the White House can be described as a lively and double happiness.
Entering the hall is not as magnificent as I thought before the Baiyun Tower, but very solemn.
After being absorbed in the human world again, I can really feel the heavy responsibility in Baiyun Tower.
Standing in the hall, everything you say and do seems to affect all the people, the country and the country, and it is really not so good.
This hall contains extremely mysterious rules, which will make people in the temple feel depressed. If they are in a certain mood, they will easily lose their words when they face the inquiry.
The easiest thing to say is that the seven palace examination branch chiefs accepted the award in the hall and were able to listen in on the policy questions. This extraordinary experience can be described as a lifetime experience.
However, most of the people who can get to the hall are in a special mood. Even if these new ten-odd students enter the hall, they are all full of poets. It should be a problem for them to take countermeasures when they are in the hall.
Mindful of this Baiyun Tower, I suddenly noticed that Xiao Pang was followed by some shortness of breath and some mental instability.
Just a sense of knowing the reason, Xiao Pang got carried away again, and even accidentally broke into the top eleven in palace examination. It’s hard to get carried away.
I’m just about to wake up and think about Baiyun Tower, or I’ll read it according to this. Some problems have to be faced by myself after all.
"What did the Nangong Feiyang Emperor ask you?" A Qingyue sound sounded in the hall, and Xia Huang casually asked while picking up the article.
Chapter seven hundred and fifty-five Chaoyang name
Suddenly, when I heard the interrogation of Xia Huang, Xiao Pang was just satisfied, but I didn’t feel the thought of recalling the article written by the policy. It is very difficult to recall a few words in the article.
Although Xiao Pang has cultivated Xiao Cheng into this hall, there are still some insufficient rules.
Fortunately, I vaguely remember that the article has a great connection with Haoran’s poems. Xiao Pang has seen the world after all, and he gave up his memories directly and said smoothly
"Going back to the Xia Emperor to learn from me, I have been rich in resources and talents for thousands of years, and the poetry and prose are even more profound. It is necessary to spread the poetry and prose all over the world so that the Terrans in other States can appreciate my summer style."
"And we can make Kyushu more stable and peaceful by using poetry to open up the sky and make people’s wisdom."
See Xia Huang nodded slightly. Xiao Pang didn’t give the opportunity to ask questions again. He simply recited poems in the hall on the last night of the previous day.
The intonation of reading is somewhat resonant with the sentiment of poetry and prose, and Xia Huang can’t help but make peace with each other gently.
The more Xiao Pang reads, the more confident he is, and the clearer his mind becomes. After reading nine poems, he immediately takes a bow and retreats directly.
If you want to be decent, you should accept this move. Seeing the Baiyun Tower, you can’t help but praise it. Xiaopang’s mood must also rise.
"Good" Xia Huang praised a roster and took another article for questioning.
Ten articles were placed on the desk, and the Baiyun Tower was operating in secret, and the clue was immediately seen.
These articles are all extraordinary, and there are three articles that have condensed the image of fate, and the strongest fate is my own mysterious article, which opens the world to peace.
This desk article is also placed one by one according to the rating order, and its own volume is impressively ranked first. If there is no accident, it must be the first place.
However, these rankings are only a temporary observation, and Baiyun Tower has seen more subtle changes.
At the end of the article, Xiao Pang was quick to respond on the spot. It is also possible that the point of view in the article is very suitable for Xia Huang’s wishes. Xia Huang made a large comment on this article, and the gas machine climbed to the fourth position.
Subsequently, several people answered the questions that were quite satisfactory and were too brilliant. After the articles were annotated, the gas machine changed little.
It’s the third class’s turn. His words are accurate and concise. He likes to quote classics. When he hears it, he comes from Xiangmen, but he doesn’t stick to old ideas.
Unique perspective and novel viewpoint make Baiyun Tower’s eyes shine.
Otherwise, the response got a lot of comments from Xia Huang, and the article on policy and question soared to more than the second place, Chen Lan.
However, coming to Chen Lan is even more eye-opening. The hall is supercilious and Kan Kan talks.
From an ordinary family in Daxia country, vividly compare the changes and reasons in this year.
Then, from one village, one county, one government and one county to the change of the whole summer country, all the people in the hall were crying.
Political integrity and vigorous development, this is Chen Lan’s evaluation of today’s summer, which emphasizes the extraordinary role played by Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce and Chaoyang Post.
In the end, Chen Lan even directly expressed his ambition. The post-palace examination evaluation performance, such as hoping to join the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce and work with that group of like-minded people to seek peace and well-being in the summer.
There was an uproar among the ministers, so talented that he was going to a chamber of commerce.
"What do you think of Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce?" Xia Huang Qingyue sound out of the temple immediately a quiet.
After a while, the ministers expressed their opinions and talked too much about listening to the Baiyun Tower secretly nodding, which shows that Xia Huang’s adult is very open.
The discussion of this group of ministers also opened the eyes of Bai Dazhao. A minister directly said that the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has a huge hidden danger and needs the court to intervene and control it.
This view has even attracted the approval of many ministers.
"Take it easy, gentlemen. It’s just that the Dadong family of Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce is in this hall. You can have your opinions directly."
Xia Huang sat on the high platform and turned to the South Palace and said, "Feiyang, you, the Dadong family of Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, should also show up and explain a thing or two?"
This statement is even more awkward when it comes to the court.
"Chaoyang chamber of commerce big club turned out to be the nangongshan family 2 hours …"
"There was speculation before that the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce developed so rapidly and the Nangong family couldn’t get away …"
"Also behind the new foot courtyard nazhi turned out to be the nangongshan family …"
"You predecessors …" Xiao Pang was flushed with anger by a choreography, and the feeling was a little anxious, which suppressed the momentum of his ministers.
"Xia Huang’s adult predecessors dare not pretend to be the biggest owner of Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce … that is, a steward in Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce."
Just at this moment, I have been standing still in the corner and watching Xia Chaoyang come forward. "The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce was created by several of our classmates and friends. Now it is not only owned by a few people, but also belongs to the whole summer country and even the whole human world."
"Princess Wanan …"
"Princess Wanan …"
It has always been rare to show up. The princess suddenly set off, and the ministers were surprised that I had to pay homage to them.
"Chaoyang Taiwan came" Xia Huang got up and left the case, and Lang called his face full of relief.
Turning to see the big brother encouraging his eyes, Xia Chaoyang’s mind was secure, and then he turned around and walked along the jade steps, standing beside his father before the Gaotai Dragon case.
"At the beginning of last year, Xiyue went to Xinluyuan to study, and it took a year and a half to finish the class."

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Jul 11, 2024
Is the Taiji Tiger Team really an iron plate team with no weaknesses? That would be a problem.

Lu Zhan’s heart is white. Although Taiji Tiger Department is the strongest king, on the strength, professional teams like Huoyun Team are higher than Taiji Tiger Team. After all, the comprehensive quality of professional teams lies in
But this time, his players are different. Except for ad, other positions in the RG team are slightly better than Huoyun. Only four teammates can protect him to play Akali harvesting rhythm, but now he doesn’t have those professional teammates. Every line is weaker than the other team.
Can rely on their own, in addition to personal technical level, he must find out the tactical flaws of the other side.
At noon, it was decided that if they all made it through, they would meet Tai Chi Tiger in the final, which means that they can watch another Tai Chi Tiger race tomorrow.
But it’s the same two games. Can he really observe it?
"Maybe I should ask him." Lu Zhan glanced at the game and Lin Zhengzheng thought in his heart.
Chapter 161 The strongest king difference
The fourth game was played by He Hongxiang’s team. Although it was very hard to play for three games, it still won.
In this way, there are actually two teams of Jinling University in the top four of Jinling Cup, which doesn’t make people look askance. Other schools may see fewer games, but there are more students in Jinling University.
But now Lu Zhan has no mind but thinks about these little things. He is still replaying the Tai Chi Tiger team game in his mind. He wants to analyze his opponent’s weaknesses from it, but there is too little information to achieve little result.
On the way to dinner, the two teams walked together. Both teams were four men and one woman, and they went to the canteen together, especially the two girls were so outstanding that it was a landscape.
However, the atmosphere in the win team is a bit dull. Although it has reached the semi-finals, the strength of the Taiji Tiger team is like a stone weighing on their hearts, which makes all the players worry about their final battle.
Lu Zhan wanted to say something, but Lin Zhengzheng spoke first.
"Lu Zhan" he asked, "Are you sure about Tai Chi Tiger?"
"Not yet. Maybe it’s not very opportunistic in front of real strength!" Lu Zhan tentatively said
"No," Lin Zhengzheng shook his head and said, "You can’t compete with them in terms of strength, but it’s not impossible because our school is close to Taiji Tiger Team School. In fact, when I was on our school team, I often played against Taiji Tiger Team, and I was very clear about their strength. Now they show that they are based on their true strength. But if I guess correctly, do you still hide your strength?"
"Er, it’s true that there are more hidden strengths." Lu Zhan was embarrassed and touched his nose. Lu Zhan didn’t hide that the other party had been eliminated, but he was more concerned that Lin Zhengzheng had participated in the school team and his strength against Tai Chi Tiger should be very strong. The contradiction between them and Tai Chi Tiger Team must have come from here.
"Sure enough, it’s not a loss to lose to you …" Lin Zhengzheng shook his head quietly next to them. Some of them didn’t have Lin Zhengzheng’s eyes and they had a chance to win on their side. They didn’t know the truth until they heard what Lu Zhan said.
Lin Zhengzheng said, "On the surface of Taiji Tiger Team, the team composed of the five strongest kings is really bluffing, but the level of the strongest king is also very different."
"oh? But isn’t the strongest king a segment? " Aside from Su Yueran, she wondered how big the gap could be between the five people who are the strongest king in her eyes.
"Of course, there is a difference. Take Taiji Tiger as an example. Their single robbery is the strongest king in Korea. Korea has a weapon, which means that he is already the strongest five people in Korea. His level is actually very high." Lin Zhengzheng explained.
Lu Zhan nodded, and his level is not high, and he will not be accepted by the apprentice in the world’s first middle school.
"They have played the strongest king in Guoxin District 3, ranking first, but after all, it is not as good as believing in the third district. Putting him in the letter may be able to play around 30, although it is also very strong, but it is far less powerful than them." Lin Zhengzheng went on to say
Shan Anzhe is said to be selected by the national lpl team ZG team and will soon become a professional player. If he has no ability, he will not be taken a fancy to by the professional team. After all, the national team rarely invites foreign players.
"Compared with the other three, it is not so prominent. Playing wild is the strongest king’s aid in the letter 12 area and ad is the letter 7 area. If you put it in the letter 1, it is likely that it will be a diamond, but it will not hit the strongest king. Of course, they are still stronger than four or five diamonds."
Lin Zhengzheng explained that several people in the win team understood that the strongest king in different areas really has a big gap.
"All reactionaries are paper tigers!" Su Yueran waved powder boxing for him concluded
"Hey, hey, these are all side dishes. Let you see the real style of the first single in this competition!" Xiaoshengqiang followed suit and said
"oh? Who is the first order? " Su Yueran pretended not to know what it meant.
Wait for two people to finish.
Bloom suddenly asked, "By the way, what does a paper tiger mean? Is it an origami? "
Nine people looked at each other and laughed together. This mater’s ability is really unusual. It took him so long to react. I guess he has been thinking about it …
Besides, how can we tell him that this is a famous sentence said by one of our leaders?
It’s nice to see the players become relaxed. Even diamonds are better than their apparent strength. Lin Zhengzheng said that these are actually cheering for his players.
The performance of taiji tiger team really put a lot of pressure on them, but after Lin Zhengzheng’s analysis, everyone was much easier
Lin Zhengzheng added, "I still have some experience in playing Tai Chi Tiger Team. The most important thing is not to let them develop singles and singles, so it is much easier to play these two points."
"Er, it’s so easy for a Korean to be the first in a country to want to limit it?" Bloom rolled his eyes and this time he reacted.
"That’s what your captain has to consider!" Lin Zhengzheng smiled and said to Lu Zhan
"Don’t look at me, I’m not the captain." Lu Zhan also laughed at his thinking about Lin Zhengzheng’s words in his mind.
"Oh, that’s right. The captain is not necessarily the commander."
The canteen is here. It’s Saturday. Students don’t eat much by the order, but most of them come back from watching the game in the gym.
When Lu Zhan visited the past, there were a few acquaintances, He Hongxiang Ling Tian Team and An Zhe Tai Chi Tiger Team, who were sitting in the corner respectively. Both teams were buried in eating without words and the atmosphere was dignified.
And the hosts Xiaoxue and Xiaoyu are also eating, and the rain and snow team who fought with them in the afternoon actually didn’t go with them.
"Hello!" Light snow far gave them a greeting.
Lu Zhan several people nodded and motioned for them to find a less conspicuous position for ten people to sit at the table. Because Lu Zhan said that he would treat them, he asked Lin Zhengzheng to wait while he got up and went shopping.

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Jul 10, 2024
Dog meat armored forces annihilate! Tell Liu that he’s lucky to make trouble and attack the river without authorization. Let’s remember for the time being that he must wipe out the enemy’s army and not let any enemy escape. Even if he runs a motorcycle, we’ll never stop with him! "

The little lieutenant colonel startled the fierce expression of the two heads and rushed to work. He was so impressed with Liuweiping’s trouble that he could make the two shrewd and deep heads angry like this! You know, these two chiefs are very good at keeping their spirits, but they are usually angry and invisible. Now, cough up cows. The three evils of shenyang military area command are that cows are not all good!
Little Lieutenant Colonel didn’t know that there was another reason why the two leaders were so angry. The old soldiers struggled out of the bloody sea of the anti-Japanese war. They had a deep hatred for the island country in the east. Although the war was over, the hatred did not disappear. On the contrary, with the Japanese government’s refusal to recognize it, the face became more and more explicit and the hatred deepened! Now that the Japanese government has openly intervened in the Annan war in the Republic, it is deliberately touching the Republic’s lamella. What is there to say? Just clench your fist and beat them black and blue! "This bitch-raising nation can’t understand people’s words, and talking to them is still the most important thing." Liu Wei often talks about this sentence, but now it seems that he is right!
Chapter DiYiSanSan The last line of defense (9)
"I greet your ancestors!"
When the wheeled infantry fighting vehicle came to Shandong to curse our class, we all followed the greetings to the women in the assembly house. Don’t deduct our salary from the assembly. What made us soldiers so angry didn’t make us fly into a rage. It was this wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, which was a new thing, with fast speed and fierce fire protection. Although it was not so good, it could at least resist the direct hit of rifle bullets and the fragments produced by the explosion of grenades and rockets. With it, we were wearing several layers of bulletproof vests, but it was so low and short that it was a kind of torture for us northern men to stay inside! There is no way not to make it low and short, otherwise how can the helicopter be installed? In view of this, it becomes reasonable that we are tortured. It is also reasonable that the middle class in Shandong is full of resentment. The small Guangxi is still whistling with a freehand look, which makes our teeth itch. Alas, it was not until we were stuffed into the car that we suddenly found that it was so good to be shorter and smaller.
We are a company vanguard, searching and scouting for the trace of Annan’s army. If we were not caught by loyal opposition, we would have been advancing until we touched the real line of defense of Annan. It is a very efficient work, of course, we can’t go on foot as before, so we got into this adzuki chariot, and we cursed and made rapid progress. From time to time, a large number of bodies appeared in front of us, which were all done by the army. The line of defense of Luhang Hu Zhi killed the eyes and saw Annan, no matter whether it was always small, male or female, ugly or heavy. Machine guns, machine guns, guns, and face-to-face sweeps until there is no living thing in the ground. The Annan government mobilized tens of thousands of young people to build this line of defense. These young people have become our best target army. The soldiers were killed in six roads, and the blood was everywhere. We were numb. Small Guangxi rushed to a pile of beaten bodies and blew a wolf whistle and said to us with a smile, "I didn’t realize that Annan monkey was so handsome until today!"
I rolled my eyes at a pile of horrible bodies. His eyes were actually handsome. This little aesthetic was really special. The monitor looked out through the observation hole and said, "Annan monkey was really beaten badly this time. I am afraid that no family will be complete after the battle."
Class vice said, "They deserve it! So I feel cheap to them! To deal with this baiwenhang, we should learn from the locust army and kill them for hundreds of kilometers in Fiona Fang. Only in this way can they remember this lesson forever, even after a hundred years, we are still scared to pee our pants! "
Small Guangxi is called "Class Vice", which is absolutely right! We really don’t need to be polite to them, no matter what he does, if he can play with a dead monkey.
It’s all good tricks. Just make it! It is suggested that we follow the example of the locust army and play with the three light policies, and the effect must be very good! "
Monitor stared their one eye "just the two of you radical! Don’t you know, the teachers have driven the civilians in the occupied area to the south of Annan, but they are not allowed to take them to live. Many large cities in the south are about to be jammed and exploded. The Japanese government is extremely nervous, forcing those civilians to take risks to attack government agencies and rob supplies. The public security in cities has deteriorated sharply. Many towns have taken action to refuse refugees to enter the conflict, and the purpose is getting worse and worse, and they are about to fight! "
Small Guangxi eyes shine "teachers are teachers are really tall! When can I reach his level? "
Monitor how much feel incredible "even this you want to learn? You are so poisoned that you are completely hopeless! "
Shandong said "I really want to learn from my teachers".
Monitor "…"
"boom! ! !”
While chatting, the chariot suddenly shook heavily, and a heat wave with steel breath rushed over. The chariot almost overturned and stopped. I had a bad feeling and asked, "What’s the matter with the driver?"
The driver looked very depressed. "His grandmother, we ran over an anti-tank mine! Let’s hurry up and get on the bus. Maybe there are Annan people in the vicinity. One rocket is enough to send the whole vehicle to heaven. "The words haven’t been finished yet. A rocket dragged its tail flame and brushed the left side of the chariot. Our pores instantly contracted to the limit. Don’t hesitate to open the back door and rushed out. Just after jumping out, a Grenade hit the debris flying around us. It was 100 meters away. The bamboo forest was dressed in chaos and armed with five flowers. Annan militia screamed and rushed out. Mom, we were ambushed! We couldn’t lift our heads when the rockets were rowed around us one after another. The chariot that was paralyzed by the explosion suddenly roared. The double-mounted 3 mm machine gun spewed out more than one meter long chamber flame shells, which were as dense as heavy rain. Two salamanders crossed and rolled to the Annan people. The Annan soldiers screamed and licked by the hot flames, and they turned into a blood fog. After all, the 3 mm caliber anti-personnel Grenade was no joke and was not hit. The Annan people slammed into the chariot and the whole chariot was splashed with sparks. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we rolled into a depression, effectively avoided the cross fire of Annan people, and organized the fire to return the color. The fire snake crossed the bamboo into pieces, and the rhythm of Annan people’s attack was inevitable. The monitor of the class shot and swept the enemy driver with the machine gun in the chariot. Come on! You hurry to get out of there! "
The driver shouted at us, "My side is on fire."
As soon as the force stops, none of us will escape when Annan’s troops arrive! Get out of here and leave me alone! "
I struggled to swing two grenades and said, "You fucking fart! We came together. Of course we have to go back together. How can we leave you alone? Why don’t you come here quickly and don’t you believe me? "
The driver said, "I can’t walk with my leg broken!" " Three Annan soldiers jumped up and fired at him. He reacted very quickly. As soon as the machine gun turned, the three guys were smashed into a paste. A rocket hit the chariot accurately and mistakenly. It was as thin as a coffin plate. The car body got into the chariot department and exploded. The hot dark red flame rushed out of every tiny gap with a lot of debris. The whole chariot suddenly turned into a fireball. The driver disappeared completely in a flash. We were all red-eyed and rushed at every enemy who exposed our vision, shooting wildly with bayonets. After losing nearly one shift, Annan soldiers probably thought that we were tough and finally got serious. They took a walk to cover the terrain alternately and moved forward step by step. They must be Annan agents or veterans of Annan Capital Division. They are in big trouble this time! Soon, there were casualties in our class, and the signalman fell down behind his back. It was his body that hurt him. A sniper shot and ejected through his heart. I and Xiao Guangxi Ma also shot the heads of three Annan soldiers in a row with accurate colors. At this time, the Annan people were approaching less than 70 meters, and grenades flew in large pieces. There were large pieces of choking dust around us. Almost everyone of us was scratched by shrapnel, and we simply didn’t have the ability to repel them.
The monitor was also injured by a Grenade. Shrapnel exploded around him. A foot-long wound was drawn on his left leg, exposing Bai Sensen’s tibia. His face was twisted with pain. He propped up a machine gun and swept away a magazine and shouted at us, "They must be repelled! Let them pass ten meters before, and we will be finished! "
Class vice president said, "There are too many of them. We can’t stop them!"
The monitor said, "You have to fight!"
I saw a little monkey with a rocket launcher pointing at the squad leader and raising an automatic rifle at him. He fired three shots in a row, and two shots missed his left chest. Monkey Annan suddenly turned around and ran away like a ghost, which made me wonder-I don’t seem so brave. Can three shots scare off dozens of troops? It sounds incredible! Small Guangxi is called "Tank! We tanks! Our tanks are coming! " When we looked in the direction he pointed, it wasn’t a dozen Type-6 main battle tanks that roared and rushed over and tied for machine guns, sweeping the lethal large-caliber machine bullets at the back of Annan monkey like a wind, and Annan soldiers ran happily, as if they were cut in two by a huge saw and died miserably.
Lie down quickly, but when they saw what monster it was, they all showed a trace of despair. What about lying down? With the weapons in their hands, they can’t stand the 6-type main battle tank. There are crushed mud there! We can be regarded as the evil spirit and shouted at those lovely tanks, "Run them over! Run them to death! " Whether armored soldiers can hear us or not.
Of course, armored soldiers can’t hear us, and even we can’t hear ourselves. Because a helicopter flew over our heads and the propeller stirred up the vortex noise, it was called a big helicopter and landed 20 meters away. A handsome female soldier leaned out from the inside and shouted at us, "What are you doing there?" Get on the plane! Do you want to taste the taste of being crushed by tanks? "
I have a blast in my head. It’s her! It’s her!
Xiao Guangxi hit me with his left elbow. "Your dream girl played the role of beauty to save the hero again, but don’t you go over and say hello to her?"
I stupidly followed everyone to the plane, waiting for everyone, including the signalman’s body, to get off the plane. After the helicopter took off, a long string of tracer bullets came at it. It made a beautiful maneuver to throw off the deadly fire resistance and launched a simple navigation rocket. It was quite old and was raining bullets at us. The self-propelled anti-aircraft machine gun was immediately dismantled. Until now, I found out that there were so many tank enemies coming out of nowhere, and dozens of tanks fought in the Great Plains! I don’t know if the Annan people trapped us or if we were ambushed by the Annan monkey. Anyway, there are tanks rushing out from behind the horizon and rolling up smoke all over the sky like a flag cloud on the top of a snowy mountain! A powerful tank gun quickly turned the car, and the radar command quickly locked the other side, spewing thunderous fireballs. Tanks and armored vehicles exploded and caught fire, burning violently …
We were dumbfounded. The monitor didn’t react for a long time and called, "This is impossible! Don’t say that even before the war, Annan didn’t have armored troops of this size! Where did these son of a bitch tanks come from? "
Small Guangxi said, "monitor, boss, you know what to ask!" "
Monitor puzzling "me? Know the past and ask? "
Small Guangxi said, "Didn’t you say that these tanks are sons of bitches? Do you know that they are sons of bitches?"
The monitor is completely speechless.
I’m not in the mood to pay attention to the monitor. They are so straight. wait for a while looked at Lilac until her face turned red. She reacted stupidly and asked, "Why are you here?"
Lilac didn’t answer, and the sharp bar rushed to kill into a ball of armored forces. "You are lucky if we are thirty seconds late."
When the clock arrives, you will be rolled into a paste. "
I smirked and was about to speak. The helicopter pilot said "Fuck you!" Then the helicopter spun in an emergency, and Lilac and I couldn’t help rolling. I covered my forehead with blood and swore, "What the hell are you doing!"
The pilot said, "There’s a helicopter coming at us!" The distant light flashed, and all the early warning equipment in the engine room screamed. Through the porthole, we could see that at least two helicopters were outflanking us and launched a fight.
The missile pilot roared, "Want to die? Then you have to bet your life first! " In swearing, we steered the helicopter out of a non-standard but extremely rapid barrel-type rotation. Two missiles were lost, one was crooked and hit the ground, and a pillar of fire was blown up. Where did the other one hit? I can’t find this crazy pilot. I have to wait for no man to fire two dagger-type fighting missiles one after another. Those two rushed to shoot down a helicopter horse from a hunter and turned it into a prey. One of the missiles hid a little slower and plunged into the fuselage like chopsticks poking tofu. One of them exploded it into an expensive and single-style fireball, and the other one was lucky enough to avoid the dagger’s death kiss, but it flew too low. A 6-type main battle tank raised its gun tube and sounded a gun. The salamander flashed by much faster than the dagger. The poor helicopter didn’t even get a chance to dodge. Burning debris flew all over the sky. The pilot gave a bad breath and said, "Fight me?" Looking for death! " Turning to the monitor, they grinned and asked, "What do you think of my flying skills? Why are there three people missing? Where are the lilacs? "
Lilac, of course, there is no way to answer him. In the past few days, Xiao Guangxi was so angry that he roared, "You dare to throw the old man out of the plane! ! !”
Until now, our lovely pilot found that the door of the plane was not strict because there were too many people. Just now, he made a jet fighter to play evasive action. When the door opened, I, Lilac and Xiao Guangxi were unfortunately dumped and fell into the river impartially …
DiYiSanSi Chapter 7 divisions (a)
Have you ever tasted flying trapeze?
Anyway, I tasted what it was like to fall from more than 30 meters with 25 kilograms of heavy equipment on my back. Even if I fell into a river two meters deep, I didn’t feel good. I felt like I fell into a big iron plate. I didn’t feel like I was slapped hard by a huge iron plate. My body was black before my eyes and I could hardly move a little finger. Didn’t Mom say that I would be fine if I fell into the water? Look at those lonely heroes who fell into the sea from a civil airliner. The height is two or three thousand meters. People have to spit out a few mouthfuls of blood and then they can stagger ashore, and then they are a lively hero again. I was almost stunned and drowned when I was only thirty meters old. cheat people! I sank like a stone, my feet sank into the mud, and I couldn’t pull them out. I was dizzy because of the lack of water and the huge impact. The military skills I had learned were not dizzy at all. I felt as if someone had grabbed my back collar and dragged me to my eyes. Suddenly, I came across with smoke. I was greedy and breathing with mercy. Guanyin Bodhisattva I remembered your gift.
It was Lilac who dragged me ashore. She was fine and saved us by the way. I saw that she took a few breaths and plunged into the water like a flying fish. She quickly dragged a monkey-that’s right, it was small Guangxi, which was worse than me. Lilac went to press his chest hard and took a deep breath when she saw that small Guangxi didn’t respond. Is it not good to give him artificial respiration? When you drink "Wait!" without thinking.
Lilac turned to look at me and seemed a little puzzled.
I staggered over and said, "I’ll do it!" " Stepping on that small belly, a small arrow spouted from that small mouth rolled out a few meters away, and a wild spray sprayed all the water in the stomach everywhere. The momentum was worse than any spray. He was rude to stare at me, the savior, and roared, "Tangshan, you want to die of old age, right?"
I cold hum a "who told you like to dress up as a pig to eat tiger? Play tricks again and I’ll step on you! "
Small Guangxi neck a terrier want to argue lilac mercilessly stared at him, obviously she came for nothing, small Guangxi by her stare hair stood on end dressed up as a strange coherent smile "this place should not stay long, we’d better go."
This place really shouldn’t stay long, because dozens of tanks on both sides of the river are killing and stray bullets are running around. In case we are involved in this torrent, we will be shattered. A tank can easily crush three infantry! A dozen helicopters were killed into a ball of fighting missiles like a group of aggressive vultures, and heavy machine guns were woven again and again.
Death net tried to cover the other side of the helicopter that threw us here. God knows where it went, and we can’t find a ghost. In other words, the three of us are now calling for not screaming every day. Let’s run. Lilac tried several times with the army and had to give up and said, "My walkie-talkie is broken."
I smiled bitterly. All the equipment of the digital infantry is the best. If even she is broken, we will definitely not be much better. If we don’t check, we will find that our walkie-talkie is scrapped. Let’s run. If we don’t run, we will be finished! Fortunately, our rifles didn’t go on strike, or we should cry. We covered each other and drilled into the depths of Maozhulin. There were so many bamboos in this hellhole. There were so many bamboos around the lake, fields, rivers and mountains. We would be safe with them. I hope we don’t touch the Annan people, or we would be miserable. They also like to hide in the bamboo forest and escape. I secretly looked at the battlefield for a few times. Damn it, the shells were like thunderous fireballs. You came and I roared at the tanks like crazy beasts. Going from a few kilometers to dozens of meters, the car body will directly turn over the other side. There are more than a dozen tanks that have been shot and ignited a fire. The shells and machine guns have exploded in the magazine, making the whole tank expand. Deformation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Xiao Ye is a soldier in the seventh division. It’s only six months since he joined the army. According to the Japanese people’s consistent bullying and glorious reunification, it’s hard to be in the army, such as scrubbing the car body, reloading, He did all the hard work of refueling, and he often suffered from veterans’ ears. Wow, but it is also a glorious thing to serve in such a long-established army. You know, the Seventh Division participated in the glorious Sino-Japanese War-although it was a trench army at that time. Later, Taiwan Province was in full swing, and the Seventh Division was reorganized into the first-class battlefield in Taiwan Province to suppress the Taiwan Province people’s resistance. From then on, good luck continued to rise to a strong force in Japan. After the end of World War II, Japan laid off the vast number of marine divisions, while the Seventh Division was quite good.
Hokkaido resisted fierce Soviet attacks at any time. During that darkest day, the Seventh Division became the guardian of the whole Japan. Although the entire Seventh Division had dozens of tanks, it was not as good as a Soviet regiment. As the Japanese economy took off, the Seventh Division ushered in a golden age. The best equipped and best officers were given priority to be assigned to them, making the Seventh Division the strongest army in Japan. It was a lucky thing for people like Xiao Ye who had not received higher education to enter such a unit. However, it was glorious for the Seventh Division to come to this muddy country.
Xiao Ye didn’t get up the courage to ask grown-up Cao for advice. Cao Chang didn’t slap him a few times before teaching, but hesitated for a moment and said, "We can’t let Annan fall." A simple sentence can’t make Annan fall to Japan. It is a narrow island country with the least sense of security, the current situation of lack of resources, Frequent earthquakes and tsunamis have made this country full of sense of hardship from beginning to end, and it is also possible to expand desperately to seek a sense of security and expand in a real way, and it has been like this for thousands of years. Now the fate of Japan has reached a crossroads, and the Japanese navy was wiped out in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Even michel platini’s Citigroup was sunk and two aircraft carriers were kicked out of Southeast Asia, losing its powerful Citigroup navy to protect the dragon, and the polar bear surrounded Japan. There is a feeling of being stripped naked, and the polar bear will not shudder for a moment. I’m afraid that the dragon will take advantage of their illness to kill them and come to settle accounts with them. I was gang-raped by three rogue missiles. I couldn’t stand the dragon’s blow. There was no way to do it. When volunteers crustily supported Annan to fight with China, they hoped to get China into this rotten quagmire. They could also breathe a sigh of relief. The Soviet Union was not disgusted with Japan’s petty actions. On the contrary, it begged not to take the initiative to send transport ships to help transport soldiers and materials. It was this political background that the two countries had a rare tacit understanding.
The busy messenger brought bad news: "The Mashiqiao Bridge of Ikeda Brigade hit the Huajun Rapid Response Brigade!" The squadron leader was so angry that he almost dumped the telescope. Well, before the ambush circle was completed, he exchanged fire with the Chinese army and ambushed my ass. Just hide here and feed the mosquitoes! As soon as the whole squadron’s mood became extremely bad, no one expected that a scientific armored ambush would turn into an encounter. The rapid reaction brigade advanced at a speed that was beyond everyone’s expectation. Even if the battle was not smooth, the mid-team leader took a few breaths to build fortifications. After all, the situation is not good. They may have lost the initiative in the battlefield and may face the overwhelming attack of the Chinese army at any time. It is better to prepare with one hand.
Xiao Ye put a camouflage net on the tank and complained to the conductor that "Ikeda Brigade was exposed so quickly! This can really hurt us! "
The conductor patted the barrel of the Type 61 tank with some worries. "I heard that the caliber of the main gun of the Huajun Type 6 main battle tank is 122 mm and the shell is very fast. I am afraid it is difficult for us to get benefits if we really want to touch them head-on!"
The gunner smiled bitterly, knowing that the caliber of the main gun of the Type 61 tank was only 9 mm, which was obviously behind. Even the caliber of the main guns of the main battle tanks of Citigroup and the Soviet Union was not more than 12 mm. It was "crazy" to install the 122 mm main gun in one breath. He looked at the bamboo forest two kilometers away, where two squadrons of Type 74 tanks and an anti-tank squadron were arranged, with a large number of anti-tank missiles flanked by them.
Should be at ease? Those Type 74 tanks are the latest and improved ones, which will not be worse than Type 6 Red Star main battle tanks. Should they give the Chinese army some color to see?
The conductor said, "Type 6 is a very fierce tank, and we may not be able to cope with it with our current equipment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
From time to time in the distance, one or two gunshots came. It seems that Ikeda Brigade played extremely fiercely with the Rapid Response Brigade. I just don’t know if they have suffered. With this concern, this squadron continues to lurk to Ikeda Brigade to pray that they don’t know that even Ikeda Brigade can’t go back to their hometown in Japan.
Chapter DiYiSanWu Seventh divisions (2)
When the sky flashed, a sharp and long shell was nearly six times the speed of sound, and a medium-sized tank with its head poked around two kilometers away easily penetrated the seemingly thick armor into the narrow body of a hot and sticky metal jet, and swept most of the crew members like an iron broom, giving a half scream and being torn to pieces. "Boom!" The whole tank seemed to be cut off by a knife, and the whole turret broke free from the body, flying up and pulling out a black and red pillar of fire, turning over and rolling for a long time before crashing to the ground and hitting a big hole.

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Jul 9, 2024
So Mu Yi went on to say, "The goal is like a lamp in the dark, it guides you in the direction. You can always find Li Guanghui by staring at this lamp. However, if you see several lamps in the dark, you will also have a chance to find Li Guang, but it will take you many times more time than looking for a lamp."

Liang Pingwen secretly nodded. In fact, he also had such an experience and summary, and secretly sighed and said with a lazy sigh, "Yes ~ Too many people will be confused. This is just like looking for a wife. If you like several people at the same time, you will compare them back and forth among several people, and you will be hesitant. The result may be that you won’t get the last one."
MuYi smell speech facial expression suddenly became some wonderful, looked up and laughed and leaned back on the sofa with a smile, but quickly recovered calm and looked at Liang Ping seriously and said, "Since you are all white about these reasons, then you should be very clear about what kind of world the prosperous mainland is."
"The law of the jungle gives birth to the weak," Liang Ping said concisely.
Mu Yi went on to say, "You must have experienced a lot after more than half a year’s experience. When your strength is weak, you will protect people. Everything you want to protect will leave you one by one, and all your life plans will be disturbed by some outside forces. Do you have a free life?" Mu Yi asked and looked at Liang Ping.
This statement directly poked Liang Ping’s heart, and he almost cried, but after those unusual events, his restraint ability was also beyond ordinary people. He tried to calm down and frowned and said, "But so what is life? In the world, we all have the means to control our own destiny."
"Hum, that’s an excuse for the weak to escape from themselves!" Muyi look very cold in vain some sharp stare at Liang Ping.
Chapter 363 Jian Zun Mu Yi
Liang Ping fell silent for a while.
Then Mu Yi told Liang Ping a lot, just like a mentor, Liang Ping guided the right direction.
Liang Ping listened attentively to every word and analyzed it in detail, which was probably just about the goal and meaning of life.
In a place like the prosperous mainland, the only correct goal of a spiritual martial arts practitioner is to make himself stronger, and everything else will harm him to find himself and be pushed around by others.
Now Liang Ping doesn’t know that it’s a good way to upgrade himself to spiritual martial arts and practice the magic seal of the lion in front of him.
Liang Ping was tempted by the magic seal of the lion, but he still hesitated in his heart.
Mu Yi saw it in his eyes and laughed. "In fact, everyone has their own trajectory in life, but fate is ultimately in their own hands. If you give up on yourself, maybe fate may be passed on to another person."
"Can you pass it on to another person?" Liang Ping couldn’t believe it.
However, Mu Yi said with great certainty that "love is the dragon god, which you already know very well, and he is also the seventh descendant of the dragon god. He is also qualified to get the power of dragon seal to rob fate for thousands of years and eventually become a member of the good gods."
"So that’s it."
Liang Ping nodded secretly. Although he already knew that the ultimate destination of a doomed person is the good god world, people’s lives can be long when they reach the good god world.
Who doesn’t want eternal life?
Liang Ping naturally hopes to get eternal life, but is that really his fate and destination? Although he has been in the prosperous mainland for more than half a year, he still doesn’t believe in the truth of all this.
It was incredible when and where it appeared.
At the same time, I suspected that news images appeared in my mind when I was in Bimeng Inn in Jiuyou. Dr. Wang Huirong turned into a member of Shengshi Online Games Company in order to save everyone who had strayed into Shengshi Tuan.
Thinking of these Liang Ping’s thoughts has become a bit messy again.
Mu Yi noticed some abnormalities slightly from Liang Ping’s expression and added, "In fact, if you do what I say, you will always get a happy ending."
Liang Ping didn’t deny every word of Mu Yi. Instead, Mu Yi’s words made Liang Ping have some shame besides an epiphany. The epiphany is that he finally really is the world in front of him. Shame is that he used to have only those pride and small thoughts, but actually it will bring trouble to everyone around him.
Seeing that Liang Ping was silent, Mu Yi continued, "Liang Ping, you can imagine that the whole incident is directed at you. All the people who have a little connection with you will be involved in it. It is very intuitive that you will be able to protect these people only if you become stronger. These people have nothing to do with you. They are close to you and help you. Do you want to see all those who have helped you die in front of you?"
To death, Liang Ping once again thought of many people, and the first person who thought of it turned out to be a mushroom male.
At the moment, Mushroom looked pale and looked at Liang Ping with a sad expression, which made Liang Ping feel even heavier.
Liang Ping was skeptical about the official identity of Mushroom, so he asked eagerly, "Mu Yi, do you know the official identity of Mushroom? Is she really from Luoshengmeng?"
"Luo Shengmeng?" MuYi looked at Liang Pingdao with a face of consternation. "Liang Pingdao, do you really don’t know or not? Mushroom Gong died three thousand years ago. When she died, all three souls and seven spirits scattered the roots, and there could be no chance of resurrection."
Liang Pingwen frowned and said, "Do you mean that the root I saw is not a mushroom?"
"The man you saw named Hong-mei Xia was just a whore and a woman. She was bought by Yang Junjie to get close to you in the ultimate hell." Mu Yi said lightly.
Liang Ping couldn’t help but feel a pain in his heart. "So everything I saw Xia Hongmei was an illusion!"
"Well, you can say that," MuYi certainly replied.
Liang Ping did not believe that "when I met Xia Hongmei in the romantic street of the ultimate hell"
"At that time, Yang Junjie reached the ultimate hell before you. You should know that" Mu Yi interrupted Liang Ping’s words, "so you should also know that prostitutes and women love money and pleasure."
Liang Ping still didn’t quite believe in the vicissitudes of life and shook his head and said, "No, I still believe that when you return to the mushroom public identity, her points are so simple. I saw from her eyes that ordinary people can’t lie without clear bright eyes."
Mu Yi also frowned and said in a low voice, "Liang Ping, you are nothing. The world’s best performers are prostitutes and women. If they are not good at camouflage, they can cheat men out of money. What do you say!"
Liang Ping has an epiphany, but he is still obsessed with it. "At that time, I saw the bar boss in the bar of the ultimate hell romantic street show me all that Xia Hongmei used to do."
Mu Yi said, "Liang Ping, Liang Ping, I really don’t know what to say about you. You are also from sin heaven. Aren’t there many movie stars in sin heaven? What you see on the ultimate hell screen is just that Xia Hongmei has taken some film clips in this world."
"Amount?" Liang Pingwen heard a burst of memories. "It seems that you can’t really rule out this possibility when you say that, but how can there be a picture of Lingzhou mainland when taking pictures?"
Mu Yi sighed again and continued, "Alas, film and television pictures can also be tampered with. Similar pictures may be changed in mainland China, and everything is different."
"Well," Liang Ping finally believed it. Later, he experienced everything with Mushroom Gong, and he could really feel that Mushroom Gong really liked him.
Muyi went on to say a lot.
But Liang Ping’s heart has continued to listen. Even if she is a lowly prostitute and a female Liang Ping, I’m afraid I won’t forget her.
"Lies can’t fool people, and I firmly believe this." Liang Ping ignored what Mu Yi said and suddenly said such a sentence.
MuYi face sank in vain, "so you seem to love hong-mei xia?"
"I don’t know" Liang Ping’s mood is complicated.
However, Mu Yi said firmly, "To tell you the truth, Hong-mei Xia was indeed from Lingzhou in her previous life, and she and Shen still have some."
"Shendu?" Liang Ping asked in surprise, "How could she talk to Shen Du?"
"Thousands of years ago, the people who robbed the mainland of Lingzhou for thousands of years were Shen Du, and at that time, Shen Du was troubled by evil spirits. What he saw was also true or false. He also went to Jiuyou and experienced many extraordinary things in Jiuyou, among which Xia Hongmei was the most unforgettable person." Mu Yi said patiently.
Liang Ping also took a keen interest in this and asked, "Who is the most unforgettable person? In addition to hong-mei xia past lives who else "
"One is me and Mu Ye’s mother Feilu, and another hateful woman is Xia Hongmei’s past buildings." The buildings Muyi sound with faint anger.
Liang Ping also felt that these feelings became dignified and my heart was full of doubts.

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Jul 7, 2024
You can see that there are still angry waves surging in the sea to form various humanoid beasts, bared their teeth and roared.

"Crazy, does he want to wash the battlefield!"
"Get back! Every Lei Guang here can kill the Buddha, which we can’t resist! "
At that time, the aliens near the Terran station screamed and fled quickly, and they dared not stay for a moment.
However, the root of the rapid spread of robbery is not that they can avoid it, and tens of millions of aliens will fall and be chopped into slag in just one breath.
"F * * king! What do you want to do! "
There are alien stars in the depths of the star who are furious and come here to stop this catastrophe.
"How can your people slaughter at will, but I can’t fight against the lower realm?"
Soon he was intercepted, and a strong Terran came to directly stop the great ridicule and make several creatures change color.
Li Yu overlooks the whole battlefield, and his eyes are full of peace. Just in this moment, he has slaughtered tens of thousands of family planning spirits. You know, the weakest of them are all kings! There are even many deities
This is bloody obliteration and cruel means, but it is just right for foreigners.
For a moment, the seven kills in the south sky reflected the bloody stars hanging in the battlefield like the dominant scarlet light flowing one after another, and the corpses were revived, and the eyes were filled with the desire to kill again.
Poof! The dusty ancient continent cracked and dried up, and the palm suddenly leaned out of the rickety body and shook again.
Where the Seven Killings shine, the fallen slaves reappear, but the terrible fighting spirit that is not afraid of life and death!
"Seven kills! It’s the Terran Seven Killers! "
"There’s another one who killed the main life star by the battlefield king!"
It is a double torture of body and spirit for the alien to watch his companion die and then wield a butcher knife at his former kin.
This is the torrent of ghosts, the army of the dead, and the seven killers who will burn the blood of war all over the world!
"They always want me to be fair, but we are not fighting a war, and they can hope in vain in the rubble."
Li Yu’s arms slowly raised and whispered as if to master the whole star. He stepped forward and led the scarlet stars to shine, announcing the coming of the expedition.
The first attack area of the spectre army is the ghost clan’s ancient creatures wailing, soldiers roaring and dying, drinking swords and soldiers into the flesh, and the sound of life is addictive.
Li Yu watched the vast star field call out the 99-year-old Longshan and took root in this ancient area. The Dragon and Han Banner, the Seven Killing Monuments and the Heavenly Knives are now put into the Dragon Shouhui to raise three devices for this star!
"Foreign battlefields are all food for me."
He laughed all over the stars, and it seemed that the end of the reincarnation of Iraq represented the journey from existence to development.
At the same time, the distant alien star fields have also received the noise of the front-line battle report.
Ideal city, an ancient area of light clan, stands tall, but the dilapidated wall has already collapsed. Most of the creatures in and out of red mist’s walled city are holding a token to avoid it.
At this time, the vision suddenly gave birth to the crack of Fang Cangyu in the city, and one meteorite after another crossed long and dazzling.
"It’s not a coincidence that there is one more person who killed the life star in this battlefield, but it’s destiny takes a hand to pull a life star to appear. This life star will naturally be close to Nandou and should echo from beginning to end."
There are creatures in the city who are conceited and arrogant, and they are born with dignity.
In that vision, there is the first big star in the southern sky.
Tianfu, the first star in Nandou!
"Is it destiny takes a hand that those who were dragged here actually killed our family’s life stars from afar?"
It’s shocking to have a strong whisper of light.
In ancient times, Tianfu Star called it "ordering the stars", which indicated Tianfu’s leading position. Ziweixing was called "Lord of the Big Dipper" in comparison with Ziwei, and Tianfu called "Lord of the Southern Dipper". Both of them were emperors, but their expressions were different.
Ziwei is the northern Wang Xi, creating a position like a monarch and a territorial emperor in charge; Tianfu is the king of the south, so he enjoys his position, such as the king of the frontier, which is also unique.
At the same time, the ancient domain of shura nationality
Secretly black flashes interweave the sky, clouds appear, and then the downpour falls, making the world red.
It’s blood rain. It’s a crying vision!
Ran Ran, the first star in the red sky, rises in the north sky!
Beidou is the first greedy wolf!
"Tianfu is now missing seven kills, which is Pojun."
A tall and strong man came to the ground and trembled to form ripples. He was wrapped in black fog, but there was also a faint lotus flower to form a halo.
It’s horrible. That’s the bloody ring. It’s evidence that he once killed creatures!
Beidou is a greedy wolf. Beidou says that Pojun also shines.
Just as Pojun’s "breaking" stands for destroying seven kills and "killing" stands for being aggressive and greedy for wolves, the word "greed" is very clear, that is, the desire of Samsung has its own special features
A raging gold fire in the battlefield in the ancient Eldar domain has long since subsided, and it has swept through the heavens and the earth, rolling up some meteorites floating outside the domain and burning them into magma.
There is a fiery collapse in the void, which burns the sky and can destroy everything, but there is laughter and vibration in the ancient land
"Interesting Tianfu, the wolf, and the seven kills are all here. Can Chinese be far behind? If the seven wolves gather together, even if Pojun Shangming clan, I’m afraid he will sit still.
This generation of the sun is more mysterious than not appearing for a long time. Is it because you don’t want to take part in the dispute too early, and you have to practice with the help of limited advantages until the star Lord is immortal? "
With laughter, the northern sky shines brightly before the sixth star.
Although Wu Qu, the sixth Yang of Beidou, is slightly purple and full of imperial spirit, it is a bit more calm.
At that time, the star fields of all ethnic groups were all moving, and the undercurrent was surging. How many seven kills were there? Or did the binary stars gather in Lian Zhen to kill seven!
"At the end of the era, before the fate was strong, but before the war, people in Xiandao might have to recover and come back to intervene!"
"The Lord of the Southern Fighting and the Lord of the Big Dipper, in which the Lord fights for the number of kings, the crown is an accident and a robbery. I don’t know who can laugh at the end."
"In my opinion, I’m afraid the advantage of the seven kills is not small. He is upstream and is in a binary star, which may break the situation."
The era will come to an end, and the stars will come down to the world one after another, and the strong ones will be like clouds. The arrival of a vast era full of the breath of conquering wars has made all living things of all nationalities and nationalities feel this atmosphere.
Whether it’s the star warrior or the heavenly kings walking in the universe, they are all nervous. I don’t know if they will be caught in the war.
The battlefield outside king’s landing is going to be lively!
I don’t know what it will be like for Nan Dou, the leader of Nan Dou, to make a special confrontation. Who will be the king of Nan Tian Hua Nan Dou?
If we can gather the six stars in Nandou, it will be enough to compare with the sun’s lunar unity and kill the wolf’s gathering in the high Chinese and western main contest.
Chapter three hundred and seventy-six The great secret of the ancestral world of the abyss of the universe
"Seven kills befall Lian Zhen, which is unusual. It’s hard to compare with the dominant star in the north and the dominant star in the south. I say Tianfu will definitely look for him."
"It is inevitable that Tianfu Nantian dominates the star, and it is sure to be eager for Nandou to kill seven times. Lian Zhen is also a Tianfu match, and the Wuqu Guangzu people came to the foreign battlefield many years ago and will not let them go."
The star fields of all ethnic groups talk endlessly, and the so-called collision between the so-called life stars caused by a stone is naturally a topic that people talk about, especially the matching of life stars, which has already been verified.
For example, Ziwei Tianfu is magnificent, and the commander-in-chief is fighting for the emperor in the north and south; Wu Qu Tianfu is brave and good at fighting; Lian Zhen Tianfu Road is transported to Fuze Square.
"Shura greedy wolf star can’t be underestimated, but in the past years, it was fortunate to have a small plough to sweep the sea, and it was peaceful to put in a good word, and Pojun stood out."
The fact that the wolf has been killed for a long time will naturally not be forgotten. His appearance times are far more than Tianfu’s. Because of the ethnic achievement method, his hands are stained with blood, and ten thousand units have formed a layer of bloody light around.
And this star has a lot of ideas for Lian Zhen and Wu Qu, so it can be said that the five life stars are coming now, and they all have great needs to devour each other!
Just as Lian Zhen is greedy for wolves to drive away disasters and solve urban problems, the town is transported to protect itself; I don’t know but I am bound to be extraordinary when I am greedy for wolves; Wu Qu’s greedy wolf has a thousand twists and turns, forming its own vein.
The most important thing is that when the Seven Killings, the Greedy Wolf and the Pojun Life Palace meet, it will be the so-called "kill the wolf" pattern. Once this Samsung gathers, it will change hands and be reversible!
At that time, the swaying of the micro-lattice was the opportunity to enter the bucket king.
"But the most noteworthy thing is that the Terran Seven Killers can cut off the youngest king in the history of Lian Zhen’s achievements, and Tianjun is now only sixteen years old. He is definitely a strong terrorist."
"In recent days, he has heard a lot of news. After breaking through LeiJie and chopping off the ghost family sight statue, he went deep into the ghost family’s ancient star field and took out a strange Longshan, which sucked up the ancient star field and wiped out several ancient stars of the blood family, all of which were used to raise the strange multiplier. I don’t know what to do."
Soon, the creatures of all ethnic groups stopped and turned to Li Yushen, the seven killers. As soon as they came to the battlefield outside the country, they repeatedly did great things to disturb all parties.
Seven kills are magnificent, indifferent, affectionate and righteous, but they also go their own way. The ups and downs of life do not seek stability. The so-called brave people must be brave and brave. On the negative side, be brave and aggressive, and be ruthless.
According to his experience, these descriptions really fit in, which is also the terrible part of life. In the end, the influence will be combined unless it reaches the level of breaking the shackles, but it has never been seen in the past.
At the same time, the ancient ruins of Terran Star Domain have come back from Li Yu in the city to intercept the ghost star statue and Terran Guangfa star statue to coexist and talk.
"In recent days, I’m afraid you will be the focus of attention. Now it’s nothing. Once the star statue is hit, there will inevitably be a statue of all ethnic groups to intercept and strike you by all means.
If you want to break through, please let me know. We’ll find a special area and you’ll cover it for a while. "

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Jul 6, 2024
The word "wisdom" flashed in Pang Xia’s eyes, and the golden ball bloomed.

At that time, the golden light was full!
Chapter 946 Interrogation
The golden light from the golden ball of the word "wisdom" dispelled the charm of all people again.
PangXia cold hum a player shot a smaller than hair some red flame into the nine-tailed fox body.
This flame penetrated into the body of the nine-tailed fox, which made the nine-tailed fox immediately feel five burning feelings.
She wants to motivate the power of the data level to get rid of that red flame.
However, the red flame is derived from the red data power of the blood sea emperor.
And the nine-tailed fox was locked by the white chain in Pang Xia’s hand, and Bogen moved his own strength.
Therefore, despite the efforts of the nine-tailed fox, it is the root method to make an effective resistance.
"Damn it, damn it, please leave me alone. I want you to do something and leave me alone!"
The nine-tailed fox’s pale face has obviously reached its limit.
And she is beautiful and charming, even if she doesn’t have the ability to charm, it is enough to make people feel pity.
However, for Pang Xia, the nine-tailed fox is meaningless even if it is beautiful.
However, when Pang Xia heard the words of the nine-tailed fox and thought about it, he stretched out his hand and took back the red flame of the nine-tailed fox.
That a little red flame flows in Pang Xia’s hand, sending out a faint light.
The nine-tailed fox turned pale when he looked at the flame in Pang Xia’s hand.
Squatting down, Pang Xia looked at the nine-tailed fox and said, "Tell me when you will join the doves!"
Took a deep breath, and the nine-tailed fox took one look at the flame in Pangxia’s hand again.
Then he said slowly, "I haven’t been here long, maybe less than a month."
Recently, someone has been chasing us, and our level has instructed us to hide.
In the future, I planned to hide in this world NPC, but I stumbled across several doves looking for new members.
So I was fascinated by them and let them bring me in, so that I could hide myself and spy on the news. "
"So have you received any orders recently or have you reported anything to them?"
Hearing this, the nine-tailed fox’s eyes flashed slightly and then shook his head and said, "No,no."
After all, I came here too short to do anything else. "
The nine-tailed fox’s voice just fell and the word "wisdom" suddenly shook the head of Pang Xia.
The vibration amplitude of this "wisdom" golden ball is very small, which can’t be felt by outsiders except the owner Pang Xia.
And feel the word "wisdom" after the golden ball vibration PangXia face immediately condensed.
He looked at the nine-tailed fox and sneered, "Nine-tailed fox, I think you should tell the truth if you want to live."
But you seem to have some other ideas. I think you should answer that question again. "
Hearing Pang Xia’s words, the nine-tailed fox was in a panic and immediately denied that he had lied.
However, when she saw Pang Xia’s cold eyes, Pang Xia’s palm expanded the red flame.
The body trembled slightly and then she pursed her lips and said, "I-I didn’t think of it just now."
I was instructed by Lord Qiong Qi to report a false news to Zhang Sanfeng and Su Rongrong.
Want to want to want to now the two of them have been tricked into being surrounded by Qiong Qi’s adult. "
When I heard this, Pang Xia’s eyes were wide open, and he grabbed the white chain with a jerk.
Suddenly the white chain suddenly contracted and almost broke the neck of the nine-tailed fox.
Face suppress latosolic red nine-tailed fox body movement directly into a size and white Kyubi no Youko fox.
Restored to its original shape, the nine-tailed fox kept moaning on the ground as if begging for mercy.
And she even said, "this adult, I know where they are."
Lord Qiong Qi has laid a boundary. Without my Lord, you would have found them. "
This sentence saved Pang Xia, a nine-tailed fox, and the white chain was loosened slightly.
The nine-tailed fox took a grateful look at Pang Xia and then said again, "They went to Changbai Mountain."
If you want to go there, you can find the differences. It didn’t take long for Zhang Sanfeng and Su Rongrong to go.
Want adults when you arrive, want to come with adult great power must be able to save them both. "
Pang Xia listened to the words of the nine-tailed fox. He knew very well that the nine-tailed fox was playing with his mind again.
This mind’s eye is not to say that what the nine-tailed fox said to Pang Xia was wrong.
Every word said by the nine-tailed fox has the word "wisdom", and the golden ball surveillance can distinguish between true and false.
Pang Xia knows very well that everything the nine-tailed fox said to him is true.
However, the nine-tailed fox intends to let Pang Xia find Qiong Qi and them.
And then directly killed by Qiong Qi and them. This is an open plan and Pang Xia has to go to the appointment.
If you face others, the plan will succeed.
But she didn’t know that the person she was facing was a strong man who had defeated Qiong Qi and them.
And the recent strength increase is not afraid of Qiong Qi.
Therefore, although Pang Xia saw the plan of the nine-tailed fox at a glance, he would not be significant.
Of course, this does not mean that Pang Xia will let the nine-tailed fox go.
A low drink behind PangXia suddenly broken.
Then a middle-aged man came out of the void, and naturally it was nine phoenixes in human form.
Nine-tailed fox looked at the virtual walk out from behind PangXia nine chicken a face of respect behind PangXia without saying a word.
She was shocked. It was like seeing the sun rising in the west.
The hand of Jiufeng Eternal Emperor is second only to that of Four Fierce Beasts.
But the nine-tailed fox, which has a very high status, can only look up in the front.
However, it is this level that is behind Pang Xia like a servant.
It is suspected that this is a great shock to the nine-tailed fox.
This is more unbelievable to the nine-tailed fox than the wolf telling the news that Jiufeng was killed by Pang Xia.

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Jul 5, 2024
When I think of these things occasionally, Sun Hao has vaguely felt in his heart that this is probably an important thing that he must understand.

That means Sun Hao must go to the Wu clan and his party.
Of course, as Sun Hao said to Zuwu, Sun Hao needed the medicine family to be stable. Just after the advanced revision, he had to shock a virtual world and make people afraid to offend the medicine family easily.
Really hold the medicine family situation after Sun Hao is must go back to the Terran.
How to practice during Mahayana? This is a field that Sun Hao has never dabbled in. Sun Hao must go to Terran to consult a large number of classics, and at the same time listen to a Hao Anyi’s teaching, so Sun Hao can avoid taking many detours.
Compared with the medicine clan, it should not be too much for the Terran Medicine God to gain some classics from Mahayana without Mahayana.
Sitting cross-legged, Sun Haosi took an examination for a while and put these things aside for the time being. Who can make it clear in the future and don’t know whether Girlan is still alive?
With a slight sigh, Sun Hao reached out and a blue starlight appeared. This is the last immortal medicine spirit of Awu. It is a small medicine that he respects his body. He will defend it to the death. He would rather have a defect in Jiuhe’s great cause and defend a faint blue light. Actually, it is already weak, and it is possible to put it out all the time.
Really sensible to say this, it is difficult to guarantee the value of the starlight, and if you don’t say it, there will be no spiritual will of Awu, let alone any memory.
And it won’t be long before this medicine spirit is rooted without special and powerful means. Even Sun Hao needs to continuously invest resources if he wants to protect this medicine spirit.
This is the real reality.
Rattan acid also called Sun Hao a woman’s benevolence when he died. That’s why this medicine has been refined. It can make up for Sun Hao’s nine-in-one dzogchen’s body. It’s still a burden. This shows that Sun Hao actually chose to stay or not. What is a woman’s benevolence?
But from beginning to end, Sun Hao never hesitated about his choice, and he could not destroy the true spirit of Awu, even if this true spirit was confused and lost his will.
The blue light in the palm of your hand is mysterious and beautiful
Sun Hao’s eyes seemed to see Awu’s delicate face, and his eyes seemed to see that Awu used to rub his little face against the body of the medicine, and he also seemed to see the scene of Xiao Yao holding up the branches and nodding at Awu.
There is a faint warmth in my heart and a faint sadness.
Sun Hao sighed a long time. In a sense, Sun Hao always owes Awu.
Sun Hao’s goal of entering the medicine family is to be a nine-in-one body. Sun Hao himself has to admit that his every move is based on this goal. This is actually his own layout and premeditated plan. If there is any accident, Sun Hao never imagined that his body would be deeply impressed with a girl of the medicine family.
Deeply influenced Sun Haozun’s will and affection.
Now Sun Hao is holding the elixir of Awu, and there are mixed feelings in his heart, including warm memories and nai sadness.
After a long time, Corleone’s body disappeared into the room with Yao Ling in hand.
Once again, Corleone has not yet stabilized her body in the sumeru condensate tower. Pear blossoms are fluttering around Corleone with great attachment, as if a little girl saw a long-lost lover and enthusiastically threw herself into Corleone’s arms and kept coquetry.
Stretching out his hand and gently stroking pieces of white petals, Sun Hao’s body slowly landed in front of the fairy pear tree, and his mouth sighed leisurely. He stretched out his hand and flashed the elixir of Awu. Sun Haoqing said, "Fairy pear son, there is another remnant soul here that needs your help to take care of."
Pear flower flutters from Corleone’s hand and slowly lifts the blue elixir spirit and leans over to his trunk.
This little medicine spirit fairy pear flower felt the same will as Xiaoqing, and felt the deep friendship they hid from Corleone.
This is a little fairy pear tree. She is more familiar with the smell. She has already understood Sun Hao’s meaning. She is also going to put this immortal medicine spirit into her trunk according to Sun Hao’s idea to keep it. They should have divinity and let them wait for Sun Hao to come back.
Fairy pear flower fluttered gently, driving the surrounding wind, as if a girl was humming a song to appease this immortal medicine spirit and drifted away to her trunk.
The immortal spirit approached the immortal pear tree and was about to blend in when an accident happened.
Sun Hao felt a deep love in his heart. Fairy pear tree seemed to see Xiaoqing laughing, and some marks of Xiaoqing Liuxian pear tree were looming.
A drop of blood that has turned into a pear flower is white and immortal, and it rises from the immortal pear tree and floats, which actually corresponds to the immortal spirit surrounded by pear flowers.
The immortal blood turns slowly, and the immortal spirit turns gently, as if they were telling each other something.
Sun Hao suddenly shocked in his heart! A flash of light flashed through my mind. Is it possible that Awu will be Xiaoqing’s reincarnation?
Think of this possibility, Sun Hao’s legs can’t help but slightly bend down. The love between the two worlds is finally predestined. Is Awu really Xiaoqing?
In my heart, it is speculated that the immortal blood and the immortal medicine spirit are changing again. They are flying like butterflies out of the petals of the fairy pear tree and flying outside the Sumeru coagulation tower.
Fairy pear tree was so surprised that it rained all over the sky and wanted to keep two butterflies.
Sun Hao’s eyes flashed a light and his mouth said softly, "Just let them go."
The petals of the fairy pear tree fluttered and let the two butterflies on the road cross a beautiful arc and float outside the Sumeru condensation tower.
Two tombs next to an ordinary wooden house outside the tower in the tower.
Butterflies came flying, and one of them floated and danced for a few minutes, and suddenly dropped the tombstone.
Corleone’s body was slightly shocked, and he looked at the tombstone with a big Joan word.
Two butterflies fall into the word Qiong, and the two most square dots of the word Qiong are lifelike as if they were still dancing slowly.
Sun Hao of Joan’s tomb saw Joan’s love, and his heart was not sad.
Sanshengshi Old Soul Appreciates the Moon and sings the wind. Don’t talk about ashamed lovers visiting each other far away. Although the opposite sex is long, the things behind her are boundless, and the cause is afraid of heartbroken. Sanshengshi wuyue has searched all over the mountains and rivers, but it has returned to the smoke.
Low call a "Joan son" Corleone squatted beside the tomb stretched out his hand and touched the tears.
Chapter 2545 Sansheng III
There is a predestined relationship between three lives.
Sun Hao squatted in front of Joan’s grave and stretched out his hand to touch Joan’s words. It’s hard to suppress his sadness for a long time.
A lifetime of love, Joan took care of herself for more than a year in the small fishing village of Wangcun when ordinary people were in the hardest time, and she regretted that she had come out of the crisis of broken meridians.
Later, when she was cruel enough to leave, relying on her to get married became the last thing she wanted to recall in her life. Later, when she was the first monk in the mainland all day and was guarding a family and almost forgot this ordinary sister, she was not far from Qian Shan, and she walked step by step from Wanshun Mountain to Guijia on her own feet, so that she could take care of herself nearby.
At last, I was able to watch her grow old and finally passed away in my arms with a smile.
It’s been a long time, and it’s almost impossible for Sun Hao to recall it. It’s almost time for Sun Hao to forget that it was once ordinary.
But now I still remember it so deeply that I didn’t forget it, but I didn’t want to remember it.
The second love is also the most dangerous time for me. At that time, I was forced to become an agarwood sword when I came to repair the emptiness and was forced to fall into the emptiness and wait for help.
It was Xiaoqing who carried herself back again. She was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and her heart was pure. Xiaoqing, like an elf, propped up the weakest herself for a day. She helped herself to embark on the road of practice again.
I can’t forget that when I was practicing the general trend of killing, Xiaoqing suddenly became a sword of love because she helped herself. Her femininity and limited love made it very difficult for me to become a powerful sword of killing, which made her a double sword bone. What kind of deep affection did she have to keep her cold than killing?
Xiaoqing II is still not good at fighting. In the end, she tempered her double sword bones by herself, which caused great disaster to heaven and earth. She was soft outside and just killed herself with the snow. The Lingtian Sword Sect left a drop of immortal blood alone, and was later merged into the fairy pear tree by herself, silently accompanying herself and waiting for her return.
But until now, I just know that Xiaoqing is Joan’s reincarnation. She is still as ordinary and unpretentious as ever. If she didn’t appear in the third body, she might never know such a secret.
Maybe it’s God’s will. Every time Joan appears, every reincarnation is when she is most vulnerable and in need of help.
Ah Wu, the third generation, is still like this. He incarnates himself as a small medicine and falls asleep. It is Ah Wu who finds himself, takes himself out of the medicine valley and brings himself into the layout.
Over the years, he has deliberately promoted his own layout in his deep sleep. Awu always takes care of his own elixir carefully, and his actual mind has long been aware of his abnormality.
However, Awu’s theory is that no matter what the situation is, he resolutely left his side and accompanied himself with regret.
Sun Hao’s tears are rolling
I can’t help but think of Awu’s final will. Awu made himself promise to her and repeatedly told himself to help her shelter the medicine family.
But in fact, this is because she knows that she has the ability to know that her origin is extraordinary, and there is something strange, but she still chose her side.
In fact, if she chooses the position of medicine family and actively cooperates with medicine myth, it will be more logical, or it will really cause a lot of trouble for herself, and whether she can advance to Mahayana smoothly will add many variables.
Think about Awu’s choice, think about it again, Awu’s choice is painful, and Awu’s regret over Sun Hao’s choice is not dull.
Iii Awu, three souls, seven souls, and one soul alone. That soul may be that II Xiaoqing left the undead blood and took away a trace of residual soul.
In the end, Awu III’s body helped Sun Hao complete Mahayana training.
Three lives and three lives, the love of each life is so unforgettable.
Sun Hao mourned for a long time in front of Joan’s grave.

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Jul 4, 2024
If the eternal emperor occupies the position of Pangu the Great and becomes the new ten statues.

Then I can have a chance to become a great emperor by taking advantage of the former position of the eternal emperor! "
Thought of here monty campus heart suddenly hot up.
Although the great emperor also fell from the throne when he fell.
But be careful not to fall from the throne.
Then if you want to be in the great position for one day, you can live forever with the rules!
This is very important for the birth of a world where the eternal emperor created everyone to pursue eternal goals.
The temptation of eternal life is absolutely right.
After a physical activity, the body gradually shrinks and reshapes.
He turned his head and looked at the surrounding environment, reaching out and preparing to make his own arrangement.
However, at this time, Monty’s face suddenly changed.
He suddenly transported the magic gas to respond, but as soon as it was transported, it immediately lost control.
Thick and huge belong to the mythical realm, and the magic gas of the strong is raging in its body.
Then a series of magic lines extend from the skin of monty.
These magic lines look like a sword, and they sting your eyes.
Obviously, these magic lines and the changes now are naturally related to the evil emperor who was absorbed into the body by Monty.
And monty clearly understood this, and he immediately urged the eternal emperor to respond!
As eternal as yellow crystal, the source of the great emperor emerged from the top of monty’s head.
Suddenly, thick majesty emanated from the yellow crystal and put it into monty’s body.
Exquisite to the extreme, gravity control drives away the evil spirit of monty’s rebellion and hides the evil emperor of Yuan Dynasty.
However, to monty’s surprise, the source of the eternal emperor is strong.
However, the root method is used to drive away the evil emperor of the heavenly demons.
That’s because the evil emperor of the Yuan Dynasty immediately decomposed his body and strength when he was swallowed up by the monty pestle.
So that those forces are quickly absorbed by monty and integrated into its original force.
And the evil emperor of Yuan Magic was secretly coming to the monty’s court or the monty’s body to know the sea.
On that day, the magic coffin will be in human form again, when the strength of the main body of the magic coffin drops to the lowest point.
Yuan demon evil emperor immediately responded to monty’s fight for all the body!
Because of the brand of Yuan demon and evil emperor, the power is integrated into it, and the body of Monty is also poor in power control
Plus this monty body is also the body of the Yuan Demon Evil Emperor in his previous life.
For all kinds of reasons, monty was actually fighting for the body and was gradually suppressed by the evil emperor Yuan.
"Damn it, you put it together. In that case, I’ll throw caution to the wind. This body won’t let you get what you want!"
The voice fell on the top of monty’s head, and the yellow crystal floated instantly and fell towards monty’s head.
Although it has a short height, the law of gravity contained in the yellow crystal is very powerful when it is started slightly.
Like a meteorite falling from the sky, the yellow crystal went straight to Monty’s head.
If monty looks crazy at the yellow crystal that is about to fall on his head.
But at this moment, Monty’s expression suddenly became calm, and the whole person seemed to be half changed.
Then monty’s body instantly falls back, but the yellow crystal has been flying with monty’s foot.
Seeing this monty’s palm rubbing into a knife, the palm of a knife was cut out horizontally and directly cut in the yellow crystal.
I heard a roar, and the yellow crystal was smashed by a knife and flew away in the distance.
At the same time, Monty suddenly turned the knife palm upside down and inserted it directly into his chest.
As if there was no pain, Monty slowly pulled out his palm and dragged out a large stream of black data from his body.
Then monty suddenly waved his hand and threw the black data out and fell to the ground.
See that black data falling on the ground constantly surging.
At the same time, it was hacked out by Monty’s backhand, and the yellow crystal flew back automatically and put into black data.
In the flashing yellow light, the black data quickly formed a strong man.
Look at that man. He’s about 60% to 70% similar to Monty.
At this time, Monty’s body changed rapidly from about three meters in height to less than two meters in normal height.
And its appearance also perfected the appearance of the evil emperor of Yuan Dynasty.
However, in the long black hair floating behind the head, there are two curved corners growing from the left and right frontal angles.
Obviously, at this time, Monty’s body has been reoccupied by the evil emperor Yuan.
Soul and body are one, and once again, they have become the monty who dominated heaven and earth!
It’s better than adding the power of the Yuan demon evil emperor. At this time, he is definitely stronger than that!
After a physical activity, the former Yuan Demon Evil Emperor now has a smile on his face.
Although reincarnated and cultivated to the mythical realm again.
But in monty’s view, this monty who has been polished for ten thousand years is the most suitable body.
It is not because of strength that he will do this, but because of this body, he is the best match.
Matching the body can all hope that the soul of the heavenly fiend will become one again.
This is also one of the reasons why the former demon emperor can occupy the body so quickly when he throws himself into the body!
The black data group dragged by monty from the body is naturally the source data.
And the most unique thing that Monty does is to force the power to stay almost successful.
Now, the remaining 20% of the forces have no chance to win in the face of today’s new monty roots.
At this time, in addition to the unwilling expression, there is still a strong desire to die!
See him reach out and make the yellow crystal emerge.
Then he suddenly waved and slapped the yellow crystal on his forehead!
Chapter 199 Eternal Emperor arrival!
It’s moving fast, at least monty will have to stop it in the future.

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Jul 1, 2024

The flames were everywhere, and the two men fought together again.
Not far away, sitting in a high bar, the proprietress vomited a smoke turn. "Young is good, rich is sex."
Two people sword touch together again.
Raleigh looked at Jose with a smile on his face. "It’s been an hour."
"Don’t be wordy" annoyed that Jose yelled at a figure and then retreated. Soon dozens of Jose attacked Raleigh again.
"bang, click"
The ghosting is the ghosting. No matter how many make the final attack, there is a Raleigh who says that the knife has been waved by him to turn into several knife shadows.
The battle continues, and the two figures are constantly intertwined in various places, such as the roots of the tree, and so on. Therefore, they didn’t use a powerful chop to fight. He did use all kinds of strange skills, but even this kind of two-handed weapon still dazzled the basic skills of cutting, cutting, chopping, stabbing and so on
Damn, the smelly old man is so old, and his reaction is still so fast. Jose’s face is blue. He didn’t expect the other side to attack by itself, so he can defend himself. You know, even Janks with red hair can attack all his attacks like this.
It can be said that Li Lei, the keeper of hades, deserves to be the top strong man of that era. Even in his old age, his reaction speed to combat experience is still so high and fast.
Raleigh compared with red-haired Janks combat experience, the reaction speed is very strong, and all of them are one level lower than Birelli. They have the advantage of winning, age and physical strength. When I thought of this, Jose’s eyes became even hotter.
Chapter one hundred End
Minutes by minute, the metal slips by, and the sun has gone west, and the bubbles in the islands are even more glorious.
In area 13, the keeper of hades, Lilejos, stared at each other with bubbles.
Two people figure almost at the same time a black and a white time bump together again.
"Woo!" The wind roared and blew all the bubbles around.
"Is the physical strength finally slowly decreasing?" Jose looked at him and gasped lightly. Raleigh breathed so evenly compared with the other Jose. This is his young advantage.
In the battle, knowing that the injury-for-injury method couldn’t hit the other side, Jose gave up this kind of play and insisted that the other side fight normally. However, even so, he was cut many times and he couldn’t play the other side once, which made Jose feel lost, but the thought that he hadn’t learned to understand him slowly leveled off.
"Well, let’s call it a day! I can’t stand it if I call again. "Raleigh put away his sword and his sharp eyes became confused again. At the same time, he sighed," This money is really hard to earn. "
"All right!" Jose also restored the weapon to its original state and put it back into the scabbard. Although he didn’t cut Raleigh, he felt that he benefited a lot. His double-knife swordsmanship and triple-knife swordsmanship were further optimized.
I don’t have that much money with me, so I’ll pay you 10 million Bailey first. Jose followed, "I’ll pay you the rest later."
Raleigh will note department closed way "ok! Although it is a little less, it is strong enough for a while. "
"Remember to pay me back in a week, or I will calculate interest." Raleigh said and went in the other direction.
Shakuyaku will jose salute handed him a way "little brother you are really amazing! He can play for so long at a young age. "
"What’s the difference between cutting and cutting?" Jose rolled his eyes.
Shakuyaku smiled. "But he can’t beat you. Besides, if you keep calling, you can cut him. I mean, isn’t it?"
"Okay, I’m leaving, sister Shakuyaku." Jos waved goodbye. She said it was true. If they call again, Jos can really cut him, but that’s also the case that the other side is physically weak, so even if he is cut, he won’t feel happy.
"Little brother, welcome to come again" came the voice of Shakuyaku’s boss-in-law.
Jose raised his hand and waved his hand, and the long figure drawn by the sunset slowly disappeared into Shakuyaku’s eyes.
At sunset, Malin Fando, the island of Xihai Military Department, looks particularly gorgeous and moving like a bride in a wedding dress.
Jose walked into the villa and missed looking at this luxurious hall. He walked to his room step by step, and his hands were all pink. The walls, desks, wardrobes, bed curtains and other departments were all pink. A trace of sadness flashed through his eyes. Jose bought his own clothes and put them away. When he opened the curtains, the red glow reflected his resolute face.
The setting sun adds a gorgeous color to the room. He just saw the spectacle of the setting sun sinking the coastline outside the window.
"Very beautiful! Domino "Jose consciousness looked to the side and then a shock when he woke up.
"Bang!" Waves of pulse from the waist to cut the spirit knife.
"I believe you can see it!" Jos stroked the handle with one hand and looked up at the coastline dyed red by the sunset.
"Bang Bang"

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