Jul 11, 2024
See GuHui go far Bai Gujing spring thirty niang whispered for a moment and then suddenly turned to drink a way.

As soon as the voice fell and swayed, there was a sudden gust of evil wind. In the evil wind, people looked forward to several skeleton soldiers.
Four people in Oracle bones will stride out of the Voldemort.
"Come with me in the evil wind, and the giant ghost will follow the 30-year-old mother into action."
Bai Gujing said the body twisted into a gray gas floating forward.
Two of the four bones in Voldemort will get up, wave the bone sword and follow Bai Gujing with more than half of the Yin soldiers in the evil wind.
"You come with me"
Spring 30 Niang waved to the ground and twisted her body into a pink light to float forward.
"ho ho"
The two corpses will then stand up and lead the remaining skeletons to follow the evil wind.
The "rumble" kept ringing, and the place had just turned into a sea of fire.
Gu Hui walked through the fire, and there were faint gold and silver. The silver flame beads in the abdomen kept rotating and absorbed the essence of fire.
Silver flame beads are produced by the fusion of ginseng spirit after drinking dragon blood by Guhui, and then cultured and melted in a furnace pot. Wanhuozu absorbed and nourished the skyfire summoned by Zhu Rong.
At every step, the fire around Guhui was absorbed by the silver flame beads and disappeared.
"Are you a person who is not afraid of me burning the sky?"
Looking at ourtenant coming step by step GuHui small Zhu Rong this just show some panic.
Calling for the burning of heaven by oneself belongs to samadhi. In the true fire, heaven and fire do not burn, and things do not burn.
The young people across the street went into the fire without damage and could absorb the fire, which surprised little Zhu Rong.
Does this young man still have the treasure of spirit beads to avoid fire after being smelted by industrial fire?
"You must be Master Wugutu, right? If you don’t teach him how to practice, but indulge him to help others abuse evil, then I will teach you master and apprentice how to be human."
GuHui stopped, his eyes swept away, and the gate was suspended. Little Zhu Rong smiled coldly and took out the black iron axe from the ring. He took out the dragon tendon and tied the axe and threw it out with a drink.
He saw a black mans flash across the axe and beheaded Zhu Rong. In the past, Gu Hui’s right hand dragged Long Jin’s left hand and pinched out a tactic. When he said a few words, he saw a golden mans rushing out and disappearing.
"Hum, don’t be afraid of fire, I can’t stand you."
See the axe fly to chop, little Zhu Rong sneer at a jade refers to a finger, she heard a shock to a fire, the bird spread its wings and flew out into the wind and went straight to the axe.
At the moment when the firebird was about to meet the axe, Fang Guhui sneered at the right hand and pulled the dragon tendon to pull the axe, and suddenly turned to avoid the firebird and cut it obliquely to Little Zhu Rong.
Firebirds jumped at GuHui from all directions.
Gu Hui smiled and spit out a silver bead, then turned into a silver lotus, going round and round to meet the firebird.
Several crunchy firebirds were bloomed by silver lotus, and the lotus leaves were stirred into powder and disappeared after being inhaled.
Gao Yinmang flashed a silver lotus and turned it into a silver bead and flew into Guhui’s mouth.
The firebird was instantly destroyed, and Zhu Rong couldn’t help but see Zheng that the axe was cut into his hand again, and once again he pinched out a dharma tactic to cast spells again.
After some time, there was a wave of gas behind him, followed by a flash of gold awn and a three-foot long gold sticker. Once again, a flash of sad interest was posted on Zhu Rong’s back.
"Ah, how did that happen?"
Little Zhu Rong’s tactic was urged, but the firebird didn’t fly out of the body. The essence of fire was like being imprisoned, and it was no longer illegal to mobilize, so it couldn’t help but be frightened to disgrace.
Chapter 11 Shura clan conspiracy
At the same time, the black iron axe chopped down with a roar.
Zhu Rong, Jr. can hide his eyes and burst into flames. When his hands suddenly closed on one side, he abruptly clamped the axe in his palm.
Body flame skyrocketing palm green flame suddenly saved the axe wrapped in a fierce burning up.
Although it is sealed by the six-character true paste, the mana method casts spells, but the body contains fine fire, which can still urge a small part to be urgently urged to wrap the axe and burn.
The axe was gripped by the palm of your hand, and the axe handle burned into ashes, and the flame rolled along the dragon ribs, except that the black iron body was safe and damaged.
Gu Hui’s hand suddenly shook the dragon tendon back, and the left hand in the loading ring turned out to be a method. The golden awn flashed and three runes flew out, and a burst of jitter condensed into a golden hand and flew straight to Xiao Zhu Rong.
Look at the hands changed shape darksteel axe small Zhu Rong was so proud that he was about to say something when he saw the golden awn flashing like a water tank.

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Jul 8, 2024
"I will"

"Well," zhaojie turned to squat down beside Niya and gently rubbed her hair. "Niya, didn’t you say you wanted Atlantis to return to land? Now is that time to meet your ability. "
"What should I do?" Nia obviously some at a loss.
Zhaojie said softly, "Sing your mermaid song, and then your heart calls on your own friends to help you lift Atlantis to the surface."
"Well," Niya nodded, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The soul sang the song that she had sung several times.
Beautiful ocean
I praise your greatness.
But I hate your feelings.
You have darken those who long for light.
You make those who long for flowers coral.
To satisfy one’s delusion
Once a beautiful land
Be sung by everyone
Dream like sunshine
Flowers are at my feet
The breeze blew on the cheek.
I look forward to it with the most sincere hope
Looking forward to the most beautiful fairy tale
Dream of Wang you
Kiss my blonde hair when you come.
But girls’ fairy tales will be interpreted in dreams
Flood arrival
Submerged flowers
I send cards.
Since then, the breeze has stopped blowing.
The sun no longer shines.
Girl’s canthus
Also full of tears.
Her melodious and bright songs can almost penetrate people’s bodies and reach people’s hearts. In this song, all emotions are washed and purified to calm people’s hearts.
Outside the protective cover, ripples spread out to the depths of the seabed, and then waves of whale-like barking were fed back to everyone’s ears, immersed in music. People suddenly opened their eyes and saw a deep-sea behemoth that was taller than the mountain and tightly surrounded the protective cover. These monsters were not tyrannical in their eyes, but as calm as everyone else.
Looking at this huge monster outside, Hong murmured, "Boss, I admire you like a raging river."
Niya stopped singing. She turned to zhaojie. After receiving the latter’s encouraging eyes, she put a pair of small hands on her chest and whispered, "My friends, can I ask you to help me send Atlantis back to land?"
Her voice was so soft that zhaojie could barely hear it even by her side, but the group of sea animals separated by a protective cover immediately dispersed as soon as she finished speaking. In a short time, the city was shaking like an earthquake, and from here, we can see that there were dozens of behemoths in another Atlantis city in the distance, digging into a hard steel frame in the deep soil and slowly lifting it up.
At this time, there was a sound in everyone’s ear.

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Jul 5, 2024
The man in front of him is going to do it with himself because of a pot of wine.

Can you believe this?
The answer is yes.
An Xiaoya took one look at Xiao Wan and had a good talk. Hu Dwarves found that the two men were quite predestined friends.
So she decided to give this to Xiaowan.
"Well, since you’re going to follow my words, it’s good to wait until level 2 enters my mercenary group. I don’t have any mandatory requirements here. You can do whatever you want."
"Besides, now do you want to go back to the city or upgrade with us?"
Gong Liang immediately said that he would return to the city.
"If there is no wine, I guess the horse will die. Now I need to hurry back to the city to collect a batch of wine!"
This is a big event for yourself, and you can’t take it lightly.
"Well, that’s it. If there’s anything, just ask dad directly."
"Hello, my name is Daddy. If you have anything to ask me after I’m not at home."
Dad said that he had lost a friend’s application to Gong Liang.
Gong Liang agreed and looked at An Xiaoya. "How can I get out of this maze of goddess?"
Hear GongLiang call AnXiaoYa which still can’t know this guy decided to join them is because in the BBS know yourself.
I knew how this guy who can’t afford to get up early could sell himself casually!
"You go to the plug-in store and make a map auxiliary plug-in in my plug-in, and then I will dock a map here for you and you can go out by yourself."
An xiaoya’s command
Gong Liang snorted and snapped, and then received the map of An Xiaoya docking.
"Well, then we’ll contact again later!"
An Xiaoya waved goodbye to Dahu Dwarves.
"Goodbye, dear little friend!" Xiaowan also bid farewell to his new friends.
"Good-bye, everyone. Come and experience when I buy wine and supplies!"
An Xiaoya has a new understanding of this guy’s thick skin.
"Come on, people are gone, let’s continue to brush the blame," said An Xiaoya. "When he comes, let him join the group on his own."
It’s not that they reject him, but that there is just one more person!
This can blame them!
It’s generally dark for an afternoon, and the level of An Xiaoya has reached 14 and 10%
"I can upgrade this evening! It’s incredible! "
An Xiaoya came to expect that he wanted to upgrade for at least 20 days.
As a result, the monster here is double the experience and divine skill, and she feels that she can shorten this time to seven days.
That’s awesome!
"All right, all right, everyone is dismissed. I will rush to the fifteenth level tonight and then try to see if I can get the second floor!"
AnXiaoYa smiling feel a little heart.
Everyone is very happy to nod.
At 10: 30 in the evening, An Xiaoya leaps a light beam. She has been upgraded!
"Come on, I’ll try."
An Xiaoya takes everyone to explore the entrance of the auxiliary light door.
"Er … this is a single vice"
Anxiaoya turned to look at everyone.
Yin Ming first reacted, "Has the grade been reached?"
AnXiaoYa nodded "yes! Fifteen is enough. This is a single deputy. You should blame me first and try it! "
After the captain was transferred to the dad, An Xiaoya entered the vice.
We found a place not too far away and waited for news from An Xiaoya.
In this map memory, there is nothing to explore by yourself.
But this is not a problem for a man who used to be a French god.
As soon as I entered the deputy An Xiaoya, I felt that I was shining at the moment and then-I was almost blinded!
Close your eyes quickly and then open them slowly so that you can’t stand being stimulated.
Looking at a glistening white light in front of you, An Xiaoya feels worse than a ghost tower!
This is two extremes.
The ghost tower is barely visible in the dark, but here it is harsh, and the light is not flashing blind people all the time.
An Xiaoya toured around and found that even the nature and ghost tower here are just the opposite.
Looks like a temple structure
Looking at this without a trace of human habitation, the Temple Anxiaoya walked to the gate.
Not far from pushing the door is a mass of black fog.
Anxiaoya frowning, she probably knew what was going on here.
These so-called "limited vice" should actually suppress the monsters in the tower.
But these "vice" are more or less invaded by darkness, and the ghost tower can’t be completely suppressed, so the ghost tower will be alive.
What the player needs to do in these pairs is precisely to eliminate the darkness invaded by these lights.
What did Bai want to do? AnXiaoya looked at a few dark clouds not far away, and the holy punishment was directly eliminated.

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Jul 4, 2024
"It seems that I am impatient, and it can’t be completed immediately overnight." Chen Bo sighed. After all, he was born in the Internet and lacked understanding of the concept of timeliness in the whole industry.

"Well, you still have to take your time." Li Shusen took off his glasses and rubbed his sour eye socket, and then said earnestly, "You just start too fast, so you can grind your sex. I witnessed the birth and development of Tongkou Port for more than two years, and I brought a group of talents in this field from Pengcheng. Don’t be too stingy."
"That’s natural. When have I been stingy? It’s up to you to manage it! I never two words "Chen Bo patting his chest to ensure that.
"Don’t flatter me. I don’t buy it. Sometimes you talk to Maktoum."
"hmm? What to talk to him about? "
"There are more and more Chinese in Dubai now, and it is a big problem for this child to go to school. I am the Counsellor of our embassy here. After all, officially speaking, setting up a Chinese school has a sense of cultural invasion and international influence, and I still have to go through the people’s channels as far as possible."
"You are so generous now. Some media call me a civilian diplomat. I think this title should be given to you." Although Chen Bo said so, he still started his father-in-law.
Chapter 14 Chinatown
"The temple meets again!" After a day’s rest in Dubai, Chen Bo asked Maktoum to meet him. In fact, the two of them just came back.
"It’s not the day before yesterday that we watched the ball together." Mark Tum squinted with a smile. "It’s a pity that I don’t have a’ qingluan’. The return speed is naturally much slower. I heard that you also went to Liuzhou for a round."
"Nothing can hide from your eyeliner." Chen Bo smiled deliberately.
Longcheng, Dubai is a small merchant wholesale market, which has only been in business for more than a year, but it has attracted a large number of small traders from China to seek gold.
On the ability to do business, Chinese people are no less than a so-called great nation, including Jews, who go wherever they have the opportunity. Zhejiang people, Minnan people and Lingnan people are the three main forces, Longcheng and the diplomatic product of the two countries. Chen Bo just deliberately turned around in a big way.
Don’t look at the edge of the desert, but you can see everything from dried noodles in the north to hot sauce in the south, from plastic bath flowers to bucket mops in your country.
These worthless things can’t be made in any Arab country. They are all industrial accessories. They are nomads and have no industrial base, so they can rely on imports.
Even North African countries will not travel far from Wan Li to purchase goods here.
In that area, there are less than 30,000 Chinese people who are familiar with the local accent and have no law children running around. Although Dubai is a public school, Chinese nationals and foreign children can go to private schools, but professors are American pedagogy, and they can learn English and Arabic. Even vendors who earn a lot of money can’t afford to sell hundreds of thousands a year.
However, Chen Bo didn’t intend to talk about this topic directly. He didn’t beat around the bush but said directly, "I intend to hand over the Pearl Harbor of Atlantis to Dubai Port Company."
"Zhuhai port? You renamed Gransier, but it’s a little similar to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii! " Maktoum’s note is a bit strange. Instead of getting down to business, he has the problem of renaming.
"There is a poem in our country called’ There are pearls in the big bay’. The fishermen in the Arabian Sea are rich in pearls, but they don’t have any money with that Pearl Harbor." Chen Bo patiently explained, "I also changed Hadib into Phoenix, and you must know that Phoenix means that I hope this town will be reborn in the Moore Plain in the future. I also changed it into Dolphin Bay!"
Phoenix has another meaning, that is, because Haya said that she was the master. This kind of bird is really not unique in Chinese literature, even in the Arab world and European and American cultures. It is better to say that both eastern and western cultures are connected than the previous name.
"It’s a beautiful name. It reminds me of my ancestors." Maktoum perfunctory a sentence and then added, "Why choose Dubai Port Authority? Aren’t you afraid that I won’t try my best?"
"First of all, Wang Dian is not so narrow-minded and you and I are not rivals but partners!"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, Dubai Port is backed by the unique land resources in the Arab world, and Zhuhai Port is inaccessible to land. What it will do in the future is just transshipment business, mainly because seeking a node in the Suez Canal commercial road will not only affect Dubai, but also accelerate the circulation of goods in Dubai Port.
Besides, you know better than me what it was like in front of Jelaberry Port. If it weren’t for your decision, how could it have been? The annual growth rate has attracted worldwide attention. On the port operation and management ability, Dubai Port Authority is the top others, and I trust my friend more than I do! "
Chen Bo even boasted that he was afraid that he would list Zhuhai Port as his main competitor, but if this port was built, it would be able to control Suez Trade Road and East African ore resources, which is definitely a big fat meat.
"You know this very well. We are good friends who advance and retreat together!" Maktoum relaxed a little, picked up cakes in delicate silverware and put them in his mouth. Then he asked, "It’s not a problem to be entrusted with your management, but I don’t think it shows your sincerity."
Old fox, hemp egg! Chen boxin said, that’s what you’re good at. Don’t let me catch you in my circle after something happens, or I’ll cheat you!
Although I thought so in my heart, my mouth smiled and said, "Does the temple have a unique taste of this cake?"
"well! Yes, the dim sum chefs in the sailing hotel are all dug by me from his hotel group, which is naturally not bad! " Maktoum was still wanting more, and then he threw another piece into his mouth.
"Do you know this raw material?"
"Isn’t it made of flour and cream?"
"Of course, but it’s all grown on my farm, and wheat is also milk squeezed from my ranch."
"You? ?” Mark toom surprised way
"Yes, wheat comes from Kenya, milk comes from Tanzania, and I sent an agricultural project in Africa. It was only a 5-mu experimental field years ago, and the local people planted 1 ton of wheat per hectare, but I succeeded in increasing it by 6 times! In Mozambique, rice production has increased seven times, and the vast grassland can also graze cattle and sheep. "
"So high?"
"This is the approval of various governments, and of course I spent a lot of money. I have rented a total of 150,000 mu of land in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique.
The lease period is 99 years, and each mu of land needs to be leased for 1 US dollar. In addition, the church and local people are hired for planting. There are nearly 20,000 mu of wasteland to be leased and reclaimed, which is the same as 99 years. What does this mean? "
"It means that the Arab countries no longer need to look at the faces of Europeans and Americans, which means that more people will get rid of hunger every year. Behind such a high-quality port as Dubai is the food demand of 4.9 billion people!" Maktoum is now about to surprise Ba Yuan. This young man is just in the field of new technology, and there are some things that are more vivid in his mind.
Now he has not only bought the geographical fortress Atlantis, but also quietly set up a grain business, while others are greedy for African minerals. What a good move to hide it! The Middle East has a large population, but most of it is desert, except dates, which are camels.
The place where wheat can be planted is also near the Black Sea. Although Turkey has planted a lot, it still needs a lot of imports to occupy the two river basins. Iraq has the Mesopotamian plain, but who will farm after years of war? Food prices in the Middle East can also rise year by year.
Whoever has mastered food will have mastered mankind! What about after he mastered it? My heart can’t help but get hot!
"So much land must be invested in more kinds, fertilizers and machinery, and wells need to be dug to repair water to ensure a bumper harvest. I am willing to sell some shares to the temple in exchange for more development funds."
"How much can you give me for $300 million?" Maktoum looked at the displayed photo documents. This company registered in the Cayman Islands called "Tianliang" has indeed been approved by governments of various countries. Of course, there is no doubt that he can fake a monk and not run away from the temple!
"15% shares" Chen Bo said that it is a share, not a share, which means that he doesn’t have much to say about how to operate without voting.
"I need to participate in sales management in the Middle East"
"It’s no problem. The sales network is under the responsibility of Ali. It’s very difficult to communicate."
"Then it’s a deal. Happy!" Maktoum, afraid that he would go back on his word, immediately said that compared with Abu Dhabi, his funds are not an order of magnitude, but he is still far-sighted and willing to spend money. Although the money may not be him at all, it does not prevent him from borrowing chickens and laying eggs.
"There is one more thing I want to get the approval of the temple." Chen Bo did not respond directly, but added, "There are more and more Chinese living and doing business in Dubai, and they have made great contributions to the cultural and commercial exchanges between the two countries, but they have always been naturalized."
"It’s really a pity that there is nothing you can do to protect the residents of the country. I hope you can understand." Maktoum became bureaucratic, which is really not up to him. Dubai is in charge, but the whole United Arab Emirates depends on Abu Dhabi’s face
He’d like to, because there are no oil resources here, but you can’t give Dubai a passport alone, can you? This has touched the oil interests of Abu Dhabi, otherwise so many people from India and Pakistan will come in and demand national treatment. Where can we feed ourselves?
"It’s really a pity, but the local chamber of commerce came to me and asked the temple if they could build a Chinese school to teach Chinese, Arabic and English. Besides, we Chinese are all theists. It’s very sad to see so many dedicated businessmen in Longcheng who can either foster their children to their hometown because of educational problems or bring them around without studying law!"
Chen Bo, who is the president of the local chamber of commerce, doesn’t know him at all, and he can’t say that he is entrusted by the government, but he can borrow a hat from a non-governmental organization
"Well, how about this? The teaching materials for running schools in Chinatown, a Chinese-inhabited area 5 kilometers away from the market center of Longcheng, Fiona Fang, must be examined and approved by the education department, and only students with Chinese nationality will be banned immediately if they violate their educational qualifications."
"You are a sensible British wise chief! This is Dubai’s lucky Arabian light! " Chen Bo sent a bunch of disgusting compliments without stint. After all, he wore thousands of flatteries without wearing them!
If it were only Wang Maktoum at ordinary times, you would definitely correct your name, but now you are happy to accept that the old chief has long been in poor health and ignored political affairs, but now he has been in his sickbed for a long time, which is naturally his time
Chapter 15 Choking
Chen Bo has now turned into a big landlord in Dubai, Fiona Fang, 5 kilometers or 25 square kilometers of land. In addition to the original Longcheng market, the remaining desert Maktoum gave it to him with a wave of his hand. It is said that it is a barren land, but the traffic is good, and the transfer is almost outrageous.
Deserts and beaches are also made of sand, but the price is nearly a thousand times lower.
All these lands are put in the name of Atlantis development company, which is still managed by Li Shusen.
Of course, it is easy to solve such a trivial matter as how to repair and build it.
Atlantis is understandable. The name of the developer owns the Atlantis Islands and the undeveloped land in Dubai. The Pearl Harbor is the name of the project. It is designed by the developer himself, and the general contractor is responsible for it, and then subcontracted to the construction unit, which is much clearer.
It’s the same in Chinatown. I have land and give it to a company with ideas and strength to distribute houses and shops, but on the condition that I must build a teaching staff from kindergarten to high school, and the embassy will find ways to operate and repair it after the national adjustment, and the developer and the local chamber of commerce will be responsible for all Chinese school-age children.
The whole operation process is so simple, which is also the only drawback of the mature operation mode of real estate. Chen Bo, an Atlantis company, has land but no one, no money and no strength.
But it doesn’t matter. The history of the developers is the same. With the land, it’s hard to say anything. Someone has come to the pole for cooperation.
Just as Zhuhai Port is indeed a tax free port, it does not mean that ships are required to levy taxes on cross-border berthers and enjoy free trade benefits. For example, merchant ships from East Asia can put light processing in warehouses and have to make another trip to African trading companies, which can then be re-sent to other regions, the Middle East, Africa or Europe according to the order quantity.

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Jun 29, 2024
Flow frost as if eating a glimpse asked.

"What do you say?"
Glance cocked his head and asked.
Chapter 10, Not Choice
I can’t remember who said that the greater a person’s ability, the greater his responsibility, not that you chose the world, but that the world chose you.
In too many nai, I am confused and can’t tell the way forward. I am tired and want to rest, but I still have to walk.
Choose your own path, even if you are kneeling, you must walk through it, even if you are sad all the way.
"I know you will help me!" Very sad at the sight of frost, and the atmosphere of the whole room became dignified. Frost is like this, and her every move can lead to changes in the surrounding atmosphere. This is the unique temperament of the most powerful princess in Zheng State.
"It’s the last time. I don’t think I’ll see you again after this time!" Glance gently took off the mask and put it on the table. "I have found out some things in those days, and then I want revenge. I think I really have no ability or time to help you."
"I know you’ve met her!" Liu Frost quietly picked the neck necklace. It was a purple agate gem. The enchanting purple light set off Liu Frost, which was even more beautiful and moving. Liu Frost handed the agate gem to the glimpse. Her hand actually trembled a little.
"Keep it! Even if I gave you a wedding present before, I didn’t pick up the agate gem. That was when I gave it to Liushuang in the warm spring season three years ago.
"You need this," Liu Shuang said stubbornly.
Of course, I know that I need this powerful man, and the secret is hidden here. Frost also knows this secret.
The demon race and Terran fight for hegemony. The demon emperor of Zhongzhou and the Terran Three Heroes fought a decisive battle in the mysterious realm of Kunlun Mountain in the ancient mountains. After the demon emperor was killed, his body was scattered. This is one of the four fierce beasts, and the demon emperor can be resurrected when they gather together.
This is a secret that few people know, but a glimpse of it is just like when he told Shen Yao.
When Ye Lingyu wanted to kill the glimpse, it was also because of this secret. Everyone who knew this secret had participated in the battle of the Terran Three Masters and the demon emperor. At the beginning, the Three Masters closed the secret forever, almost killing all the strong people in that era. However, the ancestors of Ye Jia realized this conspiracy early in the morning, and Ye Jia’s unique ability to seal this secret to the middle of the blood line made his family extinct. Because of this glimpse, he believed that his sister would not hurt himself, but Ye Lingyu wanted to kill himself. Then there is a possibility.
When competing for exquisite jade, I glanced at myself and asked my own questions, but Ling Ye Yu didn’t answer. However, I was more convinced that someone was controlling my sister. Obviously, it was Ye Lingyu who didn’t glance at it and couldn’t guess what the other chip was.
But the more so, the stronger the desire to solve the mystery.
The agate gem of Frost Hand is a quarter of this secret, which contains four fierce beasts. Qiong Qi knows that the secret person knows that the four fierce beasts can resurrect the demon emperor, but the glimpse and Ye Lingyu know that the secret of the four fierce beasts gathering to resurrect the demon queen is about to be revealed.
At the beginning, the Terran tried its best to kill the demon emperor because the demon emperor was the only one who stepped into the realm of going against the gods after the war of sealing the gods. However, due to the restrictions of the demon clan, he had to evolve his body again to make the spirit and body synchronize and truly step into the realm of going against the gods, and the last step was to die and be born later.
It is precisely because of this that the Terran Sanjie had the opportunity to kill him and take the secret of the fate of the strong, but they underestimated the spirit of the fate of the strong. When the four fierce beasts were divided, they discovered that the original demon emperor was not something they could deal with.
Everyone is selfish, and after the most powerful enemy is solved, it has caused a new struggle for the division of interests. This time, very few people know that the historical truth has been buried forever. The only thing that can vaguely see the traces of history is that the four fierce beasts have been sealed one by one for thousands of years, but no one can gather them.
"You should know that this thing is doomed to be my enemy in my hands," Liu Shuang said slowly, looking at the glimpse.
"Hum is no longer in your hands, so we are not enemies?" A glimpse of disdain left the pie mouth "your dream is to unify Zhongzhou, and the final theory is that the strong are the fastest shortcuts. Even if you give this to me today, you will get it back sooner or later, so I might as well be generous."
"Some things must be said so directly? Very sad! " There is a faint sadness in the tone of frost flow.
"Some words are even sadder if you don’t say them." A glimpse calmly holds the frosty hand and holds the agate gem tightly.
"Forget it, let’s get down to business. Is my second brother learning from the three elders of Shenyu?" It’s the little girl’s attitude that flows with frost, but now she has become the princess Zheng Guoer with one person and ten thousand people.
"I don’t know". Nai shook his head. Because the name of the ghost castle is so bad, it seems that the elder martial sister just lifted the table of Emperor Zheng not long ago. It’s strange that the ghost castle knows such a thing.
"hey!" Liu Shuang sighed, "In fact, if the ghost castle is willing to compromise with the royal family, the power of the ghost castle will be 100 times stronger than it is now."
"If you don’t persuade me, our ghost castle has its own rules, just as if you have your own insistence that we will not compromise whatever we do."
"Forget it!" Frost is not much to say. She knows that Xiao Yiren, the owner of the Ghost Castle, is a monster in the Ghost Castle. Although there are the least people in the three holy places, the comprehensive strength of the Ghost Castle is the strongest. Many times, the quality gap is not compensated by quantity.
The results of the glimpse and Ye Lingyu are frosty. I also know that although the final glimpse was lost, the two strongest masters of the younger generation, Jiange, were defeated. If Ye Lingyu can kill the glimpse, it is probably the best result! It’s lucky to have a genius like Ye Lingyu and Shen Yao, but there are seven people in Ghost Castle who are the clearest people except Xiao Yiren. Maybe they don’t have such a pervert, but all seven of them are animal-level figures, which is a definition for them because they are so animals.
"I hope you can stop my second brother from going to Shenqu," Liu Shuang said, playing with the agate gem in his hand.
"You mean let me kill the three elders of God? Have you ever thought about the consequences? It seems a bit risky to see that there is a complicated conspiracy behind things, even though we don’t know much about politics, when a poorly handled God’s domain will be caught together with Qin’s war with Zheng.
"If you can’t fight Qin, it’s not so easy to break the three-legged situation without this courage, and I didn’t ask you to kill the three elders of Shenyu alone. I mean, my second brother will die, too."
A word made the glance frown.

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Jun 28, 2024
When it was fast, it was slow. Wang Shichong knelt down and was strong. Some of his body could not bear the great pressure, which made him consume a lot of physical strength. His forehead was full of sweat and kept dripping the ground wet.

When Wang Shichong couldn’t bear it, Yang You stopped. "Wang Shichong, get up first!"
Moment Wang Shichong has been tensing the heartstrings and suddenly relaxed. He almost threw himself down. Thanks to his strong will, he struggled to stabilize his body and slowly sat down with a glimmer of life in his eyes.
"I thought about it. You are also a victim." Yang You began slowly.
Wang Shichong’s heart was filled with joy. "Yes, I am also a victim."
Yang You waved his hand to stop talking and continued, "But you are the victim, and I am the victim. You see, the Spring Festival is coming soon, but I have to stay here and I can’t be reunited with my family. Do you think it’s miserable?"
Wang Shichong one leng rushed to nod a way in the heart "pursuit Li Tangshi is extremely hateful. When I return to Luoyang, I will definitely revive the military forces and Li Shimin children’s decisive battle."
Yang You went to the chair and sat down, sipping his tea. "It’s true that Li Tang is hateful. I want them to pay the price."
Wang Shichong a happy heart is Yang You also intends to send troops to support?
"Li Tang is hateful, but it’s not urgent. Wang Shichong, it’s not impossible for you to ask me to let you retreat. But I have several conditions. If you can’t do one of them, the matter will stop here. You can go back to the camp to fight!" Yang You added
Wang Shichong heard Yang You let go and said, "whatever conditions are available." Wang Shichong knew that Yang You’s conditions must be very harsh. For him, it was exhausting and fishing for the flesh to mend the sore. Although he could not do it, Wang Shichong had to do it.
Yang You coughed and motioned for the military to return to its place, but Kan Kan talked about it.
"First, Wang Xuanshu is coming to Da Sui as a hostage." Yang You said and put up a finger. He knew that Wang Xuanshu was not too much, but Wang Shichong liked him better.
Wang Shichong nodded, and this request was nothing. He had a bottom line in his heart. It was a prerequisite. Although he was very angry with Yang You, he had to admit that Yang Sui had less moral integrity than Li Tang, and Yang You did not attack the Allies boldly.
"I’ll send it later," Wang Shichong replied.
Yang You squinted his eyes and raised his second finger. "Second, it’s very hard for the soldiers to fight in the cold this time. Do you have any opinion that the soldiers want you to treat them?"
Yang You said that it seems polite, but there is no room for manoeuvre. Wang Shichong is very white. He wanted to think, "This time I brought food and money, so I left Nanyang as much as possible to reward the three armed forces." In fact, Wang Shichong wanted to quickly support Luoyang. It is the most important thing for him to travel lightly. Most of these foods should be left at this time, so he did accommodate them.
Yang You took another sip of tea and looked much more serious. When Wang Shichong saw it, he was stunned. Suddenly he realized that the third condition was the most important one. He couldn’t help but get nervous. What was the third condition?
"Third, I want you to get rid of the emperor’s name, the big Sui!" Yang You said it was simple, but his tone was very firm.
Wang Shichong shook uncontrollably and asked him to get rid of the Emperor’s name, the big Sui. Isn’t that hitting his face? If he does this, what dignity does he have in the eyes of the soldiers and civilians in Luoyang, Wang Shichong? Will Dazheng court be placed in the ground again?
"I can allow you to temporarily administer Luoyang for me, and I can give you a fief until the day is over." Yang You still slowly throws a blockbuster and he is ready to give Wang Shichong a treat.
The sweetness is that he hopes that Wang Shichong will be very interested in this.
Wang Shichong is short of breath. If few people know what happened today that Wang Shichong can still maintain the style of emperor, it is a stain on him or Zheng Empire to be obedient to Sui Emperor.
Yang You’s intention is very important. He feels a little difficult to accept this requirement that he become a big Sui captaincy.
Wang Shichong wiped the sweat and tried, "Are you going to move the capital to Luoyang?"
Yang You ha ha a smile "I said let you guard Luoyang for me, you can rest assured that I will make its capital ten or Chang ‘an".
Hearing this, Wang Shichong was relieved to concede, but Yang You temporarily ignored Luoyang, he, Wang Shichong or Luoyang bully Sui Jun. Ultimately, it depends on the strength. Of course, at that time, it was unfavorable for the big Sui captaincy Wang Shichong to want to fight against the big Sui name.
However, in any case, even the vassal king still retains the hope of hegemony, and if Luoyang is captured by Li Shimin, the hope of hegemony will be completely cut off. It is in Wang Shichong’s interest to make a relative comparison between the two.
Wang Shichong briefly mused, "Wang Shichong is willing to submit to Da Sui, but I have a small request."
Yang You put the teacup and said, "Tell me about it."
"I think it is urgent for Li Shimin to attack Luoyang now, and I want to send troops to Zhu Yang to cut off Li Shimin’s return," Wang Shichong said.
Yang You narrowed his eyes, which is equivalent to an exchange, but Yang You has little to lose. This game Yang You can be said to be a complete victory in Luoyang, and Yang You will definitely win it sooner or later. But for now, it is absolutely impossible to fall into the Li Tang power Wang Shichong after Li Tang. If it takes a lot of effort to attack Wang Shichong Luoyang, it takes less than 15 points to attack Li Tang Luoyang, which is difficult and easy to see at a glance.
Yang You also knows that Wang Shichong can’t be persecuted too much. Just now, Wang Shichong was kneeling and prostrating. This is the limit of Wang Shichong. If it is persecuted too much, the situation will be greatly bad. Yang You can still grasp this degree.
"Since the prince of Zheng surrendered to the Great Sui Dynasty, it is not difficult for the prince of Zheng to handle these three things, and I immediately made Nanyang manager send troops to Zhu Yang to threaten Li Shimin’s rear wing," Yang You said.
Wang Shichong’s heart suddenly relaxed, and this arduous negotiation was about to come to an end. At this moment, the door was opened again. I don’t know when it was untied. Yang Dong rushed in. He waved his fist and said, "Wang Shichong, what you mean and careful said is as untrustworthy as shit."
"Wang Shichong is a repeated villain. Don’t believe him. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll regret it!" Yang Dong said that he was about to rush to Wang Shichong’s eyes
Wang Shichong was startled. At the beginning, he knelt before Yang Dong and swore that he was in tears, but he forgot all about it in a few months. Yang Dong is the Yang You brother. Naturally, the relationship between the two brothers is very deep. If we go back on our word, wouldn’t we do everything? Wang Shichong quickly got up and said, "Every word I say is a real request."
Yang You nodded slightly and said, "Go out first, King Yue."
Speaking, Yang Dong has rushed to Wang Shichong. He punched Wang Shichong and didn’t dare to fight back. He fell from his fist to Yang Dong to practice martial arts. His strength has increased greatly for many days, and it still hurts to fight.
Wang Shichong was beaten several times in the face, but he had to smile and said, "Yue Wang Dian forgave me!"
Yang Dong adamant4 chased Wang Shichong to continue a beating. Yang You didn’t rush to talk and waited for a moment. Seeing that Wang Shichong was quite embarrassed, he pretended to be angry and afraid of the case. "King Yue, aren’t you ashamed to fight like a street child? !”
Chapter 559 Brothers talk
Yang Dong smell speech still adamant Wang Shichong dare not strike back while running around the house a few times while shouting "help!"
Yang You frowned slightly and shouted, "King Yue, can’t you hear me? !”
Wang Shichong jumped forward and straightened his waist. "I have taken refuge in the King’s Palace. I am a loyal person and I still hope that the King’s Palace will be merciful."
Yang Dong snorted and looked at Wang Shichong angrily. "Wang Shichong, you can fool me, but you can’t fool me."
"I have sworn that if I betray Da Sui, I will die a natural death. Don’t you believe that my grandchildren, daughters, prostitutes and slaves have taken such a heavy oath?" Wang Shichong hurriedly way
Yang You suddenly snorted and held out his hand to strike a few angry words: "Don’t return the king of Yue."
Yang Dong didn’t expect that Yang You would be so angry with Wang Shichong. He suddenly said angrily, "Third brother, you will regret it!" Said angrily and went out.
Wang Shichong wiped his sweat, and the little man finally left. He secretly took his eyes to see Yang You and saw Yang You’s face. He was very unhappy. After a cold hum, he sat down with his face full of anger and drank tea.
Wang Shichong said "pursuit" carefully.
Yang You slightly raised an eyebrow and said, "I will invite Du Ruhui to let him draft an agreement. You should go back early and make arrangements. You can return to Luoyang early in the morning with Wang Xuanshu to sign the agreement."
"Thank you!" Wang Shichong corners of the mouth float a smile soon disappeared.
"I let people escort you back carefully" Yang You added.
Wang Shichong exultation Hou Jun protected Nanyang City. He hurried back to the camp across the horses and then asked the soldiers to pack their bags and prepare to go. At the same time, he called Wang Xuanshu to tell him that he had been a minister.
Wang Xuanshu was taken aback. He strongly opposed it, but Wang Shichong persuaded Wang Xuanshu to agree naively.
Yang You in Nanyang paced towards Yang Dong’s room. Du Ruhui asked Yang You behind him, "What’s the mood of the King of Yue?"
"It should be stable," Du Ruhui said
Two people at this time is not far from Yang Dong house heard hem and haw sound walked over and saw Yang Dong is sandbags sandbags with a piece of paper with three words Wang Shichong written on it.
Yang You couldn’t help laughing. The king of Yue is still a child’s mind

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Jun 26, 2024
Attack 51

Defense 51
Level 2 is required.
Need a career
Horn ring (whiteboard)
Physical attack 11
Level 2 is required.
Need professional soldiers, knights
It’s not bad. There are three horn rings in this big bracelet, and the fourth brother just gave it to Wang Youliang’s department and left a big bracelet belt for himself.
Return engagement, a game player, can wear four rings, two bracelets, two earrings, a helmet, underwear and a necklace. The weapon has an extra shield for soldiers and knights.
With these pieces of equipment, Wang Youliang’s attacks are obviously high, especially limited attacks. Every attack is at least 100 points of blood. If there is a crit, it will soon break thousands, which makes Wang Youliang have a great feeling, but it is a good match with his id.
Lin Tianxiao’s side is constantly looking for the tomb of the skeleton emperor, but Chen Peng’s side has found three entrances, but he has not entered, but is waiting for more players to come to Lin Tianxiao’s soul to attack the fire operator. He saw the power of that operator, and to be honest, he really dare not fight hard.
Now, the number of players on the first floor of Skull Cave is gradually decreasing, and all the strange parts of Skull are eliminated by players. At the same time, they are also shown in the ears of Lin Tianxiao and Wang Youliang on the third floor.
"Congratulations to the player, five words have floated in the sky, and the team has eliminated all monsters on the first floor of Skull Cave. The completion level has reached five stars. Due to the perfect completion of the first stage, the special reward experience+50,000 hope +2 gold coins +2!"
Huh? Lin Tianxiao and Wang Youliang looked at each other. They didn’t expect this to be staged, and after completing a stage, they would get rewards at this stage, and the rewards were so rich.
"It seems that we really want to thank Chen Peng. Without him, we would have finished the first stage. I’m afraid we wouldn’t have finished it in such a short time and the reward wouldn’t be so high." Wang Youliang laughed because this time the reward made him directly rise two levels.
Even Lin Tian-xie has 50,000 experiences, and the remaining experience is more than 60%, which is a little exciting.
If Chen Peng knew that he had helped Lin Tianxie and Wang Youliang, what kind of expression would it be?
Chapter 23 Disaster East Lead ()
Lin Tianxiao and Wang Youliang have turned more than half of the three floors of the Skull Cave, but they still haven’t found the tomb of the Skull Emperor. The player on the second floor of the Skull Cave finally broke through 20,000. It can be said that the second floor of the Skull Cave has been occupied by players, and the monster was found to be eliminated in a hubbub just like the novice village.
"Congratulations to the player, five words have floated in the sky, and the team has eliminated all monsters on the second floor of Skull Cave. The completion level has reached five stars. Due to the perfect completion of the second stage special reward experience+10,000 hope +4 gold coins +4!"
Two upgraded lights rose from the evil body of Lin Tian, and the blink of an eye kung fu level rose by two levels, reaching level 32. Yu Youliang also jumped into the top ten rankings and ranked first, with the current level of 27.
It was at the beginning that Lin Tianxiao met the player on the third floor of Skull Cave. At this time, he was surprised that he was going to catch up with the first place, but the first person suddenly became level 3. After an hour, the registration changed and immediately became level 32. It was simply upgrading by rocket, and he couldn’t catch up with his flattery!
"Who the hell is this man? What level has risen so fast! " Our day staring at the ranking murmured
"Huh?" When did this person come out? At this time, our day also saw Wang Youliang’s id limit arrogance.
"This person is no longer in the ranking list, so he suddenly rose several levels?"
It’s as if I thought of something. I looked at the number one person and then at the arrogance. I immediately came for nothing to find the mysterious person who ranked first. It is very likely that it will be revealed.
"Hey, I didn’t expect to meet you again!"
Just when he was concentrating on things, the words fell into his ears. Looking back, it was actually the first time that he met that player and there was another person beside him.
Wait, this guy’s id is …
Limiting arrogance, so he is the number one person? Our day immediately stare at Lin Tianxie as if to see through something.
Lin Tian evil heart a sudden andao won’t let him guess, right? See him and be afraid to be guessed before you leave quickly.
That’s right. When Lin Tianxiae saw Xiongtian the next time, he already knew that he was the second in the ranking, because return engagement wouldn’t have the same name, even if it was similar.
Note: for example, it is not recognized that others think of Xiongtian 1 or Xiongtian 2.
"Brother, can you show your name!" Our days directly stopped Lin Tianxiao who wanted to leave.
Lin Tianxiao followed with a smile, "Brother, what is this?"
"Nothing, just want to see if you are that person!"
"I know!"
Nai shook his head, and Lin Tianxie directly sent out a friend application. Seeing the name dominating the day, he laughed because there was lv32 displayed behind the name.
Our day accepted the application with a smile, but he didn’t think it was Lin Tianxie who actually sent out a team application again. He glanced at Lin Tianxie’s day and chose to join.
See Lin Tianxiao with a wretched smile and then patted our shoulders and walked ahead. Suddenly, a chill rose as if we were overcast.
At this time, Wang Youliang smiled and said, "Good brothers add a friend first in life and death!"
Hearing Wang Youliang’s words, Xiongtian was more sure that he might have been a thief, and immediately agreed to Wang Youliang’s friend’s application and asked, "What’s the matter?"
"Didn’t you hear the system before? Take a good look! " Wang Youliang finished with the pace of Lin Tianxiao.
Our day glanced at Lin Tianxiao’s name and thought for a moment, immediately thinking of the former broadcast.
"Oh, my God, why am I so weak? Is this a false start?"
"Brother, if you have nothing to do, just have fun!"
With Xiong Tian, the leveling madman joined Lin Tianxiao’s team to travel faster, and let them not think that the experience after the team was not slow but fast.
Cut down the skeleton in front of you, general, and dominate heaven. "Nima has finally reached level 29, and it will be very easy to chase you. Who knows that you are sitting on a rocket, but people are more popular than dead people." Dominating heaven has already known the upgrade method of Lin Tianxiao, and even said that the world is unfair and unpopular, but there is no complaint when you learn that it is dominant this time.
Chen Peng side finally entered the third floor with the large forces, and soon Chen Peng came to the front position. When a skeleton monster was killed for half a day, the third floor monster department of the skull hole was eliminated, but there was no evil shadow of Lin Tian.
"Look, everyone, there seems to be a mausoleum there!"
At this time, a player called Chen Peng’s attention. Chen Peng looked intently and saw that a path with three people walking side by side appeared in front. At the end of the path, there was a huge mausoleum.
"Kill in five words should be in it!" Chen Peng shouted that many players immediately marched towards the mausoleum, and Chen Peng also stepped on this path in the crowd.
It is said that Lin Tianxie came to an end and finally saw this goal. Without saying anything, he stepped directly to the mouth of the mausoleum. Wang Youliang took the lead in entering the mausoleum, followed by Lin Tianxie, and also added a cure to Wang Youliang.
It’s not attacked by monsters like Lin Tianxiao and they want to. It’s not dark here because the wall is inlaid with many night beads.
This is a typical emperor’s mausoleum, which is very huge, but Lin Tianxiao’s place is just a passage, but twenty people can walk side by side.
"How strange!"
Dominant Tian Tucao said that Lin Tianxiae nodded and agreed. It is really strange here without guards, but it is very quiet. "It will be very quiet before the storm."
It is very strange that the three people carefully went deep into this passage for a full kilometer. Only then did they see a gate at the end. Three people kept beating drums in front of the gate, especially Lin Tianxiao felt a sense of fear.
"Attention, everyone, there is a little uneasiness in my heart!" Lin Tianxiao woke up and gave all three people a cure. This just patted Wang Youliang on the shoulder.
Wang Youliang knowingly plunged into the door, followed by our day, and Lin Tianxie came last.
This time it was not as simple as the second time. As soon as Lin Tianxiao entered, he saw that Wang Youliang and Xiong Tian were besieged by more than ten skeleton generals. Lin Tianxiao immediately summoned the skeleton brother to join the battle.
Soon, more than a dozen skeleton generals were eliminated, and three people packed up an explosion and moved on, killing and advancing deeply for more than two thousand meters before they came to an end.
"Have you two noticed that we seem to be walking towards the ground!" At this time, Xiong Tian frowned and said, "Although what we are walking is not very obvious, I can feel that we are at least ten meters deep now."
"No, it’s only ten meters after walking so far? Are you hitting on us? " Wang Youliang asked with a skeptical look.
Lin Tianxiao stopped Wang Youliang at this time and said lightly, "Yes, Xiong said that we are deeply involved." After Lin Tianxiao looked at Xiong Tian.

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Jun 24, 2024
"Little things come next. Where are you going?" Pure white hand waving

"Well … the ancient city to the ancient city" Yang Ye took one look.
"If we don’t go anywhere, we won’t go. Sorry about the promise."
"What is this thing said the modest! That line I walked first. "
When he left, he added a good friend to each other and said goodbye to the East Floating Island. Yang Ye didn’t send it directly, but it was a little late at the original line. He was a little hungry.
Hu Xing several people are still busy in the game. Yang Ye didn’t ask them to find a small stall and have a casual meal.
Back line!
The scenery of Dongfu Island is still so charming, but Yang Ye didn’t have time to see it and choose a good target to send!
Shape flicker disappeared in the array.
A few seconds after Yang Ye disappeared, another figure appeared here. Take a closer look. Red-eyed blx! She has been waiting here for a long time, but she wants to sneak up on Nai before the promise war slips away. The other side has also formed a team with a number of followers as high as seven, so she can’t win Nai. She can continue to wait quietly, but the opportunity has never come.
However, blx has patience, which is not a promise. He promised to go to the ancient city next! The ancient city is also a good place to kill people. blx’s heart and body are exhausted and swept away, and he is sent to the ancient city with Yang Ye’s footsteps.
When I come to the ancient city again, nothing has changed. The only change is that there are more and more players.
An Meng is a farmer-type np. It is not difficult to find him, and it is not difficult for Yang Ye. Ordinary players can usually find this An Meng by asking other np in the ancient city-the dialogue with np will change.
But for Yang Ye, these are all things in the waves.
Yang Ye, the shallow indicator of the dotted line of the miner’s hat, ran along the miner’s hat to Anmeng.
Out of the ancient city to the south of the ancient city, it was said that the farther north the monster level is, the higher it reaches the edge of Liuzhou, and the monster level is as high as level 1, which is higher than that of Liuzhou, and the monster level at the junction of human beings will be reduced by 1~1.
In the south of the ancient city, this is a level 2 strange area. There are active level 2 players. Yang Ye came here with wings. Zhang Li Lina suddenly attracted a lot of attention. Novice players are all this. Which powerful level 2 players have cast a team invitation and invited them while shouting excitedly-
"Hey, handsome boy, come to our team. Level 2 violence output team is short of M! I’ll take a trip to Shenzhou! "
"Brother take us? Four younger sisters are chatting and worrying about one less man and several younger sisters are single ~ "
"The elder brothers level 2 bronze sword double attack bonus base attack up to 9! More importantly, bring blood-sucking awesome! Urgent money to sell! "
There is no way to stop the ear scratching, but the team invitation can still be directly set to refuse. After directly selecting "Reject all team invitations", you will never receive a team invitation again, and it will be much quieter.
Going towards Anmeng, after crossing a small river and several hills, I finally arrived outside a farmhouse. At this time, many players outside the agricultural cooperative came here at level 2 to do simple things such as cleaning up pests, weeding and watering. Yang Ye relied on his own high strength to add directly into it.
Nong fu an Meng
Blood volume? /?
It is said that a farmer who is good at innovation has finally planted a strange hemp after his painstaking research, which can wrap up his strength. Anmeng is very powerful and he is also selfish. He said that he would not give this hemp to a person, even if he paid more! What a stubborn old man.
Although it says that Armon won’t give the materials to people, Yang Ye still wants to try-
"Uncle Armon?"
AnMeng raised his sleepy eyes and glanced at Yang Ye. "What’s up?" He does this to all players.
"You hemp …"
"Can’t give it to you, don’t be paranoid." Anmeng rudely interrupted Yang Ye and refused directly.
Yang Ye Nai just grinds his mouth again for a few minutes, but he hears the unified instructions-
[Tong Anmeng refused to ask you for the magic hemp, but you wanted it so badly that you thought of a way-stealing it]
[Tong found a suitable place to go into the hemp field of Anmeng and steal some hemp, then send the backpack extension to Anmeng to see. Maybe he agrees to hemp you! But remember, don’t be found stealing hemp by Anmeng, or you will face months in prison! 】
We have to ask people to do bad things.
It’s quite dangerous to do this bad thing. It’s not too difficult to get out of prison for months in the game, but Yang Ye is not worried about it.
Yang Ye is too lazy to say anything more directly along AnMeng hemp around to find it.
He was numbly stopped by a high fence. The fence is unbreakable, otherwise he will be caught directly and must find …
Got it!
Yang Ye walked towards the discovery target with a bright eye to be continued.
Chapter 143 I found you.
An Meng Ma Di Fence encircles Ma Di completely, and you can’t get in unless you find some tricky ways.
And that’s in front of us—
[Leave a hole for some reason]
This is a hole. The fence was left with a small hole by an animal or some mysterious creature. It just happened that a person climbed in. Although it didn’t fit in with Yang Yefeng, it can be like this now.
Bend over and lie prone.
Yang Ye did it despite some humiliation.
Drilling near the hemp field is full of hemp that can be harvested. These plants are probably out of season, but now it is not the mature period of hemp.
[You secretly came to Anmeng hemp. Hurry up and collect mature hemp. Pay attention to that you will be discovered by hounds and Anmeng! Need to harvest hemp /5]
System and gives the Yang Ye word busy up.
Select a hemp, and then the hemp surface will pop up with options to accept and abandon. Yang Ye selects "accept".
【 Tong is harvesting hemp … 】
With the extension of the reading bar, the hemp harvest is gradually completed

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Jun 18, 2024
Thought of here PangXia frowned and wanted to kill these people in one fell swoop, forget it, and then go wrong.

However, just as Pang Xia was about to start work, the word "wisdom" behind his head suddenly glowed golden.
This golden light is getting stronger and stronger, spreading all over the wu-tang clan Temple.
When everyone is bathed in the golden light of the word "wisdom"
Their original fanaticism faded instantly, and everyone’s face was a little blank.
Even pang Xia’s anger and murder rose in his heart, and it instantly subsided.
At this time, the world leaders suddenly exclaimed in the golden light.
Then his body exudes a thick black gas, and then his body exudes power fluctuations belonging to outsiders.
And the original middle-aged man looks like he turned into a young woman with outstanding charm.
And there are nine white fox tails growing behind his ass!
Pang Xia immediately rushed at the sight of this without hesitation.
At this time, he has come to investigate how the other party got into the doves.
The first thing he needs is to catch each other directly!
Since the other party is from the world of Eternal Emperor.
Pang Xia has no scruples to make moves!
Five golden balls are still floating behind Pang Xia’s head, while white chains rush out from Pang Xia’s body.
Pang Xia discovered his whereabouts, which surprised the nine-tailed fox.
The nine tails behind them spread and fluttered, and a crack immediately appeared behind them, ready to escape at once.
However, at this time, white chains were directly stretched out on both sides of the crack.
These white chains instantly blocked the cracks and blocked the nine-tailed fox.
Exclaimed a nine-tailed fox immediately waved his hands and turned a pair of claws into a broken white chain.
But how can the white chain transformed by the source power of Pangu Emperor be so easily broken?
The double claw attack on the white chain immediately caused the white chain to fight back.
Frightened, the nine-tailed fox’s paws turned brown as if hit by a stream.
Just as the nine-tailed fox didn’t know what to do, she wanted to charm several people in the world to resist Pang Xia for her.
A white chain broke and directly wrapped around the neck of the nine-tailed fox, pulling her to the ground.
At this time, Pang Xia held the white chain in one hand and smoothed the crack in the other to make it original.
Then he went to the pitiful nine-tailed fox kneeling on the ground.
"Speak, when did you enter the doves in the world?
What did you do and what conspiracy did you make in this period? "
Listening to Pang Xia’s words, the nine-tailed fox raised her delicate and beautiful face, and pink light loomed in her eyes.
At the same time, she said softly in a very slow and gentle tone, "Little brother, you are hurting me."
Why don’t you untie the chain and I’ll spend the night with you in detail? "
Said the nine-tailed fox face while revealing a very charming smile.
However, the golden ball of "wisdom" behind Pang Xia’s head bloomed again, which made Pang Xia’s mind clear.
However, Pang Xia’s clear mind does not mean that others are the same.
Although the charm of the nine-tailed fox is aimed at Pang Xia
However, several weak-willed people were disturbed by the charm aftermath and even directly tried to seize the chains in Pang Xia’s hands.

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Jun 16, 2024
After throwing Shi Zhongyu, the righteous brother, to his adoptive father and mother, Zhang Pingshuang drew his sword and turned to the Snow Mountain Sect and said, "If you want to catch my righteous brother, ask my sword first."

Listening to Zhang Ping’s arrogant words, many younger brothers were so excited that they couldn’t help but want to rush over and cut Zhang Ping to the sword, but they were stopped by Bai Wanjian.
At this time, I just stopped in Bai Wanjian to observe my opponent carefully. When I saw that it was a young boy with a dark blue robe and a black belt, the young man held a dagger about three feet in his left hand and a sword in his right hand that was more than four feet. He was still a little unstable, but the young man was extremely stable. Obviously, his strength was far away.
Moreover, my father once told himself that the Jianghu emissary’s special weapon is either a low-handed weapon or a high-handed one. It is obviously not a low-handed one to meet this young man today. Therefore, the younger brothers’ skill will be rushed over and maybe they will lose their lives in vain, and the Shi Qing couple will fight hard for the chance of winning here.
Therefore, Bai Wanjian said, "I’ve heard for a long time that Shi Qing and his wife have a meaning that the Taoist priest Gao Tu is really extraordinary at first sight today. I don’t know what to call him today, but what do you want me to say about Taoist priest Tianxu?"
Well, you Bai Wanjian want sects to run on me, so Zhang Ping replied, "Master Bai has been admiring the Jianghu for a long time, and when he was growing up in Xuansuzhuang, he sneaked out of the temple to travel around the Jianghu, and he didn’t know anything about Guanli, which disappointed Bai Daxia."
When Bai Wanjian saw Zhang Pingsan’s two sentences, he left himself clean today and showed that he was deeply indebted to Shi Qing and his wife. Today, he had to be in charge and had a headache.
So Bai Wanjian turned to Shi Qing and said, "It’s said that the husband and wife of Shizhuang are admired by all in Wulin. There is a plaque hanging in the hall of Xuansuzhuang, which is written in four big characters:’ black and white points’. It is said that the couple of Shizhuang distinguish right from wrong and uphold justice and chivalry, but it’s not just that the two black and white double swords are imposing in the Jianghu."
Shi Qingdao: "It’s true that the word’ chivalrous mind’ is a shame, but I think we martial arts scholars should always be unambiguous in this right and wrong, but I wonder where the word’ black and white’ is now?" Bai Wan Jianyi immediately said calmly, "It’s burning!"
Shi Qingdao "very good! If a child worships in the Xueshan Sect and violates the rules of your Sect, it should be dealt with by your Sect’s teachers or beaten or killed. Parents should not ask. It turned out that the foolish couple in Wulin handed over the black and white double swords to your Sect in Hou Jian that day, but did it happen that the child was escorted to Lingxiao City in exchange for the double swords? "
"It’s a good honour that the sword isn’t here." Bai Wanjian Nai replied that Bai Wanjian had learned about it after meeting Geng Wanzhong and Ke Wanjun, etc. When Geng Wanzhong and other double swords were taken away, it was assumed that Shi Qing and his wife had made their hands and feet, but then they met a group of embarrassed bearers who fled to your honour and asked for details. It was obvious that the people in the sedan chair were dressed up with the little beggar, the skyscraper Xie Yanke Bai Wanjian, who knew Xie Yanke’s martial arts was extremely high. It was a big task to recapture this black and white double sword.
It turns out that when Zhang Ping recaptured the black and white double sword six years ago, Shi Qing and his wife decided to bury the double sword in the clear view, so that the Snow Mountain School could occupy three points when dealing with their child Shi Zhongyu in the future. They expected that Xie Yanke would rather die than tell people that he was taken away by a 12-year-old child, so it will always be a mystery for them not to say that the black and white double sword fell.
Shi Qing’s upright couple regarded the black-and-white double swords as a pity for their parents.
Chapter 16 Sword Breaking Snow Mountain
Shi Qing laughed and said, "Brother Bai’s remarks can make Shimou te look down on the word’ black and white’, and it’s not only Shimou and his wife who pay attention to the fact that you have detained the children and detained Shimou and his wife’s weapon, but you don’t know which rule is in Wulin?" Bai Wan kendo: "What should I do according to the Lord of Shizhuang?" Shi Qingdao said, "A man’s word is a promise, but it’s hard to get a child. If you want a sword, you can’t get someone."
Bai Wanjian was originally a famous character, and it was a shame for Shi Qing to lose his black and white double swords in the hands of the Sect.
Arguably, you can’t argue any more, but he once discussed with Geng Wanzhong and speculated that maybe Shi Qing and Xie Yanke were dark.
After colluding with the sword, he asked Xie Yanke to take away the jade in Kuang Shi and kill his only daughter 2.
How can he let this person go easily with his words? When saying, "This matter can’t be self-designed, please forgive Yu Xian and his wife for their double swords landing in Bai Wan and return them. If Bai can’t deliver the black and white double swords to your villa, he will be beheaded to apologize." This sentence is even more decisive.
Shi Qing knew that his identity was as good as his word, and he said that he could not pay for his life without a double sword.
Open your eyes to see your only son, who is full of dirt and is held in his arms by his wife. Nothing can be said to hand him back. Min Rou has never left her eyes after receiving Shi Zhongyu. She and love have met in a strange place for a long time. Tears have been rolling around in his arms, and she almost wants to fill her eyes. She listens to everything Bai Wanjian says.
I heard that she always listened to her husband’s advice, but she hugged Shi Zhongyu and didn’t say a word.
Shi Qing said, "Brother Bai is serious! What is a pair of weapons for a foolish couple? How can you be a white brother?
On the same page? It’s that we can’t lift a word "reason" when we walk in the Jianghu. Although the Xueshan school’s swordsmanship is strong, its manpower is numerous.
You can’t bully others, you want a sword and you want someone! Brother Bai, this child is going to be taken away by the foolish couple today. "He said the word" le "and his left shoulder moved slightly, which was a signal to greet his wife and draw her sword.
Seeing the verbal method forcing Shi Qing and his wife to take them away, Shi Zhongyu remembered that Shi Zhongyu made his wife crazy, his mother ran away, his daughter was humiliated, and his younger brother was buried in the bone. Bai Wanjian couldn’t help but make up his mind from the heart. Today, even if he is dead, he will let Shi Zhongyu, a little beast, pay for his life, and the other three are masters. Unless his father is close, it is difficult for him to have a chance of winning, so he only has one-on-one chance. "In that case, I’d like to learn from the master’s brilliant plan." Bai Wanjian thought for
Without waiting for Shi Qingkou’s Zhang Ping, he quickly jumped out and said, "Is it reasonable for Bai Daxia to pay attention to coming first and then coming to your hidden weapons to greet me all the way?" Although I am not good at learning, I have some backbone and I am willing to learn from Bai Daxia’s brilliant idea. "
Shi Qing and his wife knew that their righteous talent was amazing, and they had a mysterious skill and adventure. Bai Wanjian named himself to challenge himself. If his husband and wife joined hands, it would be difficult to tell the truth. Therefore, Bai Wanjian was furious when he heard Zhang Ping’s invitation to fight. Although he estimated Zhang Ping’s martial arts, Bai Wanjian really didn’t believe that he could beat a teenager who was less than twenty years old.
So he said, "I don’t know if Shi Zhuang’s husband and wife have any opinions on this." In fact, he asked Zhang Ping if he lost. They were full of confidence in Zhang Ping. Shi Qing decisively replied, "My husband and wife have already looked at their own children. If he walks in the rivers and lakes, if there is anything, my husband and wife are willing to bear it alone."
Bai Wanjian’s sword, which was promised by Shi Qing, said "please" to Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping stared at the tip of Bai Wanjian’s sword with both hands holding the sword. Bai Wanjian stepped forward half a step. When Zhang Ping’s double sword followed, he heard that Ding Ding Ding San San Long Sword had been intertwined and became three swords. Zhang Ping made the bronze long sword with his right hand and the fine iron short sword, while Bai Wanjian made it a snowy school standard long sword. Three swords were handed in, and the cold light was overflowing.
Snow Mountain Sect Brothers Bai Shifu’s swordsmanship has always been awed. I thought that his moves must be a sure chance. Everyone held a sword in his hand and watched the fight intently. At the beginning, it was really wonderful to see Zhang Ping’s two strange swords converging into one stroke and one style. After the peak was broken down to thirty or forty strokes, Zhang Ping’s swordsmanship became faster and faster, and he could not see clearly the swordsmanship. Bai Wanjian still practiced swordsmanship in seventy-two snowy mountains. It seems that he felt mediocre, but it is not surprising that he attacked punctually when confronting Zhang Ping’s exquisite swordsmanship. However,
At this time, the sky is no longer near dusk. Two figures are holding three swords, but they are dazzling and blooming. In the fierce, they are also holding people’s hearts trembling. Often, if a sword comes out, it will spill blood. The sword light reflects the sunset on the spot. Bai Wanjian’s face is cold and proud, but a sense of tension is getting heavier and heavier. In contrast, Zhang Ping looks calm and anxious, and his sword moves are orderly, fast and stable, which obviously leaves room for strength.
"Bai Xia be careful" In the fight, Zhang Ping suddenly woke up and saw that Zhang Ping’s moves changed in vain. Two sets of different swordsmanship changed from the original Qing Guan swordsmanship to Zhang Ping’s right-hand bronze sword. The speed and strength of the sword slowed down but became amazing. Every sword was swept away. Bai Wanjian’s cheek was sore. After hiding for two moves, Bai Wanjian avoided parrying the sword. I didn’t know that he had misjudged the strength of the bronze sword. When he touched himself, he felt that Zhang Ping’s left-hand dagger was numb and wanted to sell it. Just as Bai Wanjian mustered up his strength to hold the sword
Bai Wanjian suddenly wailed and took Shi Zhongyu’s sword straight again. Behind him, many snow-capped mountain brothers also embraced and surrounded three people. Bai Wanjian was the cover. Zhang Ping didn’t expect Bai Wanjian to make a hasty move and let him rush over. He just wanted to turn around and intercept six snow-capped mountain brothers. Plum blossom battle surrounded Zhang Ping, who was furious at once. She left her hand and her right hand. In an army array, it is common to sweep away thousands of troops. One type of martial arts cheats are collected in large and medium-sized ones. The sword of the six Snow Mountain disciples was cut off and stabbed in both legs. She turned around to see Bai Wanjian, who was covered by the remaining Snow Mountain disciples and had been killed by Shi Zhongyu. Shi Qing and his wife were entangled in the remaining Snow Mountain disciples. Seeing that Zhang Ping had been rescued, they drank a "good courage" and shot their left-hand iron sword at the back of Bai Wanjian. It seems that Wan Jian is iron.
Just as Shi Zhongyu wanted Bai Wanjian to perish together, Shi Zhongyu suddenly hit the palm with both hands. It is obvious that his strength is strong. Zhang Ping is not equal. This skill should be captured by Bai Wanjian and saved by himself. Just as Zhang Pingbai, Wan Jian, and Shi Zhongyu were bound to die, they suddenly turned around.
See Shi Zhongyu’s amazing palm didn’t attack Bai Wanjian, but Zhang Ping shot at Bai Wanjian’s iron sword and Bai Wanjian’s sword missed. However, it may be that Min Rou’s compassion moved the day and Shi Zhongyu missed the iron sword. The hilt of the sword made a 100-degree rotation in the middle, but the tie hit the jade pillow hole on Bai Wanjian’s right shoulder, which prevented the sword from continuing to pierce his right arm and hit Bai Wanjian’s chest. I didn’t know that the jade in the stone rebounded on its own. Both of them were shocked and Bai Wanjian was caught by the snow-capped mountain brother behind him, while Shi Zhongyu flew into the next forest.
At this time, Zhang Ping and Shi Qing’s husband and wife did not consider continuing to entangle with the Snow Mountain School, but they rushed to see that Shi Zhongyu had disappeared. Looking at the last sunset, Zhang Ping refused to go to the mountain. Even though he was in a hurry, he did not dare to go out of his body. So the three men met in one direction and searched for half an hour, but no one came back.
It’s a pity that all three people came back after half an hour. Min Rou, the adoptive mother, was the saddest. She just saw him for many years, and then she cried in a blink of an eye. She couldn’t bear to continue to be sad. Zhang Ping comforted her, "My adoptive mother can rest assured that if something really happens to him, someone will rob his body. What will you do?" I guess the righteous brother must still be alive and most of them have been rescued. However, the child has something important to do recently and can’t continue to accompany the adoptive father and mother to find the righteous brother. I really feel guilty. I will definitely come to the adoptive father and mother to apologize after the matter is completed. "
"Where’s the word? Silly child has something to do. Your adoptive father and I have to look around for a few days before we can feel at ease and ignore us. I also believe that Yuer will be a lucky man." Min Rou comforted, "The boy left his adoptive father and mother." "You should take care of yourself, too." It was not that Zhang Ping bowed to his adoptive father and mother and left. Zhang Ping was unwilling to continue looking with Shi Qing and his wife. It was that he suddenly thought of one thing, rewarding good and punishing evil. I’m afraid it was coming.
Chapter 17 Brother Righteousness and Qiaogui
Zhang Ping, a worried sect, rode a little black donkey to Qingguan without telling Shi Qing that the couple were rewarding the good and punishing the evil. Second, Zhang Ping came here with the idea that the sect would die together. Master suddenly sent himself to help the adoptive father and mother find the adoptive brother, and he also wanted to escape this robbery.
Back in this blue brick and red tile Taoist temple, Zhang Ping suddenly felt unprecedented quiet in his heart. He came to Master Tianxu’s wing and didn’t wait for Zhang Ping to enter it. He looked at his master Zhang Ping with consternation and saluted, saying, "Master Brother will not leave easily when he comes back this time."
Looking at Zhang Ping’s firm eyes, he was relieved and sighed, "Go back and have a good rest."
Half a month later, the bell rang three times and four times, just as the door of Biqingguan Hall suddenly appeared. Two people, one fat and one thin, listened to the fat man dressed in bronze and sang loudly, "Xiake Island rewards the good and punishes the evil. The two ambassadors invited the head of Qingguan to go to Nanhai Xiake Island to drink a bowl of wax porridge in early December." The sound continued throughout the whole Qingguan.
Then the fat man asked, "I wonder who is the head of Qingguan?"
Seeing that his master was in a hurry, he replied, "It’s impossible to add a clear view to the sky. The contemporary leader asks the second envoy to rest assured that the old man will definitely go to dinner on time in early December."
As soon as the voice fell, the two ambassadors who rewarded the good and punished the evil threw the bronze medal into the hands of Tianxu.
"Master can’t," Zhang Ping roared out and flew to stop Nai from being too far away until Zhang Ping came to Tianxu’s side and the bronze medal had been picked up.
"Teacher, you this is bitter? We fought with them. "Say that finish, I want to draw my sword to reward good and punish evil. I desperately don’t want him to just turn around. The reward for good and punish evil has long since disappeared, which makes Zhang Ping feel that everything is all right.
"Well, the success or failure of the ceremony depends on life and death. You don’t have to tangle with the teacher for so many years. Go back and play chess with him early."
"It’s Master." Zhang Ping held back her tears and helped Master walk to his wing as if she were holding the whole world.
Three days later.
When my adoptive father and mother came to Qingguan, Master Tianxu told the kitchen to prepare a table of dining tables, so I went to see if the dining tables were prepared when I was free.
Suddenly, Zhang Ping found that a figure flashed like a kitchen in the night, so Zhang Ping immediately saw a figure sneaking into the kitchen from the corridor, and his body shape seemed familiar. You saw that it was his righteous brother Shi Zhongyu.
Immediately, Zhang Ping’s soul returned and quickly came to Shi Zhongyu and said, "Brother Yuer, why did you come to Qingguan and didn’t inform me? Today, my adoptive father and mother didn’t come to see you. How did you escape?"
"The elder brother of her? You mistook me for someone else. I’m not a Wang or a stone breaker. I really can’t find food, and the two big brothers at the door refuse to sell some food to me. I can’t help but come in and find some food. I don’t eat for free. I have silver. "
Zhang Pington was puzzled when he heard Brother Yi’s strange answer, but he immediately said, "Come in with me and eat with everyone. My adoptive father and mother will be very happy to see you."
Zhang Ping took his righteous brother into the dining room and said to the Shi Qing couple, "Adoptive father and mother, look who this is."
"On her" Min Rou descended first and lost to "My bad karma child, let mom see how your injury is"
"Goddess Guanyin, I am not the person you are looking for. Although many people say that I am that person, I am actually not that person. You say that you are my mother, but I have a mother. My mother is missing and I am looking for her now." Shi Zhongyu’s strange answer made everyone feel strange.
Min Rou heard that Shi Zhongyu had denied that she was very sad in her heart and almost wanted to cry again. She said, "Poor child, it’s no wonder that you didn’t even know your parents after so many years. You have been away for so many years, and now you are taller than your dad. If you hadn’t learned that you were captured by Bai Wanjian and that a polite son would not know you at first sight."
However, Shi Zhongyu still refused to admit that he said, "Mrs. Shi, you, you mistook me for someone else. I’m not your son."
Everyone was also surprised to see that he refused to recognize his parents anyway.
At this moment, Zhang Ping said, "I have already asked Brother Yuer when his adoptive father and mother came over. It seems that he has lost the impression of many things in the past. I infer that he may be suffering from necrophilia. At this moment, please ask his adoptive father and mother to think about it. I don’t know that Brother Yuer has no birthmark to let him determine his identity first."
"Yes, on her, when you were a child, your left hip was injured by a money dart. Presumably, the dart mark should still be there. Let’s take a look at your underpants." Min Rou said hastily.
"I, I …" Seeing that my righteous brother stretched out his hand to touch his left hip, he seemed to be unable to touch anything, and his face was changeable.
"I’m your mother. Here are all your schoolmates, Lill, and what are you shy about growing up together? Forget it. You and your dad go to the next wing to check it." Min said softly and then Shi Qing led Shi Zhongyu to the next door.
In a short time, "School sister is really on her" heard Shi Qing’s words, and Min Rou immediately rushed over and Zhang Ping followed.

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