Jul 12, 2024
Lin Han didn’t have the guts to wake Ye Liang up, thinking happily that I’ll wait for you to wake up naturally.

As a result, Lin Han persistently looked at Ye Liang’s side face and waited for him to wake up. She had never stared at a man’s side face so carefully, even when she was young.
The profile of this man’s side face is divided, but it does not appear cold and hard, but reveals limited tenderness as his gentle and quiet personality.
His plain cheeks are smooth and white, and Lin Han tossed and turned a lot of words from his heart. Blowing a bullet can break, skin is better than snow, and ice muscles are jade bone … Such words seem to be more suitable for women.
Lin Han couldn’t help laughing. He chose the comparable people from his mind for a long time and finally came to a conclusion that his skin beat the entertainment circle. 99% people couldn’t help feeling a little jealous, but it’s normal that he will be liked by men. He should have a lot of experience in this field.
Lin Han stared at the black butterfly where he lived, thinking that his eyelashes were really long and beautiful, longer than his own. What the hell was he thinking? Why didn’t anyone brush them away for him all the time?
His color is pure black and soft, and the oblique bangs hang quietly on his forehead. Now he stays neatly in a corner along the slight failure. His face is quietly worried, which makes his frowning brows more conspicuous. Lin Han sighed in his heart.
It seems to stand still here, and it seems to be out of the world quietly.
I don’t know how long it took for a cold wind to blow into the room, and the noise outside the door was mixed with footsteps. This quiet moment was broken. Lin Han saw Ye Liangkai’s eyelashes tremble and slowly opened his eyes, revealing some confusion and staying cute.
"It’s my turn to act." He yawned lazily
Lin Han got up in the crowd, stretched himself, blinked and nodded his head when he heard his question.
Leaves cool to open your eyes, but it took three seconds to regain consciousness and enter the working hours. Lin Han remembered that he had not exported the problem all the time, and he felt a burst of depression.
Ye Liang finished the play. Lin Hangang went over and wanted to say a few words to him. When he was three steps away.
On the set, there appeared a man with five facial features, resolute, handsome, well-dressed, low-key, vigorous, calm and charming.
He simply nodded to everyone and openly took the leaves away.
Lin Han heard the workers privately speculate that this is Ye Liangkai’s new husband, a man with a fortune of millions, and there are many words that reveal jealousy and contempt. It is not uncommon for a woman or a man to associate with two or three men at the same time.
Lin Han turned around and looked at them in the snow-white world, slowly drifting away, with beautiful eyes and silent words.
Is there a doubt in Lin Han’s heart that Ye Liangkai has forgotten the handsome actor named "Bai Jingchen"? She remembers that they were close to each other all day and all night before filming, and asked Ye Liangkai to talk to others more alone. The young man named Xiaobai would be inexplicably hostile.
Two people walked out of a good distance Ye Liangkai took a sniff and turned to JiZhen and said, "How did you come to the set?"
JiZhen smiled and said, "I think we have nothing to hide."
Leaves cool open smell speech footsteps a lag in the eyes with a kind of anger, "didn’t I tell you we don’t reveal"
"I didn’t disclose that I said I was your friend, but would they really believe it?" Jizhen explained that Ye Liangkai’s anger dropped a few minutes, and his heart was also somewhat nai.
"You don’t appear in front of them much later." Ye Liangkai lost this sentence and walked faster and faster. Qi Zhen grabbed his arm and said, "What are you worried about with me?"
Leaves cool open stupefied looking at him a gust of cold wind blowing couldn’t help but sneeze JiZhen decisively take off your coat wrapped in his body to persuade "small open what are you afraid of in your heart? What will they say if we make it public in this era? "
Leaves cool, eyes droop, eyes don’t speak, and long eyelashes block the color in eyes, which is hard to explore.
JiZhen saw his fingers clenched palm just want to untie for him.
Ye Liangkai suddenly raised his dark eyes to suppress some unspeakable emotions and said, "Qi Zhen, you are not white. We are not simply coming out, but I was married. I hooked up with you during my wife’s funeral for less than half a year. This is immoral. The world will say that I am a fickle and forgetful person, and my parents are friends and relatives, and I will be embarrassed by rumors."
JiZhen loomed at Ye Liangkai, who had always been sensible, and hugged him and apologized, saying, "Xiaokai, I’m sorry I didn’t think from the angle. I really want to make us public. I’ve been waiting for this day for too long and I’ve lost my mind."
Ye Liangkai has been suffering from too many swords alone on the moral platform, but who understands his sufferings until now?
Now that he is back, he has to point his finger at the Taiwanese again. The pressure has never disappeared. He deliberately forgot that he was willing to bear it alone and didn’t want to involve others.
Ye Liangkai sighed deeply and pushed Qi Zhen away to admit his mistake. He walked forward alone. He was a little thin and looked particularly bleak in the snow. Qi Zhen opened his heart and felt sad and distressed. A few tears slipped unconsciously in his eyes.
He seems to touch the edge of the lonely and sad world, and he feels a few chills coming. How does he pose alone? He is talking and laughing.
Jizhen suddenly became afraid that Ye Liang, who turned his back on him, would not resent him for bringing him darkness and pain.
JiZhen shook his head to get rid of those horrible thoughts and quickly chased the lone lover in front of him, thinking, please don’t be angry with me.
The chill of heaven and earth is getting thicker at night because of the coming arrival, and the snow is getting heavier and heavier, and beautiful snowflakes are flying all over the sky.
Innocent children happily greet their youth and white snowflakes in the snow. They want to put them in their mouths and taste them. The young mother stopped him and said, "You can’t eat snowflakes. When they fall from the sky, they absorb a lot of dust and pollutants. They are too dirty to eat, and they will make your stomach upset."
The child looked at it gloomily and said, "But it looks so clean."
Mother took the little boy by the hand, patted his palm and turned it into snow. The education said, "Never look at the surface when doing things."
The little boy nodded inexplicably, forgot what his mother said in a flash and was happy to pick up the beautiful snowflake.
Chapter two hundred and forty-three Progress
At night, its black feather wings block people’s eyes, people can’t see the light, and when they realize that this is darkness, they obey the will of heaven, work hard at sunrise and rest at night.
Every night, the Chinese lanterns in rows of rectangular boxes bloom in warm splendor layer by layer. The neon lights in many-hued, a big city, depict the colorful world. At this moment, the snowflakes in this remote suburb are floating in a messy trajectory and land on the hair of a man looking up at the snowflakes.
JiZhen walked to the window and hugged Ye Liang from behind, and put the pillow on his shoulder and asked, "What are you looking at?"

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Jul 10, 2024
They were shocked again.

Dream seven emotions said, "Please ask Brother Cucumber to point out the maze."
Mad Dog Long Dao "The ancestors of Huaxia people have always recognized that China has Long Mai, which is indeed the case from the perspective of Feng Shui."
In this respect, the princess’s feelings are relatively weak. "I have always heard of Feng Shui. Is this learning or deception?"
Mad dog dragon has to explain, "This is true knowledge. Let me give you an example. A big tree is cut off at the middle and then you can know which year it has more rain, which year it has more sunshine and which year it has suffered disasters. Similarly, the landscape is caused by years of movement of the earth’s crust. You can also judge its past and future according to its shape and trend."
This metaphor is very vivid. The princess sighed, "It turns out that there is really Long Mai."
Mad Dog Long Dao "Long Mai is indeed a symbol of national destiny and national future. Long Mai is predicting the future weather and destiny of China, but the location of Long Mai in different dynasties is different. It represents the rise and fall of that dynasty at that time. The eternal brother said that Long Mai was in the three northeastern provinces, which was the Qing Dynasty when Long Mai soldiers entered from the three northeastern provinces. Later, when the Qing Dynasty perished, the three northeastern provinces also entered the enemy."
Yong Bang was suddenly overwhelmed. "Is it all in Long Mai at that time?"
Mad Dog Dragon nodded. "The Great Wall was broken in Long Mai during the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period and the Qin Dynasty, which ended."
Wang Lian said, "What is Long Mai in the Qinling Mountains?"
Mad Dog Longdao: "The Qinling Mountains have always been very simple before the earth’s resources are exhausted. If the Qinling Mountains disappear, the climate of China will change unpredictably, which can turn China into a paradise, but it can also turn it into a hell for people."
Wang Lian said, "I remember correctly that history of China and War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression lasted for years and finally won the final victory."
The black wolf’s eyes lit up. "That is to say, Long Mai of Huaxia nationality has not been destroyed during this period?"
Yong Bang said, "I’m sorry I didn’t read much. I know it’s the Anti-Japanese War, but I don’t remember China’s picture at that time."
Mad dog dragon hates SAO Hehe. Why don’t you come to this vice? But at least he remembers something. "I know that during the whole Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese army attacked from the three northeastern provinces and almost swallowed most of the China noodles, and those places where Long Mai is located were occupied."
Dream seven emotions "but this time Long Mai has not been occupied because it affects the fate of the whole country of China."
Mad dog dragon mused, "I remember that there seem to be several places that have not been invaded by Xinjiang, Tibet and Yunnan."
Master Kang smiled, "The position we are in now must be one of these places."
Dream seven emotions sigh "I really admire Brother Cucumber"
The black wolf said, "So what are the famous mountains and rivers here?"
Master Kang laughed and said, "You’ll know if you linger on."
This is indeed a reason, and everyone quickly took action and walked up the mountain.
The mountain is a winding road, which is the most steep and bizarre road that everyone has ever seen. It bends dozens of turns in an almost S-shaped shape on a mountain ridge and is built in the most dangerous position.
Halfway through, they found that there was a cave in the ravine with a sign that read "General Command of Yunnan-Myanmar Highway Construction of the National Government".
Mad dog dragon dazed haven’t come to talk hole has walked out of a man dressed as an engineer "comrades, excuse me, are you Nanyang machinist returned to China? Huh? This is British … "
This question directly turned this group of people into idiots, and Mad Dog Dragon was a little embarrassed. "We are from China!"
This is really not a good answer, but the engineer warmly shook hands with him. "Welcome, welcome to the Yunnan-Myanmar Highway to report for duty. Our motherland needs patriotic overseas Chinese like you. Our nation will not perish. The imp will be driven out of China sooner or later."
As soon as the engineer spoke, he rose to the national height. Although it sounds awkward, there is always an inspiring feeling.
So Mad Dog Dragon and his party became patriotic overseas Chinese and walked into the cave.
This is a hole-proof, but the department is arranged like a big room. All kinds of workers are busy inside, and there are big maps and slogans on the walls.
"One inch of rivers and mountains, one inch of blood, 100,000 young people and 100,000 troops!"
Wang Lian path "I wrote this couplet before I met my great-grandfather. He said it was a symbol of the times. I don’t know what it is. I always feel very excited when I see this couplet. I have an impulse to think about pk."
The princess gave him a white look. "Are you so sentimental as a big man?"
Wang Lian shrugged his shoulders to be continued.
Chapter four hundred and twelve Yunnan-Burma Highway
After the brief introduction of the engineer and the detailed explanation of Mad Dog Dragon, everyone was shocked and white except Kang Ye.
The Yunnan-Myanmar Highway was built from Yunnan Province in China to Yangon Highway in Myanmar. It was born in the bonfire in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. It is a highway built by the flesh and blood of people of all ethnic groups in western Yunnan. Compared with the former Great Wall of Wan Li, it may not be as magnificent as the Great Wall or as magnificent as the Great Wall.
But in China, in the world, in a dynasty, in the history of a country, a nation and an era, there is no highway so closely linked, and no highway can stay in people’s memory for a long time like the Yunnan-Myanmar Highway.
History broke out in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in 1937. With the fall of Hong Kong, more than half of China fell into the hands of Japanese troops. With the attack of Japanese troops, all the diplomatic departments of Vietnam and Myanmar China were cut off-except the Yunnan-Myanmar Highway.
This is the only channel for China to connect with the international community, and it is also the only channel for the world to transport materials to the rear areas of various armies in China. Once it is cut off, the whole of China may slowly die.
Everyone finally came to this road for nothing to the future fate of China. This is Long Mai in this era.
It’s simple for the headquarters to tell us to advance to the front line and build roads!
"Why don’t you fix it during the day and act later?" Yong Bang said that he did not understand.
The engineer smiled and explained, "You’d better not walk outside because Japanese planes are bombing during the day."
This time, even Kang Ye stared at the wall map thoughtfully. This road is more than 14 kilometers long. It is almost terrible to carry out nearly two mayors from China to Myanmar, but these are secondary. From the map, the biggest problem of this road in China is that the mountains and rivers are too steep. It is almost impossible to build such a road in that distant war era.
Is the Japanese army still worried that such a road will be built? Every day, fighter planes are bombed?
"Where is the highway now?" Master Kang finally asked about the point.
The engineer explained, "Now it has been built to the Nujiang River, but there are not many left for us. In front of the Nujiang River, there is also an army from Chongqing government to resist the Japanese attack and build a brigade. Yes, there are also two troops from Britain and the United States to assist the army in the war. Isn’t this comrade British? Are you here to support the Burma Road? "
Speaking of which, Mad Dog Dragon and others don’t have to leave for Nujiang River, because everyone has an intuition that the place where the troops exchanged fire on team day is probably the location of Xi ‘an dagger.
But walking along the road, everyone was still shocked by what they saw along the way.
On this highway, it is almost impossible to see that transport cars are transported by manpower and are almost old people, children and women.
Two old men shouldered a lever and carried huge stones in pairs to form a long queue and rushed forward desperately, while the women and children behind them pushed a huge stone mill with a height of two meters and followed the team to climb the mountain.
This stone mill is a cylinder, but Kang Ye is not white. "What are they pushing this thing for?"
Mad dog dragon said faintly, "This is a simple roller?"
"Can this rubbish press the road?" Kang ye couldn’t help laughing.
Mad dog dragon stared at him. "There was a great shortage of materials in those days. This is already the best roller."
Master Kang couldn’t laugh because he saw that many women and children were naked. "Don’t they even have a decent dress?"
The mad dog dragon looked ahead and sank, "This road was built in such a bad situation. At that time, the ancestors thought that national death was much more important than eating and drinking water."
Master Kang looked at the long line. "How many people are there?"
"20 thousand people!" Mad dog dragon replied faintly

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Jul 9, 2024
Nagato was bitten by several insects at this time, but his expression was very dull.

The pain he suffered during this period was weakened by the eye rotation, but it was only because of his perseverance that he could bear it.
Now that the eye circle has absorbed the spiritual energy of illusion, it has reached saturation, and the foundation of this illusion has correspondingly become weak. Nagato can break free at any time.
The insect clinging to the limbs was suddenly shattered into particles and disappeared into the blood.
An instant bite into a skeleton and shredded pork limbs suddenly returned to normal. Nagato split and Xing Jia landed safely.
Uchihiro Fuqiu’s face became ugly when he saw the drastic changes. It seems that there are no signs of significant changes in the whole Harle. Everything seems normal, but now Nagato’s actions are the most abnormal phenomenon.
Harle’s ability is effective, but Nagato broke free of Xing Jia’s illusion offensive.
"What did you … do?"
Uchihiro Fuchu embraced his hands and let go of his vertical body. The feeling that everything was still under his own control made him unaware that the energy that maintained Harle’s illusion had been absorbed to a shell.
Nagato did not answer Uchihiro Tomoko, but stretched out his right hand and stared quietly.
"It’s a wonderful feeling. I have never attached importance to illusion. I feel that illusion is very low in the battle, and it can be said that there is nothing at all."
Nagato slowly stretched out his right hand and pointed to Fuyue’s thin body, which made Nagato’s arm have little muscle and fat, but no one dared to underestimate such a thin arm.
Nagato looked at Uchihiro Fuchu and smiled coldly. The fact that almost saturated spiritual energy kept waking him in his right eye reincarnation.
The illusion is very strong, and his round eye is an eye that can resist all illusion.
"Vientiane days lead!"
Fuyue body involuntarily flew toward Nagato stretched out thin right hand to float past.
"Hungry ghost road, sealing and printing!"
"You must be able to help!"
Fuyue is afraid to find that his body is out of his control. No matter how much chakra can stabilize his body.
Nai Fu-yueh has made use of Uchihiro’s kaleidoscope, the strongest defense in sharingan. Can Ninjutsu be assisted?
However, Nagato grasped Susuke with his right hand like a cotton ball.
It is also the formation of chakra that needs to be assisted to be practical.
Defensive power in front of the hungry ghost’s ability
"This is impossible!"
Uchihiro Fuchu can’t believe this feeling is really strange. For a moment, Harle still maintained it, but it has managed to control Nagato.
"Nothing is impossible. Your pupillary technique is gone. Speaking of it, I have to thank you for thanking me and let you know what I just felt."
Nagato smiled coldly and the picture changed instantly.
Outside, it seems that Nagato and Fuyue looked at each other the same, and then Nagato turned pale and looked like a pig, but suddenly Fuyue used his assistant.
What surprised everyone even more was that Fuyue Susuke was absorbed by Nagato’s right hand as a demigod giant.
"What is this situation? !”
"How is it possible that Uchihiro gens kaleidoscope sharingan! Susuke can actually work! "
"You’re kidding!"
Endure the coalition YouMuYe ninja shocked at this scene murmured
Chapter four hundred and fifty-three Sakaguchi Gouyu
The darkness in Uchihiro Fuqiu’s eyes was swallowed up by light for a second, but it was still the bloody world where the bodies were all over the place and broken arrow was lying on the ground
"Huh?" He suddenly found himself imprisoned Xing Jia while Nagato stared at him with his arms around him one hundred meters ahead.
It’s weird and uncomfortable
Nagato naturally won’t go to specially explain.
The energy of Harle’s illusion was almost absorbed by him, leaving a shell.
It is foreseeable that after Harle’s defeat, Uchihiro Fuchu will directly consume one second when he loses in the real world.
When the strength is different, resistance at a different level will appear pale.
Nagato looked at Uchiha Itachi ahead with a cold face.
Many emotions mixed with unwilling anger make your face look very ugly.
"Do you think you can stop me?"
Nagato said coldly, saying that his word was a futile move to attack the nearest ferret.
It seems to him that the youngest ferret is the weakest, which has become his primary goal.

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Jul 6, 2024
"Ke Xuejie, don’t tease her. She’s not stupid, she’s just simple-minded, and if you let her find out that these things are hopeless, you’ll have to taste that move again. By the way, she’s the trump card of Judo Department."

Ke Ge stared wide-eyed and couldn’t believe that he had received such a disciple and asked, "What about you? You must be very good, too. I don’t often attend classes and don’t know much about students. What’s your status? "
"This KeXueJie your shoes? Those glues. "
"Just cut it off. Anyway, my hair is long and beautiful. People don’t care about these details, do they?"
"Er, yes, yes, that makes sense!"
Ke Xuejie also temporarily gave up those topics and turned around to see that Korea was playing with the fallen head. This scene is really scary enough.
"Big disciple, just put that thing on the table. Don’t break it. It’s full of sulfuric acid-"
Ye Yan doesn’t know if it’s true or not. She said in a low voice, "Ke Xuejie, her name is Han Huili, a student in Class 9, Grade 2. I’m Ye Yan, a student in Class 3, Grade 2. You can just call us after that!"
"Ye Yi?"
Hearing this name, Kege suddenly turned his head and stared at Ye Yu’s big eyes.
"I heard that a student named Ye Yu is very famous these two days. It seems that Mr. Wang has been miserable?"
Ye Yan was about to admit awkwardly that it suddenly occurred to him. Isn’t Mr. Wang teaching mathematics? I seem to have taught Ke Xuejie that this is terrible. Why do you feel that there seems to be a murderous look in your breath?
Sister Ke Xuejie must be Mr. Wang’s proud brother, but the teacher made fun of him and felt that the situation was not good!
"Ke Xuejie broke her head in that painting-"
"Without it, there would be no sulfuric acid basketball. The so-called evil drama is produced. Are you Ye Yan or not?"
Seeing that you can’t get through it, Ye Yan nodded with determination to die. "It’s Ke Xuejie-I’m sorry!"
"Well done, what a small-"
(ps like friends can add qq group 3347 or Weibo. Please look for the exclusive id flash Nanhai sauce. Welcome to hook up and harass. Come to the bowl! )
Chapter 53 Li tou
"Well done, young man!"
Unexpectedly, Ke Xuejie did not slap Ye Yu’s shoulder with both hands, but leaned over to show appreciation and joy. Her eyes sparkled with aura.
Ye Yan didn’t react for a long time, stunned and muttered, "Er, what is this?"
"Because you did the right thing, I hate that teacher who often bothered me when he taught me. I have mastered the knowledge of high school. The principal has given me special permission to take free classes, and he is still bothering me to death!"
Ke Xuejie gritted her teeth and said that Xiumei provoked a wrinkled face, which seems quite dissatisfied!
"It’s all his fault that I didn’t have time to equip this place this semester. But you did a good thing. It’s a pity that I didn’t see his ugly face that day!"
Ke Xuejie held Ye Yu’s shoulder and laughed. The cuttlefish trembled, slim and symmetrical, and the loose bat shirt swayed back and forth. It had to slide down from her shoulder to reveal the snow-white skin inside.
Ye Yan’s head and face are slightly red. I didn’t expect Ke Xuejie to be such a person!
I’ve always heard that this is an excellent girl with excellent talent. If you put it in martial arts novels, she is the kind of martial arts wizard who has never met in a hundred years and belongs to the kind of person who can be cultivated into the palm of Buddha’s hand.
In modern times, that is to be able to cultivate a "problem-solving hand". The difficult problems of talented girls are full of flaws in her eyes!
This kind of talent is really cool, and I didn’t expect Ke Xuejie’s personality to be so long. This is a good word, and it can be ranked as one of the "least but most real words" among human hair words.
When General Ye You met Ke Xuejie at the first meeting, he looked at her serious speech and serious and rigid eyes. He thought Ke Xuejie must be a cold girl, but today he refreshed his three views.
It turns out that the world has become like this, and you can’t go out to make friends without disguise. It’s too dangerous!
Ke Xuejie turned to look at the carefully cleaned room and whispered, "How did you two come here? Science students and liberal arts students have never met, and it doesn’t look like you two will have contacts, does it? "
I don’t know why Ke Xuejie kept looking at Ye You when she said this. It was that kind of feeling that her eyes were very critical as if she were pretending to shop.
Ye Yan thinks he should be despised. Well, if he really doesn’t have much friendship with people like this in Korean paintings from an excellent level, it’s also good for fools to be stupid.
"You two are not lovers, are you?" Ke Xuejie suddenly squeezed over to reveal a * * smile
"It’s raining outside. You two didn’t stay in the classroom, but you ran to nobody’s laboratory building to make people doubt your motivation. Oh, it’s not some bad idea, is it? Hmm-male high school students? "
Looking at Ke Xuejie’s expression, Ye Yan almost vomited blood and fell to the ground. What about learning to bully with high cold? You lied to your youth? Give me back my boyish heart!
"The experimental building is the most suitable place for couples in the school. By the way, the remaining places are the sports equipment room and the medical room. You haven’t been there already, have you? It’s amazing! "
With this, Ke Xuejie showed incredible eyes and white hands covering her mouth.
Ye Yan vomited blood and fell to the ground, wandering around all kinds of healthy and unhealthy otaku all the year round. He can clearly understand the profound meaning of Ke Xuejie and his three views have also been refreshed. It turns out that Xueba can be evil!
"Ke Xuejie, you misunderstood that we are both pure, not what you think, and do you think I have a chance?"
What’s this guy like? I’m just being polite and saying social words. Isn’t modesty popular now? What, she denied herself so seriously? Isn’t that too much for her apprentice?
Ke Xuejie shook her head in disappointment and sighed, "It’s true that I can still see the scenes of weak attack and strong attack. It turned out that it wasn’t. Then why did you two come to the experimental building?"
"To find the undead!"
The girl next to Han Huili’s senior sister Ke finished resetting the lab, and now everything is shiny, as if expensive special effects were applied, which is completely different from the previous haunted house.
Even the horrible head was put away in the Korean painting and put into the glass cabinet, which was a bit scary.
Ke Xuejie looked at the laboratory and nodded. "It’s very good, but I still prefer the original one. That’s the real scientist who should have a creative room. Now it makes me feel embarrassed!"
Ye Yan looked at her and asked, "Ke Xuejie, then you should have planned all the horror stories here, right?" Why are you doing this? "
"What? Those students hate it because they are chatting. They often come here to disturb my laboratory. I can scare them. Now it’s much better. By the way, you two can’t tell anyone about things here. No, then they won’t be afraid! "
Ye Yan looked at Han Hui’s painting, and she was somewhat naive about this weird senior. Maybe this is a genius, and she understands this mortal way!
"KeXuejie that this skeleton is how to return a responsibility? What moved just now except the light bulb in his eyes? "
Ye Yu remembered that he had suffered a bone combo and asked if he was unwilling.
Who knows Ke Xuejie looked at him blankly and said, "Ah? Movable? Are you kidding me? That thing is not a real skeleton. It’s a model made of materials. It’s for me to study the human body structure. You’ve seen too many science fiction novels! "
Hearing this explanation, Ye Yan and Han Hui’s face changed. Before two people, it was clear that this skeleton frame could really act!
It stretched out its middle finger and turned itself into a bone. When hidden weapons Yeyou was under the control of Ke Xuejie, but now she actually denied it. Doesn’t that mean that this skeleton was generated by herself?
It’s not calm in Han’s paintings. She was brave just now because she knew that all these things were fake and there were no ghosts, but now it seems bad!
Sister Ke Xuejie looked at them and murmured, "Hey, hey, don’t suddenly become so scary. This will easily upset me. Are you kidding? Is that thing really moving?"
The laboratory fell silent. Three people stared at each other with small eyes. Ye You’s eyes were the smallest, and now they were almost crying. I couldn’t help but get close to the Korean painting. There was still a knight Wang at the moment.
Fist is the last word!
"Ha ha!"
Suddenly, Ke Xuejie gave a crisp laugh, holding the table and laughing. "I didn’t expect that you really fell for that guy. How could you move by yourself? Of course, I controlled it. It’s so interesting. Haha"
Ye Yan and Han Huili are in the same place. Would this senior be so stubborn that it is easy to scare off a heart attack?
Ke Xuejie wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes and then took out something similar to a remote control from her pocket to control the skeleton on the ground. Soon, the skeleton slowly got up in their surprised eyes.
But the movement became stiff, and the bones were not finished. Some of them were torn off by himself, while others were killed and attacked by fire extinguishers!
Ke Xuejie said with some regret, "It’s a pity that the hand in the painting is so cruel that I didn’t dare to let it go out again. Now the bones are gone. It seems that the weather is busy and I need to rearrange my base!"
Ke Xuejie manipulated the skeleton frame to walk simply. When she turned around, she could see a lot of iron wires and metal sheets stuck behind her.
"It took me a lot of effort to figure out the method, which is almost similar to the principle of robot, but much simpler. If you come back later, I can dub it, and then it will be complete!"
Ye Yan is white, which is almost like a marionette. This woman is really horrible!
"It’s amazing that magic control is the highest wisdom of teachers!" See in the Korean painting that God’s big eyes keep flashing!
This is an incredible event on campus, and the smell of the experimental building is shattered. It is hard to imagine that the controller is actually a talented girl on campus. Sure enough, there is no ghost in the world!
Just when the atmosphere of the three people was good, the door of the laboratory suddenly let people knock.

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Jul 3, 2024
But the gluttonous body has developed a huge gravity field around it.

When the crystal-short ice cone enters the gravity field, it is accelerated and pulled to the ground by the huge gravity.
This directly made the ice cone fall faster and faster, and finally turned into a glittering and translucent afterimage.
From the back spine of the glutton, he passed through his body and shot into the ground, leaving a small round hole.
I can’t believe it. Looking at the small round hole in my body, it seems that I can’t believe that I will lose so easily.
The body is constantly changing from disintegration and condensation. The blow just now has completely destroyed the source of gluttony.
That is to say, gluttony has no way to wait for death at this time.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, I didn’t expect that I would be defeated so thoroughly."
At this point, the gravitational field around the gluttonous body has disappeared.
He raised his head and looked at the monty handsome floating in the half. "You don’t know the monty handsome …
You’ll never know what you’ve done. The Eternal Emperor will make you regret killing me! "
His voice fell, his face was ferocious, and then he smashed it together with his yellow data.
Scattered bits and pieces of data soon vanished into thin air.
See this whole monty handsome eyes flashing black streamer really determine the gluttonous has been killed just relieved.
Slowly falling to the ground, the monty handsome recovered from the water vapor humanoid.
But just as he was recovering himself, Monty Shuai suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood and burst into pieces in many places.
The original black data symbols are scattered in the virtual space.
The source power of the deep blue emperor can really give the commander-in-chief the ultimate ability to control the water.
But that doesn’t mean that you can really master this ability by killing monty handsome.
The commander-in-chief has the ability to control liquid water from the end to the end.
The manipulation of solid water and gaseous water only involves the ability to display and cannot be completely mastered.
Just now, in the face of gluttony, I tried my best to manipulate solid water and gaseous water at the same time.
So that his body has also been greatly injured, especially from the blue data, which is particularly serious.
Plus, the gluttonous battle was somewhat affected by the yellow data wave.
This makes the whole monty handsome force to suppress the injury after killing the gluttonous and completely broke out.
With a wry smile shook his head over monty handsome some nai muttered to himself, "it really is.
If I didn’t force things, I would forget it. Once I wanted to master them at a deeper level, I was immediately attacked by myself.
It seems that it is necessary to let the blue data return to its real owner, otherwise it will be eaten by itself even if it is not killed. "
After the speech, Monty Shuai took a deep breath and slightly recovered his injury and walked towards the center of the battlefield.
He could feel that Pang Xia was still in the center of the battlefield.
However, that Pang Xia data keeps colliding with each other, and the power of strange data is too amazing.
The handsome Monty thinks it is more important to go to Pang Xia than the other three fierce beasts.
Dragging a heavy body to punish Monty Shuai, walking in the forest, recovering his combat power and rushing to the center of the battlefield.
And at this time is located in the south of the fighting is increasingly fierce.
Two strong men, both more than two meters tall, waved their fists and punched each other.
Every punch and every foot can stir up a ripple, which makes the weeds and fallen leaves spread around.
The two men are naturally the XuanJin Dragon and the Four Fierce Beasts, ranking second in Qiong Qi!
Chapter 16 Long Hudou!
The ripples spread to make the weeds and fallen leaves on the ground opposite the two fists spread around.
XuanJin dragon Qiong Qi two people back to look at each other’s eyes are dignified.
At this time, Qiong Qi looked at Xuanjin Longkou and said, "Xuanjin Shenlong, you are the youngest heir of Zulong Emperor.
The Zulong Emperor has always been a world war, and even during the Great War, he never left himself to create the world.
In that case, you have to get involved in the eternal emperor’s affairs again. Isn’t that trouble for the Zulong emperor? "
Listen to Qiong Qi XuanJin Shenlong hey hey smiled and said, "I don’t think the eternal emperor is pleasing to the eye for this reason?
I just want to help people here against you eternal emperors.
If possible, I’d rather punch the eternal emperor and show him what I can do! "
Qiong Qi’s face was full of anger when he heard this, and there was a virtual image behind him that kept condensing and made a roaring gesture.
Xuanjin Shenlong immediately showed excitement when he saw angry Qiong Qi’s face.
He looked at Qiong Qi hey hey say with smile "angry? Anger is good, otherwise it’s boring to fight.
Just let me have a good look at how powerful you really are in Qiong Qi, and don’t let me down! "
After saying this, Xuanjin Dragon stepped forward and landed on the ground with one foot, stepping out a very deep footprint.
At the same time, one-handed fist, a fine frontal straight fist, went to Qiong Qi alongside of.seem.
But at this moment, a pair of black wings stretched out from behind Qiong Qi and protected him inside.
Xuanjin Shenlong fist fell on the black wings and stirred up ripples, but there was no nai Qiong Qi.
Eyes narrowed slightly XuanJin dragon fist again ready to give Qiong Qi a stronger.
But just as XuanJin Shenlong’s fist waved, it was about to blow on Qiong Qi’s wings.
A tiger roared through its wings, and then its wings expanded rapidly and waved directly to both sides.
Directly make XuanJin dragon was the two wings fan flew out.

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Jul 2, 2024
"Deputy head of adult, you really have no brain. Since I dare to let you go back to the mighty number, why don’t you do some hands and feet? To be on the safe side, you have at least five kinds of toxins and a dozen kinds of complicated insect poisons. It’s hard for me to kill you, but you must know that your brother will not let you go. If we want to escape from him, we must do what I tell you to do. Remember, if you dare to move again, it will not be as simple as two legs festering, but you will be paralyzed forever, just like a vegetative person. "Lin momo has no good face and heart." It’s just as expected! If I had known that this fool would have tried to eradicate the silicon-based heart when he returned to the Great Mighty, I didn’t expect him to touch the program so quickly that he didn’t even have patience to wait and see. This kind of stuff is really extremely. "

"Is to ensure that you will do as you ordered, and let the villain be willing to hand over the mighty number?" Yagues rushed to answer that he had broken all luck for fear that Lin momo would kill him if he was a little dissatisfied.
"Ha ha, if someone at my hand had already gone to receive the Great Mighty," Lin momo said, opening a conventional star map and pointing to a point in the dark, "According to the current route, the fleet will arrive here in about three hours. Please find a name and invite all the captains to the Great Mighty. Of course, some captains will be more alert and will deliberately shirk or explain to the adjutant in detail. Then you will not listen to the order, and ask your fleet to get rid of those disobedient people and control the captain of the Great Mighty and wait for me."
"This? What excuse should I find? " Yagues felt that the other side was trying to embezzle his fleet, and as a result, he tried his best to help. He was so timid that he didn’t have the courage to die.
"Don’t bargain with me on the excuse that you want to do it yourself and spare your life. If you don’t do it well, you will die!"
Lin momo won’t grind his mouth with such a person when he is in waves, and he will immediately give up the light screen. He has to count a lot of war profits on this trip!
Yagues stared at the glistening screen for a long time, and his mind was a mess. Weifu was used to losing his mind when he was in danger. I didn’t know if there was anyone who could save himself, and that was Grandpa.
"Adjutant fucking adjutant ran to where go to? Get out of here and help me find a way to call the captains to the mighty. "Yagues shouted. At this moment, he needs to vent. He needs courage.
Three hours, to be exact, three and a half hours, the fleet arrived at the designated position. After all, the Obsidian dragged down the fleet’s sailing speed and could not run fast.
Lin momo had a big stretch and got up for three and a half hours. He searched for those fighting peacocks while resting. The rationalization arrangement finally cleared out one fifth and prepared a set of equipment by the way.
The blood-soaked fleet stopped in Yagues, and finally it was not stupid to call on all the captains to hold an emergency meeting under the banner of on-site renovation, which will seriously explain the whole adventure of going deep into the crypt.
There are 400 adventurers in the crypt. They come from different ships. Since Yagues wants to explain, most of the captains have no doubts. Everyone wants to hear what happened. Except for the three captains, they all rushed to the flagship.
"Gan Luo is in charge of Captain Pudos. Captain Ampere, why don’t you three come to the meeting?" In Yagues, three star cruise ships appeared in the main control room.
"Deputy Chief Pavilion, I’m really sorry. There are many things to deal with on board. We have sent adjutants to attend the meeting. They will report the situation truthfully." The older commander replied disdainfully. He is an old fox.
The usual meeting is to set up a virtual conference hall. Even though things are special today, there is still something wrong with letting all the captains board the mighty ship. Gan Luo stayed and left two confidants at the same time
The fleet led by Yagues is not a commander, but a combination of several fleets. Gan Luo is the commander with more experience, and he will think twice about everything, even if there is a little danger, he will avoid it.
"Hum, it’s really bold not to listen to orders. Don’t blame the head for his malicious hands." Yagues’s face turned cold. At the same time, Venus has released a mobile turret, and there are five ships near it that quickly launched an attack on the three ships in Gan Luo.
"Bastard Yagues, are you crazy? Will the commander kill me if he doesn’t attend the meeting? " Gan Luo never thought that this male brother would do it when he said he would do it, but he didn’t show any respect and was well prepared for the sample.
"Kill you again? If you don’t extinguish the old, someone will extinguish the old. "Yagues’s heart andao is good to leave five confidant captains on standby in advance, otherwise it’s not easy to kill Gan Luo’s old man three ships.
The battle began, and Yagues ordered all the ships to inform them of the ship’s attack, and whoever dared to disobey immediately showed him good looks.
To him, several leaders boarded the mighty ship and wanted to join hands in singling out the blame. I never thought that Yagues, who always liked to be vain, would come true this time.
When the captains were tricked into turning around in the main control room of the Great Weiwu, they saw a group of armed fighters hanging down from a height, one after another, and they were detained in a cage of light bands in an instant.
The captain who refused to give in easily tried to fight his way out of the main control room with a suit. However, irregular energy surged around him to suppress it. In addition to the great mighty ship’s own strength, there was also an elusive matrix guardian force.
"Thin sheet can’t believe that you really achieved near-peak matrix division worthy of the name near-peak, but what will you support Yagues, the bastard, to tell us? Haven’t you always remained neutral? " Those who launched the impact, the captain, retreated back and couldn’t break through even if the peak was repaired. What’s worse, they weren’t.
Bo Dan’s blood-soaking is a number one figure. Several generations in his family have served in the blood-soaking adventure group, and it is notoriously neutral. Your captains are very puzzled about what Bo Dan will help Yagues.
"Yes! Why should I help the deputy head? After all, according to the league rules, it’s idle to return to the ship once ordered in the process of repairing and taking risks like mine. I am trying to find out one thing: how did my brothers die? I have wronged you for a while before I found out the truth. "Thin sheet turned to face Yagues coldly and said," I have done what the deputy head promised you. "
"Don’t worry, naturally someone will explain that it is urgent to kill the old man in Gan Luo."
Yagues deliberately avoided the question. When he came into contact with Bo Shan’s determined eyes, he felt shocked. I didn’t expect the usual kind matrix teacher to lose his temper. It’s terrible for such a powerful child. Bo Shan is also terrible!
The mighty ship bombarded his five confidants, controlling the star cruise ship, and the battle of ship’s lighter and lighter became more and more fierce. The captains in the main control room who didn’t want to suffer ordered the ship to attack too hard and the fire became dense.
"Boom boom boom …"
Gan Luo has some regrets. I really didn’t expect Yagues to destroy him. His determination is so strong that he simply won’t give him any chance to escape. Mifune can’t live against the six ships and the auxiliary attack on the periphery of his star cruise ship
"Stop and stop fighting and surrender." Gan Luo saw that the war situation was unfavorable and quickly sent a signal that he was willing to surrender. Yagues had mental arithmetic and ate their three ships to death.
Yagues breathed a sigh of relief and finally finished it. Now that man has a chance to live, he has no bargaining qualification. This feeling is really uncomfortable.
At the end of the battle, Gan Luo’s three adjutants tied themselves and came to the mighty for mercy.
Usually, Riggs impressed the captains, but it was not dignified. Everyone thought that Yagues wanted to take charge of the real meaning and behave in such a simple way, but he did not think about it elsewhere.
Yagues was very conscious that even the five captains who helped him fight his confidant called the Great Mighty and took them into custody. Then the captains bent down in confusion and waited respectfully like pugs.
Volume 19 Star Screen! Obsidian crazy Chapter 193
Lin Sisuo boarded the Great Mighty with the Obsidian and then swaggered towards the main control room. gruss was very surprised. Yagues stood on both sides with dozens of crew members, and the main control room imprisoned many people.
"Well, well done, very well done. I’m very satisfied." Lin momo smiled and nodded as if Yagues were his hand. This situation was astounding, especially for the captain who was imprisoned.
"Hello, captains and commanders. You should be familiar with people. I’m sorry that this way forced everyone together. I regret the exploration in the depths of the crypt. More than 400 people died in the blood-soaked adventure group. I should further express my sympathy, but your blood-soaked adventure group makes people feel more angry or angry."
Lin momo scanned the voice for more than half a circle and said coldly, "But you didn’t hear wrong. It’s the moment of resentment. Nine lords actually threatened to enter the bloody Goethe mausoleum first and take possession of the treasure. Spend a lot of money to hire a blood bath. Is it just to let your blood bath master come out and spoil it?" Besides, your bloody head is simply not a human being. After repeated investigation, he even used me as a gun to try to kill his brother with the help of this expedition. The cruelty is outrageous. I’m afraid even the star thieves didn’t know that there was so much blood and I would hire you to explore again. Fortunately, there were many crises in the depths of the crypt, and I ran away in the previous step. This didn’t happen to the Nine Masters. I discussed it privately in Riggs Pavilion. I have to say that you, the deputy head of the delegation, are really caring for others, so that I can keep quiet and keep the scandal secret. He is willing to hand over the fleet to me to take charge. I will reorganize the whole fleet. You must hand over the captain. "

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Jul 1, 2024
He guessed that Ye Qing should continue to attack Point A this round, and he was still desperate to get all his troops to Point A. In fact, he guessed right, but he didn’t know if he guessed the right head and the wrong ending.

Although there are three machine gunners defending the trail, Sun Nianpeng still doesn’t have a bottom leaf tilt in his heart. It’s just a headshot machine. It’s hard to stop three people like this. If three machine gunners are killed by Ye Ye again this round, they really can’t stop their opponents.
Chapter 62 Fuck Fried Days
Ye Qing and Pearl Krabs rushed directly after they lost the flash bomb. As a result, they saw that the other three gunners were very far away. Obviously, they were not affected by the flash bomb. Ye Qing and Pearl Krabs hurriedly showed their posture. The three gunners had already shot first.
The strength of the three machine gunners in the Han Palace is slightly stronger than that of Pearl Krabs, but it is slightly weaker by Ye Qing. Together, the overall strength is almost the same as that of Ye Qing and Pearl Krabs. They were killed by Ye Qing alone in the next round of firepower, because they didn’t expect Ye Qing to flash out and the distance between the two sides was relatively close, which was taken advantage of by Ye Qing’s gun.
Now that the distance between the two sides is relatively far, Ye Ye is not so easy to kill the three of them. In the middle of some shots, Pearl Krabs failed to resist the fire attack of the other machine gunner and was consumed to death. The other party’s plan is to kill Pearl Krabs first and then deal with the big boss Ye Ye.
On Avenue A, Zhao Xiayang and Dong Laoer both rushed very hard. Thomas was behind the screen. The Han Palace was responsible for defending Avenue A. There was a machine gunner and Sun Nianpeng, but Sun Nianpeng’s sniper rifle method had strong support from his teammates, which caused Zhao Xiayang and Dong Laoer to temporarily stop their steps after the sniper rifle sounded and hide on both sides.
There is no bunker on Avenue A, and two people can disperse a little, so that the other sniper can easily lock their figure. The other gunner is also sharp and good at hiding himself, so that Thomas has never had a good chance to be killed.
Zhao Xiayang and Dong Laoer know very well in their hearts that they must attack the platform as soon as possible, otherwise Ye Qing’s situation will be very dangerous. Although they are confident in Ye Qing’s strength, as Ye Qing himself said, it is impossible to destroy the team often, especially after the other side has suffered a big loss, it will definitely be highly vigilant and the defense will be more targeted.
The two men tried their best to rush to the platform and fire at the other machine gunner. Thomas deterred the other machine gunner, but Sun Nianpeng’s sniper rifle method was so good that every time they flashed out, they were afraid that they would be hit.
When Zhao Xiayang and Dong Laoer rushed to the platform, Sun Nianpeng finally killed Zhao Xiayang in a flash, and Dong Laoer took the opportunity to rush to the platform and leaned over the path. A machine gunner had retreated to the rear right wall and temporarily relieved himself. By the way, he changed a magazine.
After Dong Laoer rushed to the platform, he started shooting at close range on Avenue A with the other machine gunners. When the two machine gunners saw Ye’s retreat, they freed up their hands to deal with Dong Laoer first. Dong Laoer was killed by a fire.
Thomas finally seized an opportunity to kill the platform gunner, one on each side, but there were three people left in the Han Palace, two people in the I club and a sniper who was still far away on Avenue A to help Ye Qing.
Ye Qing just wanted to rush out again when the other party directly threw two grenades to frighten him to jump directly to the stairs of the trail. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough. These two grenades blew up more than ten points of his blood, and his back broke out in a cold sweat. If he had been slow for a second just now, he would have gone to see the devil.
Once he was killed, Thomas also surrendered to Kiko. It is almost impossible for a sniper to make a comeback. After all, he is not like Jiang Yuhan and 7.
The two machine gunners on the defensive trail lost two grenades, but they didn’t receive the expected effect in the past. At the same time, they were somewhat disappointed. At the same time, they were more vigilant in staring at the stairway of the trail to prevent the leaf from suddenly rushing to the leaf. Now they are thinking about countermeasures. If they rush again, the other side may not be able to kill both machine gunners smoothly, and the sniper of the other side may also aim at the path at this time. Thomas is in an awkward position and dare not rush forward.
He thought for a moment and then asked, "Who’s carrying 4 this round?"
As soon as his voice fell, Thomas whispered, "Me!"
Ye Qing suddenly said with great joy, "Great, I’m still Pearl Krabs with a 4, which means that I didn’t hear the 4 drop sound. Your horse will return to the base from Avenue A and then take the B bridge to the B point. It’s faster!"
Thomas was ordered to immediately put away his gun and fly back. He switched to a dagger. As soon as the pace became brisk, he returned to the base. He rushed towards the B bridge without stopping. Sun Nianpeng saw that Ye Qing didn’t rush again and turned his gun to take a look at Avenue A. He found that there was no one on Avenue A. The sniper of the other side finished nothing.
He thought about it a little and realized that something was wrong. Now there are three of them left at point A and no one at point B. If one of the other party goes to point B at this time, it will be clear.
Ye Qing has been silent since he retreated from the alley. It is very likely that he has gone to point B. Sun Nianpeng suddenly panicked and quickly shouted to his two teammates, "Hurry back to point B. They may go to point B!"
One of the two machine gunners on the defensive trail is ak machine gunner aplo. He wants to compete with Ye Qing, but he completely gave up this idea when he saw Ye Qing’s ghostly posture just now. He felt that he was not Ye Qing’s opponent at all.
He and another machine gunner are chasing after the alley corridor. Like Sun Nianpeng, Ye Qing has gone to point B and rushed very fast. At the corner behind the stairs, they are almost scared out of their wits.
The two of them met Ye Qing directly, and Ye Qing was waiting for them around the corner. Almost all of them stood at the muzzle of Ye Qing’s gun, and Ye Qing’s face shot the gun decisively with a smile. aplo was swept to death before he could react.
Another machine gunner fired a few shots consciously, but was still shrouded in the rain of bullets by Ye Qing, and was immediately beaten into a sieve. As a result, the two men died and jumped directly from the window to the middle door and then went straight out of the middle door. He was waiting for the sniper to arrive here.
Sun Nianpeng was shocked when he saw the news of death. Two machine gunners were killed by Ye Qing alone. This guy was too sharp, wasn’t he? He killed the machine gunner who was killed by him on the trail before Jia Jia, and he killed three machine gunners himself.
"Mom so awesome day ak machine gunner how can in this team? And what have you never heard of such a machine gunner name before? " Sun Nianpeng was very annoyed. He looked at the other ak machine gunner id in the record list. This id is too strange for him, but now it is like a nightmare.
No one answered his words. Ye Qing is very strange to people in the Han Palace. I have never heard of such a person, and no one knows when he debuted. If he had already debuted, he would have become famous.
They have never heard of this team in Club I before. Perhaps this team and this ak machine gunner have just debuted. Although they are not famous yet, they will become famous sooner or later with such a sharp ak machine gunner.
Sun Nianpeng felt a sense of strength all over his body. Before his team made brilliant achievements, up-and-coming stars emerged constantly. The competition in the professional circle was really fierce. Now his teammates have hung up on each other. At this time, the other person must have gone to point B. He had to leave point A and go to point B to make a last-minute effort.
Thomas has entered the B package, and the whole person is squatting on the ground. After all, Sun Nianpeng still has some consciousness. He did not choose to walk in the dog hole or jump from the platform to the defender base. Although these two roads are the shortest way to B, they are full of dangers.
He jumped out of the alley window and ran directly to the B bridge. He didn’t pay any attention to the situation outside the middle door, so that he didn’t see Ye Qing just outside the door, nor did he pay attention to what was behind him, nor did he know that Sun Nianpeng had gone around him to point B.
Thomas just packed Sun Nianpeng and entered the warehouse, but Thomas had already flashed into the bunker and was waiting for the news of Ye Qing. He didn’t know that Sun Nianpeng had already bypassed Ye Qing and Ye Qing was still waiting outside the middle door for a long time. He was also a little alert. It is reasonable to say that the other party should come to point B as soon as possible to stop their bags, but now the bags are all ready, and the last person of the other party has not yet appeared!
"Tom, pay attention to the warehouse. I’ll come to point B to help you defend!" Ye Qing shouted and then rushed to the middle of the road. Looking at the platform from the defender base, he found that there was no one on this road. He felt that the other party must have passed by the alley and probably reached the warehouse by this time.
When Thomas woke up, he immediately flashed out to the mirror and took a look at a warehouse, but Sun Nianpeng kept aiming at the package point. As soon as Thomas saw the mirror, he heard a gunshot. Of course, it was not him. He was knocked down before he could react.
Ye Qing immediately rushed to the door B after seeing the death message, but he didn’t rush directly to the point B. Because Sun Nianpeng will definitely enter the point B if he wants to unpack, and then he will pass through the door B and wait for the opponent here. There is no need to rush in and fight with each other recklessly.
Chapter 63 Sneak attack was killed.
Four tones are still ringing "Didi". After Sun Nianpeng killed Thomas, he rushed out of the warehouse. He was very vigilant and deliberately sideways glanced at a door when he passed through Gate B, and he just saw Ye Qing.
Ye Qing is well prepared. The speed of ak gun is naturally much faster than that of sniper rifle. Besides, the sniper has to mirror first, otherwise the accuracy will be greatly reduced. When the ak gun rings, Sun Nianpeng mirrors almost at the same time, but the ak gun shoots a bullet into his forehead and takes his body back.
Seeing that success was just around the corner, Sun Nianpeng fell short at this time because of Ye Qing’s shot to the head. Of course, Sun Nianpeng was very unwilling, but the ak machine gunner of the other side was as high as killing the red eye, and the head-shooting rate was so high that it was difficult for a top god like K to hit such an amazing head-shooting rate in the game. However, Sun Nianpeng knew that this state of the other side could not always happen, and it was probably a coincidence that it was very rare to play this state today.
Han Palace can admit that it’s unlucky, but when Ye Qing was braver than Shen Yong, they encountered this game. The winning side of Han Palace was already very small. Sun Nianpeng felt that there was something to be done, and the other ak machine gunner could be controlled. No matter what defense line was arranged, it would be broken by the other side.
The former I club had to attack point B. Sun Nianpeng did have a way to limit the other side, but after the other side suffered a loss, he never played point B. He kept staring at point A, which made him very headache and had to concentrate his troops on the platform every time.
Ye Qing didn’t think that point B was a city at this time. If they went to fight point B, they could easily take his red eye tube and rush to point A. If they went to fight a city, he was not used to it because there was no one to kill. If he didn’t continue to kill people, he could keep this state forever.
He made the tactics the same as the old routine. Zhao Xiayang and the three of them attacked Avenue A. He and Pearl Krabs attacked the trail. This method was tried and tested, and almost never failed. He was too lazy to think about new tactics. Anyway, even if the other side was on guard, he could break through the other side’s defense line with strong strength and finally bring Point A.
Because there is no need to think about tactics and command the players to kill in the spirit of Ye Qing, the efficiency is very amazing. This time, after Sun Nianpeng finished, there was no defensive trail. He thought of a way to send two machine gunners to touch in the middle door and then sneak attack on the trail, which is probably much more effective than frontal defense. At the same time, he will leave three people at the entrance of Avenue A to prepare to stop the people on Avenue A, first to suppress the people on Avenue A and then to deal with Ye Qing and Pearl Krabs on the trail.
Club I has played point A for so many times in a row, and Sun Nianpeng is also very clear about Ye Qing’s tactics. He knows that the other two best machine gunners will definitely take the path to attack and will never change. He feels that Ye Qing’s command is a bit single-minded and has never thought of other tactics. A typical trick is to eat all over the world.
It happened that Sun Nianpeng didn’t have a bright spot for Ye Qing’s tactics, and he knew this tactic clearly before each round, but all the arrangements were ineffective. An ak machine gun warrant lost all his tactics, and three machine gunners couldn’t stop him from attacking this man.
In this game, everyone was stunned by Ye Qing’s performance. Han Palace is also a well-known team with some fans, but today Han Palace was beaten into this shape by an unknown team. The ak gunner of Club I played so well in today’s game that almost one person controlled the whole game.
"I think this game is a bit dangerous in Han Palace, and I may lose it!" An audience express their opinions.
"It’s not possible to lose. In my opinion, it’s bound to lose the other side. The ak machine gunner is too sharp and has a strong ability to shoot his head in a row. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a fierce professional player. Before that, I thought that ak gun was not easy to hit and its power was not great. Now I’m finally white. It depends on who has a gun!"
"That makes sense! But it was only today that I learned that ak was so sharp that it was so cool to blow his head off! It seems that I have to practice an ak well! " People watching the game are talking about it. The performance of Ye Qing has completely broken them. They all feel the charm of ak. Many people have decided to go back and practice ak after watching the game.
Ye Qing and Pearl Krabs once again lost two flash bombs on the small road. This time, Pearl Krabs was not in a hurry to rush forward because she was killed by the other person in the previous few times and completely became Ye Qing’s foil, which made her very unhappy.
She is not willing to play soy sauce in this way. She also wants to show some performance. This round, she will be cautious. She will rush behind Ye Qing and Yuzryha will lean to attract a lot of firepower. Then she will kill again to pick up the cheap. Maybe she can kill two or three people.
Ye Qing rushed quickly after losing the flash, only to find that there was no one in the alley. He felt a little dumbfounded. Looking back, Pearl Krabs had not rushed yet. He couldn’t help but tunnel, "What are you doing in there?"
Pearl Krabs saw that Ye Qing rushed away without a gun, and the other gun didn’t come, and Ye Qing could be distracted to talk to her. She suddenly realized that nobody was really worried about it for nothing. Just as she was preparing to rush toward the surface, suddenly there was a sound behind her. She looked back and saw that there were two enemy machine gunners at the entrance of the path corridor!

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Jun 27, 2024
"What about them!"

Girls are always like this. It’s easy to get confused. The situation is influenced by the environment and feelings!
"They! Ask for more happiness! "
Yu Yan’s eyes are slightly cold. Nangong Fang has seen that thing. He should have guessed some! It’s a good thing I left a hand, otherwise I’m afraid I’m doomed today! The biggest difference between the celestial world and Zhongzhou lies in the difference in strength. It is well known that the spiritual force in Zhongzhou is thin, and many powerful techniques have been sealed up. No matter how good things are, they are also wastes. But in other words, the people of Shenyue City are not good at fighting in the place where the spiritual force is thin. Is there a spiritual weapon and a symbol to protect themselves from the Terran in Zhongzhou? You have already decided to eradicate dissidents like this, right? Do you mean it or respect the Lord?
"The Lord will not do this!"
After listening to Yu Yan, even if Qiu Di immediately refuted it, it seems that she firmly believes in the Lord!
"Not!" Sneer at a sudden shot at the rock, the seven seven forty-nine runes fell on Qiu Di’s body together, and the golden light suddenly appeared, and Qiu Di was sealed up! In the end, she didn’t expect that a friend who fought side by side with a slight affection would suddenly make a move after just saving her.
"What are you doing!"
Looking at Yu Yan getting closer and closer, Qiu Di found that it seemed as if she didn’t know this person, as if he were a stranger.
"What do you know! Didn’t Nangong ask you to get close to me to explore the loss of virginity of the virgin and me? You might as well see the answer yourself! "
"You know!" Suddenly, Yu Yan exposed his secret, and Qiu Di’s face became ugly in an instant.
Early in the morning, Nangong Fang suspected that the virgin had been taken away by a mysterious man and Yu Yan had a few inquiries, but Qiu Di couldn’t ask the reason. It seems that these two people have inexplicable secrets, but because of the order that Qiu Di is still close to Yu Yan, she wants to explore this matter. Because she believes that Yu Yan is a koo, she wants to personally prove the truth of this matter and prove that Yu Yan is innocent. But this time, she panicked!
"You! Still too young, "Yu Yan said, and walked into the front of Qiu Di. No one was pale because of various negative emotions, and gently stroked Qiu Di’s face. It felt good! If she absorbs her own skill, she will be able to break through another layer! Still, the significance of these masters is much stronger than that of the ten Taoist Ding Lu. I don’t know how many times it is a pity that the women in Yin Shuang Pavilion are all beautiful, but they can’t eat the goods. But if you absorb Qiu Di’s skill, you should have a chance! Thinking about the snap of autumn, the clothes on the chest are torn, and the close-fitting clothes are exposed to the cold wind, which is far from being exposed to the cold of the opposite sex men.
"Don’t!" At this moment, Qiu Di has understood the development of things, saying that nothing is begging for mercy but the palest ability!
"Don’t ha ha, waiting for you will be dying. You’d better finish it! It’s no wonder that the Nangong is bent on breaking through the bottleneck of the double cultivation of Yin and Yang in heaven and earth. It’s a pity that he won’t absorb too many complicated forces, but it’s just a trail. This method can’t break through the bottleneck after all. It’s really necessary to thank you for leaving me this beauty. "
Said Yu Yan, as if crazy, close to Qiu Di’s chest, with white towering teeth biting in the face, without pity, without pity, and constantly tearing Qiu Di’s clothes, Qiu Di was stripped naked in a short time.
"So it’s really you!" At this moment, the Mid-Autumn Festival is desperate, but calm down and calm down!
"That’s right. I was the only one who knew that everyone who was with the little Lord was dead when he kept secrets from the Lord. I came back to life. He always knew that thing, but he didn’t know that skill. I also saw it. Only when I beat him to break the virgin body did he suspect that I wanted to kill me, but it’s a pity that he was too stupid to be my opponent!" Triumphantly, Yu Yan told the past as if he had calculated that Nangong Fang was a very proud thing, but he didn’t notice that Qiu Di was bound and his body slowly trembled.
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"Don’t wait lightly. I’m afraid of pain!"
It’s like life, Qiu Di pleaded, soft and beautiful.
"Hehe, I will!" Yu Yan said that the undressing has already been furious and busy, and the final preparations have been made.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-six, counterattack and counterattack
"Do you know what I’ve been around the little Lord for so many years and he hasn’t touched me?"
Just as Yan wanted to do something, he was like Qiu Di’s body. When he closed his eyes, Qiu Di suddenly spoke.
"What?" Urgent color Yu Yan didn’t hear the rhetorical question clearly, but Qiu Di has acted to tell him the answer. As Qiu Di gently opened his mouth, a purple smoke inexplicably spit out from her mouth, which could be blocked by the Iwate. The purple smoke touched the Iwate arm and suddenly became a purple snake wrapped around the Iwate arm.
"Not good!" In rock dark call a bad pull push a few golden light at first, but arm purple snake winding and instantaneous in rock feel my body out of control.
"I mean, what do you know? I’ve been with the little Lord for so many years and he hasn’t touched me?" Like two people, Qiu Di was torn by Yu Yan’s torn clothes and barely covered the important parts of his body.
"Do you know the answer now?"
The role is instantly exchanged. Yu Yan can’t help but want to course the psychic force to regain control of the body, but the body doesn’t feel the slightest psychic force like it doesn’t belong to him.
"You know what? I grew up soaked in poison, and I am a highly toxic poison. Your poisoning name is ecstasy, which is a rare aphrodisiac poison. It can instantly make men’s ability 100 times higher. Of course, I said in what way, but it will also consume poisoning power, such as Jingyuan. I think you should know what this means after so many years of specialized research and double cultivation! You have two choices now: you can burn yourself with desire and die of exhaustion, or you can vent your desire until you die! However, "said Qiu Di, with great interest, squatting in front of the rock to deliberately show his chest white twin peaks.
At the moment, Yu Yan seems to be a lion dominated by desire, but he can see but can’t touch it in a cage, which makes him feel strange and itchy. He wants to vent his stomach heat, but he can’t move.
He naturally understands what this is. The double cultivation method is despised by the world because it supplements the skill by absorbing one side’s essence. How careful you are? Doing too much of this kind of thing is always harmful to your health and consuming more essence. If you really like Qiu Di, you will probably die. It’s ugly!
"But I can give you anything you want!" I heard Qiu Di say two words, but Yu Yan knew that she was really planted this time. It turned out to be in that stupid little girl’s hand. Don’t feel so upset, but people have to bow their heads in the eaves. At this time, Yu Yan can’t care about it.
"Ha ha, you are smart. I want to know what happened to the girl who was chosen as a saint!"
Qiu Di smiled and said that exposing more naked skin would be pleasant to death if it were normal in the rock, but now Qiu Di’s beautiful skin seems to be a death warrant poison, which makes the body toxin send to the rock more quickly and feels that he is going to die!
"She is still alive and I have hidden her!" Almost want to also don’t want to Yu Yan said!
"Oh, yeah?" Qiu Di smiled, but her flowery face glistened with two drops of tears. "If you don’t tell the truth, I don’t mind leaving you here. You should be ashamed of your present situation. If there is a woman, you may save your life. Otherwise!"
"I’m telling the truth. She was hidden by me and put in a place where I know. You should detoxify me quickly or else."
Before Yu Yan finished, Qiu Di held out his hand and a loud slap fell on his face.
"in that case, stay here by yourself!" With that, Qiu Di turned to go.
"Don’t, don’t, don’t, I’m begging you." Yu Yan struggled to hold Qiu Di’s legs and cried greedily, but she was suddenly kicked by Qiu Di.
"Get out of here, you beast!"
Qiu Di’s disgust kicked the rock in front of people like a ball of garbage, and there was still a little bit of the superior demeanor of the younger generation in Shenyue City. After that, he was a beast and a complete beast!
"You know what? The most wrong thing I have done in my life is to be friends with you. I believe you but hurt my best friend! "
Qiu Di pulled out his sword and put it beside Yu Yan and said, "You commit suicide! Go to that world and confess to Ran Yue! Go and kneel at her feet and repent of your sins! "

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Jun 21, 2024
"How is that possible? Reverse the sun and moon and reverse the change of stars … Even our elders can’t easily do such a thing "easily exclaimed.

Ghost smiled bitterly. "My Lord, I can say that we underestimated the creativity and wisdom of human beings. There are indeed some people with great ability among these crossovers. Their creativity has been fully exerted in this world where things can happen. Do you remember the countercurrent bottle in Bill Seth’s hand?"
"Silver hair bill Seth countercurrent bottle? Reversible time? " Yi wanted to think, "but it takes great vitality to make that countercurrent bottle, doesn’t it?" Even Bill Seth’s strength is probably more than twenty minutes when he reversed? "
Ghost nodded. "That’s right, but if the poison magic lotus has mastered the weapon to control the change of stars, how long can you hold the sun and the moon?"
Yi was completely silent, even though he could watch the personal attributes of Poison Magic Lotus, he had enough eyesight.
Although the poison magic lotus dress is very ordinary, it can be found that this man has always been in a state of transcendence.
That’s right. Transcendental materialization
The strength of domain materialization is the publisher Lai Zhangen, a mysterious businessman who was also a publisher. Everything he buys and sells is naturally all kinds of treasures in the divine world. This is even more true. It is not impossible for Poison Magic Lotus to master the domain materialization. The former protoss resisters suffered heavy casualties in battle, and several bodies were not robbed. So it is not impossible for the resisters to study the secrets of domain materialization.
However, everyone doesn’t know that it is different between transcendental materialization and pseudo-realm materialization, because transcendental materialization is extremely exhausting to the body. It is more difficult for a person who has just arrived in the transcendental realm to maintain transcendental materialization for more than five minutes than to ascend to heaven. The root is that the ability to control * * is so strong that even the gods must have the strongest attribute of about 4,000 points to achieve transcendental materialization and maintain it for a long time. This poisonous magic lotus has been maintaining transcendental materialization since its appearance, and it has been at least six or seven hours according to the standards of the gods.
Therefore, if this man controls and reverses the props of the stars, it may really extend the existence of the blood moon for two or three days.
Ghost and easy to glance at each other have revealed a wry smile.
So it’s up to that man to turn things around.
But … Where the hell is that man?
Poison magic lotus yawned greatly and watched the tree become stiff again. The atmosphere wiped the sleepy tears in the corner of her eyes. She went to the middle six people and sat and scratched her head. "Hey, did you think of anything?"
"Thought of a fart old didn’t find who has doubts love zha zha" war ghost a pie mouth fell to the ground "old who want to sleep, he * * don’t disturb the old"
Poison magic lotus hey hey smiled. "Hey, hey, man, did I allow you to sleep?"
War ghost A carp jumped up and stared at the poisonous magic lotus. "I just want to sleep. What can you do to me?" Will I be afraid to fight you if I am unhappy? "
As his words beauty * female squad several other people also got up and looked at poison magic lotus.
Poison magic lotus hey hey smile eyes fell upon Yuan Yifan.
And Yuan Yifan at the moment is dribbling at poison magic lotus two people eyes at that time in the gas to stimulate filar silk flow.
Poison magic lotus smile slowly convergence expression slowly become serious, al ni and xiao feng hurriedly seven hands and feet want to pull the beauty * female team several people sitting on the ground, but they are earned by force.
For the US * female squad, every player is a relative of each other. Although I don’t know why the war ghost suddenly made two mistakes, I must never back down when it is time to stand up for my brother.
"Good team spirit" Poison Magic Lotus suddenly put away her sharp eyes and revealed a big laugh. "Don’t be so nervous. You can sleep if you want. If I kill you, my game will be meaningless."
Yuan Yifan challenged the ghost horse with an eyebrow and said, "Old … I’m going to leave here to see you. It’s really uncomfortable."
And he tentatively turned to leave, but he just took a step. The ground suddenly exploded in a circle of more than 20 meters in Fiona Fang. As octopus tentacles and vines rushed out of the ground, the tree was surrounded by a fence more than 20 meters high.
Poison magic lotus slowly pacing to the front of war ghost corners of the mouth smile slowly fade "you really I dare not kill you? Sit back or die. You can choose one. "
War ghost in fact now in the mind also weak, he looked back at Yuan Yifan consciousness.
Yuan Yifan shrugged his eyes and said, "Don’t be so excited. Just don’t let me go."
Said to return to the original position to sit down.
"That’s more like it." Poison magic lotus nut laughed. "I want you to arrange my game and I promise you will live well until the end of this time."
Lazy lying on the vine sofa, cold thorn suddenly sat up and said, "Why are you so kind?" You are so kind to them that they may not necessarily appreciate you. "
"Oh?" Poison magic lotus smiled with great interest. "What are your plans for that wife?"
Ice cold thorn corners of the mouth with a smile eyes still so biting sen cold she slowly walked beside war ghost set jiao laughs "play games also have a rule, who want to go is not too no rules? Now this guy dares to rebel against you. Maybe it’s someone else once. If you want me to say, just let me send him to hell. "
"To hell?" Poison magic lotus shine at the moment, but then shook his head and said, "We will just play a game, so it’s boring to kill people."
Ice cold thorn showed surprise. "Don’t you agree with my idea?"
Poison magic lotus picked up the cold thorn in the middle and said kindly, "Wife, don’t bother me with the game. My favorite game is to find out the potential enemy by luck, not bloody killing …"
He sucked at the heart of the cold thorn lips, and the cold thorn refused to wrap a pair of jade arms around the poison lotus neck and kissed it back affectionately.
It wasn’t until the wet kiss that the poisonous magic lotus was a little breathless that she stabbed the ice cold gently and said, "Wife, will you help me go to our house to see how the immature puppy is?"
Bing Hanthorn’s face was flushed and his eyes were full of gentle look. "What if the puppy suddenly gets better?"
"No, my little dog still takes a fancy to his bones. It will definitely kill the other two neighbors first. Will you go and see if it is finished? If it’s too useless, give him a hand by the way and let the idiot hidden in the dark see some hope. "Poison magic lotus smiled proudly."
Ice cold thorn obsessed with watching poison magic lotus as dark and shining as a black stone, silently nodded and retired into the middle.
Poison magic lotus smiled and looked back at several people who sat back to the ground. "So … you go ahead."
Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye. In these three days, the whole Luolan Island seems to be clean, without killing, destroying or patrolling the demonized dinosaurs everywhere.
The beauty * female team and other travelers are still trapped here by the poison magic lotus. I don’t know if the poison magic lotus seems to have no meaning at all, but has been sitting quietly next to everyone.
For those who have been trapped here for three days, there is not much to complain about the facts, and they can also complain about anything.
I can’t beat this man, but he can’t run away from his palm, especially since there is still a thorn in this team. Even if I can escape, how can I deal with the SS who is about to fight hell? Unless it’s a solo operation, no one can guarantee that one moment it’s a teammate who suddenly stabbed you in the back the next.
Moreover, Poison Magic Lotus is not harsh on everyone for a few days. On the contrary, he has been playing some tricks to dispel the worries and fears accumulated by everyone, and he will also cook food for everyone on time. Although his food is flattering, he can barely watch the people eat their own food every time. Poison Magic Lotus’s face also shows a smug expression.
Cold thorn has also appeared here frequently in the past two days. Every time it appears, it will make out with poison magic lotus, and then it will soon leave as if she has something unfinished.
During these three days, people are no longer sitting quietly as before, but gradually talking about the days. Although they are still guarded in each other’s hearts, they are not as heavy as before
At the moment, Ahong is sitting beside Yuan Yifan, a little anxious and asks, "Is there any clue?"
Seeing Yuan Yifan’s strange eyes, Ahong hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I’m not trying to prove that I’m not a ghost. I’m trying to ask if you are roughly sure which one is a ghost?"
"What are you doing in such a hurry?" In the past three days, Yuan Yifan doesn’t seem to be too flustered. Every day, she looks much better and looks less and less anxious. It seems that the hell gate will open at the arrival of a blood moon … that is, a year later.
"How can I not panic? Didn’t you notice that the east sky is getting a little red? Blood moon, blood moon, blood moon is about to rise. What shall we do? "
"What should I do?" Yuan Yifan showed a calm smile.
"Of course, how to stop the hell from opening? Are you a ghost? Why are you so unhurried? " Ahong waved his arm to express his anxiety.
Yuan Yifan showed a sweet smile. "Don’t worry, Brother Hong. If I guess it’s right, there should be no need to worry about it, and didn’t poison lotus also say it?" He hopes that the hell gate will open later. For example, today is the first day when the blood moon rises, and the hell gate will not open. "
"Is it …?" O macro wonder nao nao head "you just said if you guess right? Then what did you guess? "
Yuan Yifan smiled mysteriously, "The Buddha said" Don’t say ".
"Depressed. Do you want to worry me to death? Then you can always tell me if you have found a ghost? "
Yuan Yifan gently nodded. "If I guess right, I know who the Taoist ghost is, but it needs one last thing to prove."
"Certificate? Prove what? " Ahong nao nao tou
"Dear ~" Ice cold thorn suddenly appeared and threw herself in the arms of poison magic lotus. "Our puppy is so slow ~ it doesn’t even have a neighbor to solve, or we’ll kill it and raise it again."
Poison magic lotus is neatly trimmed. Finger gently patted Bing Han’s ass and comforted, "Don’t be busy, wife. It’s also a good thing to slow it down. Otherwise, it’s possible for us to lead out the hidden rat."

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Jun 20, 2024
Every day, when the voice falls, I hear a few screams, and everyone takes a look at those big men. One is not beaten black and blue, but the boy in white is calmly in the middle.

A few big fellow helped barely get up, and one of them was still handsome and tunnel "I’ll let you go once today, and if you dare to resist again, you’ll never be spared". Then I untied my waist purse and threw it to Ningji and went on "This is a mental loss"
Ning Ji threw the purse to the store conveniently, and then learned that at first, the big fellow squeezed his fist and squeezed his fist. Several big men cried a tingle and "whew" and disappeared.
"Thank you so much, little brother," the shopkeeper thanked him.
The proprietress of the decoration shop is also happy to say, "It’s really a great time. This time, we must let Kojiro, the wasabi clan, thank you well."
After such a thing, Ningji and Kazuo finally understand what Jiro said, and he will win this victory. It seems that the Kazuo clan is not generally hateful.
The sacrificial ceremony of the Lvmu Shrine in Fantu will be held at sunrise the next day, and it is already quite lively to leave Mustard Port in the early hours of the night before the ceremony, whether it is to support the capitalists of Hehe family or the poor and middle peasants of Wasabi family, almost all the villagers from Mustard Port have arrived. In addition, the two families have the honor to invite the name of Tea Country this year, which shows the importance of this sacrificial ceremony.
The highlight of the ceremony was that the race route of the two families was from the mustard port, and it was allowed to take a boat to the Lvmu Shrine in Fantu to get the Dragon and Tiger Jade, and then run to the Bombay Society to cut corners to stop others or play other tricks, including hiring ninjas.
At 5 o’clock in the morning, the loudspeaker of the shrine sounded, "All right, everyone, now the horse race in Fantu Lumu is about to start, and the Mori Nai from the Wasabi family and the Fukusuke from Hehe family are ready to go!"
The shrine gate slowly hits a red sun, as if carrying a heavy burden, rising slowly from the sea level and flowing in the opposite direction, bringing vitality to a new day.
With the loudspeaker, Mori Nai’s sore hand and Fu Fu from Hehe clan all ran out, and then three people, such as Ningji, followed them, but to their great shock, Mori Nai’s sore hand actually ran in the opposite direction. Just when Mori Nai’s sore hand was with Nini three people, and Hehe clan hired ninjas to act, Kwai told him that three genera were closely followed by Mori Nai’s sore hand, and he himself followed his employer and needed to protect the object.
"Hey little! The sea is over there. Where are you going? " Talking is everyday.
Sen is painful to move on and disdains to tunnel "I’m not going back."
Silence Bai also made a rare speech at this moment. "His decision is correct. Look at Tianyun."
They looked at Tianyun every day and didn’t see any clues. They were waiting to ask Ning Ji, "It’s true that the wind direction is opposite today. If you take a boat along the wind direction, you will get twice the result with half the effort."
After hearing Ning Ji say this, I suddenly realized it every day.
Watching Mori running in the opposite direction, the Wasabi people are full of disappointment.
"That guy really escaped …"
"If you think about it before, he should also be able to think of this today …"
"It was a mistake to let him take part in the competition …"
"Bastard!" Jiro listened to their gossip and scolded, "He’s not like that. I believe he must have his own personal thoughts."
"Jiro’s situation is like cleaning up!" At this time, the leader of Hehe clan and He Lang came over and said, "Today is such a formal day, but you are playing this trick. Now that the elders and Daming Temple are here, you have to make a reasonable explanation."
Jiro said, "The game is still just now, please see the end."
"Hum …" He Lang sneered. "Since you talk like this, I will win for you and if you lose, I will make your family disappear."
"but! I am also a man! " Jiro said, "If we lose, we’ll talk to you. On the contrary, if we win, you and the royal family must quit the mustard port."
"Ha, ha, ha, that’s funny. It’s impossible for you to win." The Hehe people laughed impudently after hearing Jiro say this.
"It’s simply boasting …"
Chapter 1 Excalibur 4
One night five years ago, Sen Nai’s painful hand was confused by Kwai in Konoha, stole the Thunder Excalibur and the scroll of phase tolerance, and prepared Kwai to flee to Yuren Village together. However, in the middle of the escape, the painful hand was caught by his brother Ibixi, who led the dark side. As a result, Ibixi did not succeed in bringing the painful hand back to Konoha, but both of them fell into the trap of Rain Tolerance.
After being caught by Yu Ren, Yi Bi-xi and Yu Ren pressed out the secret of Lei Shen Jian. Yu Ren brutally pressed them. When the painful hand showed cowardice in the face of death threats, Yi Bi-xi had to fight for the secret of Konoha to create a chaos and save the painful hand in the chaos.
After that battle, he was lucky enough to escape, and his brother was dead, so he attributed it all to his own nature. If he hadn’t given up the tenth question timidly, he wouldn’t have been confused. If he didn’t easily believe in Kwai Drum, he wouldn’t have stolen Excalibur. If he hadn’t stolen the village treasure of Muye Town, his brother wouldn’t have come after him. Then he won’t fall into the trap of rain tolerance, and he won’t die … There are a number of "if not" in his heart, but in the end, in addition to blaming himself for suffering from poverty, the shadow left in his heart has been erased by law. Since then, Sen Nai’s hand has stopped trusting people easily.
Elder Jiro of the tea country wasabi family gave him a tall and brilliant image when his hand was sore and he was cold and hungry, so Jiro was the only one who was worthy of being trusted by Mori. From the moment he was sore, he decided to win the game even if he was desperate to repay Elder Jiro’s kindness.
The pain hand ran all the way in the opposite direction, followed by Ning Ji, Tian Tian and Bai. However, unconsciously, they had fallen into the illusion of the rain-tolerant trio. After returning to the original place for the second time, even Sen Nai, the worst hand, realized this problem
"white eyes!" Ningji light drink a supercilious look 36 degrees azimuth insight immediately Zhang Ma found hidden in the dark rain endure trio then Ningji said, "45 degrees at 1 o’clock …"
I have been cooperating with Ning Ji for a long time and immediately react every day to see her take out a scroll and suddenly open it to drink a "dragon stroke!" As soon as the voice fell, dozens of attacking ninjas flew out of the scroll, pointing at the 45-degree position at 1 o’clock.
Hear "ah!" A few screams enveloped the dreamland and immediately dissipated. I was surprised at the strength of several people. Yu Sen was a sore hand and didn’t say anything. But at this moment, the sore hand actually found that his feet could not move. Look again, it turned out that his feet were frozen by a layer of ice.
1 [6] k novel network exclusive text starting without permission shall not be transferred to extract more latest and fastest chapters, please visit w w w! Bai faint tunnel "you can’t go any further. This is a double illusion." He said that he would quickly finish printing and drink a "solution!" Great changes have taken place in the surrounding scene. To put it bluntly, a few feet in front of Sen Nai’s painful hand is a towering cliff. If he moves a few more steps, he will be smashed to pieces.
After the crisis was lifted, the four men ran all the way, and soon they finally came to the seaside, where fishermen had already prepared boats for them.
When they were about to arrive at the other shore, the four men suddenly felt the hull shake and Ningji frowned and drank a "supercilious look!" Then he said, "It’s a ghost. Those guys are in the water."
Ning Ji’s voice fell into the water and suddenly flew out of three rainbows.
"So that’s it!" The first Yu Ren said, "No wonder Yu Shi and the three of them failed. It turns out that Konoha Ri is here …" After a meal, Yu Ren continued, "But we are close to the enemy in this sea. What are you going to do?"
"Every day, you protect these guys and give them to me and White to deal with" Ning Ji decisive tunnel.
Every day, without being melodramatic, I immediately took out shuriken and jumped to the painful hand to be the escort posture. Ning Ji and Bai Yingyu endured the rain, and the three people did not directly contact Ning Ji, but jumped to the boat they had already prepared.
See a rain bear quickly print and drink "bear the oil rain!" Immediately, there was an oil rain on their heads in Ningji, and at this time, the archers who had already ambushed the ship were also dispatched to see several rockets coming towards Ningji’s ship.
"Not good!" Ningji andao Ningji, although there is a protective body to save the world, can’t protect the whole hull from being poured by oil and rain, and the hull will burn as soon as it meets the rocket.
Bai decisively tunnel "jump into the water!"
After four people jumped into the water, they attacked Yu Ren, who also jumped into the water. In the water, the strength of Yu Ren’s body was strengthened, and Ning Ji and Bai still had the resistance. Bai then made a decisive decision to let Ning Ji bring the painful hand to the surface every day. Ning Ji came to understand and took shelter from the rain and endured the attack to bring the painful hand to the surface every day.
Just as the three men rushed out of the water, the white voice came from the bottom of the water, "Ice Dun Ice Age!" The three of them immediately felt a chill, and in their surprised eyes, the sea water quickly froze and expanded outward, and suddenly the whole sea surface turned into a big ice mirror.
"This is … and so on …" Rao is rather boastful and extraordinary. When he saw Bai’s operation, he was still very surprised. His hands hurt and he was surprised every day, not to mention that he almost fell off the bar.
Don’t say that it’s impossible to survive the rain on the surface of the water. I hope to see Bai Cai slowly rising from the ice. When I saw the surprise, Sanbai explained, "This is my blood following the limit. Don’t be too surprised. Ning Cijun and Sasuke are both right?"
"hmm!" Ningji mused and then whispered, "Although it’s the same blood boundary, we are not as deified as you. I’m afraid my eyes and sharingan are all in such a powerful way …"
After another wave of unrest, Kwai and his escort Fu Fu also arrived at Kwai and greeted several people without saying anything.
"It’s also worthy of being a konoha," Kwai said arrogantly. "But I have the sword and rain of Raytheon. So what will you do?" Said to see kwai threw the umbrella back into the sky, but it’s strange that the umbrella didn’t fall off in the air. It was this guy who took it and saw him slowly take out a handle from the glove bag and gently press the handle button. A port of the handle suddenly sprayed a golden yellow Lei Guang and maintained it as a sword.
"Thunder Excalibur!" Bai, Ning Ji and Tian Tian exclaimed, "My hand hurts." For this man who holds the thunder Excalibur, he hates and fears that his heart is extremely complicated at this time.
Chapter 11 Thunder Excalibur 5
"The Lord finally appeared!" Bai didn’t have a fear of the thunder Excalibur, but he still said faintly, "Every day in Ningji, you go first with a painful hand to recapture the thunder Excalibur. This is what five generations of adults specially told me. You just need to help the painful hand finish the game." After a meal, Bai continued, "This game seems to have no rules. If necessary, you can also take extreme measure or kill the other players."
"understand!" Ning times and every day should way
Rebellious Kwai sees Ningji and the three of them are ready to run away. Naturally, he won’t let them succeed. Seeing Kwai quickly print and pick up, he will drink a "forbearance, like rain and dew!" Instantly, I saw that the umbrella he had left in the forest spun quickly and shot thousands at Ningji and them.
"Return to heaven!" After listening to Ning Ji’s drinking and spinning for a while, all the thousands were bounced around, and every day it was not a piece of cake for her to attack the concealed weapon master. However, in order to protect her sore hand, her shoulder was still shot twice every day, which made the thousand masters naturally unscathed.
"Your opponent is me!" See the white quick print "Ice Dun Yan Blows Snow!"

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